AEW Collision December 16, 2023 Results, Live Updates, Winners

Welcome to the live results coverage for AEW Collision December 16, 2023, which will be live from Garland, TX.
Orange Cassidy is set to defend AEW International Championship against Bryan Keith. 3 matches are set from Continental Classic Group Topper Andrade El Idolo faces Claudio Castagnoli. Brody King and Bryan Danielson are both on 6 points as they clash in the fourth match. Eddie Kingston will take on Daniel Garcia.
Tune in below for the complete results and updates from Collision December 16 episode.
- Claudio Castagnoli defeated Andrade El Idolo in Continental Classic Blue League Match via pinfall.
- Abadon defeated Jasmin Allure in a singles match via pinfall.
- Orange Cassidy(c) defeated Bryan Keith in a singles match via pinfall to retain AEW International Championship.
- Willow Nightingale & Kris Statlander defeated Diamante & Mercedes Martinez in a Tag Team Texas Street Fight via pinfall.
- Eddie Kingston defeated Daniel Garcia in Continental Classic Blue League Match via pinfall.
- Bryan Danielson defeated Brody King in Continental Classic Blue League Match via pinfall.
The show opens with quick promos from all 6 fighters who will be in action in Continental Classics match. Orange Cassidy says “he doesn’t what this is”.
Andrade El Idolo vs Claudio Castagnoli – Continental Classic Blue League Match
They no-sell running tackles from each other. Claudio hits European uppercuts before Andrade poses on the ropes. Claudio tries to tackle him but Andrade drops down and Claudio falls to the floor. Claudio hits a clothesline when he returns. Andrade hits a crossbody from the top. Claudio kicks him away when he looks for figure four. Andrade also avoids the big swing. Andrade moves to the floor to regroup. Claudio rushes him with an uppercut when he return. Andrade hits a hurricanrana to send him to the floor. Claudio cuts off Andrade’s dive with an uppercut. Claudio hits more European uppercuts when they return to the ring. Andrade hits a low dropkick to his knee. He follows up with a couple of dragon screw leg. Claudio counters with a pop up uppercut. We cut to a break.
Claudio is in control as we return. Andrade hits shots to midsection to block a suplex. He hits a body slam and a clotheslines. Andrade hits double knees in the corner before Claudio suddenly puts him in the big swing and then into a sharpshooter. After a minute, Andrade reverses it into a figure four. Claudio has to drag towards the ropes to break the submission move. Andrade moves to the top. Claudio meets him there with punches. Andrade manages to hit a sunset flip powerbomb to get a near fall. Andrade gets another near fall with a pin attempt. Andrade exposes a turnbuckle.
Claudio hits a superplex when Andrade goes to the top. Andrade counters the follow up suplexes to hit three amigos. They trade shots before Andrade hits spinning back elbow to get another near fall. Claudio hits tackles into the corner. He hits a big uppercut and a forearm to set him up on the top rope. Andrade’s leg gets dropped on the exposed turnbuckle. The referee checks on Andrade before he goes to put the turnbuckle back in the place. Claudio hits knee to the injured leg and a gotch piledriver to get the pinfall.
Winner – Claudio Castagnoli
Abadon vs Jasmin Allure
Abadon gets his big moves out of the way in the first 30 seconds. Allure hits back with a dropkick but Abadon drops her again and hits her finisher to get the pinfall.
Winner – Abadon
The lights go off once again after the match. Julia Hart is in the ring when they come back. Abadon attacks Julia in the corner. Julia gets a takedown but Abadon turns it around and hits a running knee. Skye Blue comes to the ring and attacks Abadon. Julia and Skye beat up Abadon for a while before Thunder Rosa gets into the ring to make the save.
The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are backstage. Gunn is pissed off after the attack from the Devil’s Goon. The Acclaimed says they are on a search mission to find who is behind those masks, but they are done with MJF after he put them in danger. Darius Martin, Dante Martin and Action Andretti come in to challenge them for AEW Trios titles. Challenge Accepted!
Orange Cassidy(c) vs Bryan Keith – AEW International Championship.
Keith hits a couple of shoulder tackles after coming out of side headlock. Cassidy puts his hands in his pocket. Keith hits him with a big chop. Cassidy hits a dropkick with hands in pocket. More chops from Keith before Cassidy hits big forearms. Keith hits a big boot after quick exchange in the ring. Keith hits a kick to his leg and starts to work on it.
Keith is still in control as we return from a break. Cassidy avoids a move before creating momentum to hit a tornado DDT. Cassidy hits forearm shots after getting to the top rope. Keith drops to the floor but recovers quickly and hits a headbutt. Keith hits an avalanche exploder and a running knee. Cassidy counters with Beach Break to get a near fall. Cassidy hits several kicks. Keith hulks up but Cassidy hits a superkick. Keith hits back with a kick before a stunner to get a near fall. Cassidy uses an innovative pinning combination to get the pinfall.
Winner – Orange Cassidy
We get a video from Miro talking about CJ Perry and Andrade.
Diamante & Mercedes Martinez vs Willow Nightingale & Kris Statlander
Willow and Kris start with punches after avoiding bat shots. Kris ends up diving on her teammate though, allowing Diamante and Mercedes to take control. Mercedes hits a bottle on Willow’s head. Diamante hits Kris with knees in the corner. Kris counters with a DDT on a barbed wire bat. Mercedes beats up Willow until Mercedes comes out to help her out. Mercedes and Willow drop Diamante on the steel step. They run over Mercedes with a ladder. Back to the ring, Mercedes takes control with a tire iron. Diamante also comes in and they set up chair to drop Kris on them with avalanche German suplex. We cut to a break.
Mercedes drops Kris through a plywood sheet. Willow fights both opponents in the ring. Willow tackles Mercedes into a board set up in the corner which does not break even after multiple shots. Diamante attacks Willow from behind. Kris hits Diamante with a chair. She hits Mercedes with Saturday Night Fever. Diamante hits Kris with a loaded briefcase before spearding glass loaded thumbtacks. Diamante hits a powerbomb on Kris on top of those, but Willow breaks the pin. Diamante hits a dropkick on Willow on the apron to help Mercedes hits the powerbomb through the table. Kris them hit a lariat using a chain on Diamante to get the pinfall.
Winner – Willow Nightingale & Kris Statlander
Eddie Kingston vs Daniel Garcia – Continental Classic Blue League Match
They lock up before resorting to chops. A chop from Garcia catches Eddie’s throat. Eddie hits a clothesline to drop Garcia. Garcia hits a kick to the knee on the apron and then hits a dragon screw leg to drop him off the apron. Garcia puts on a leg lock back in the ring. Eddie fights back to Garcia as we cut to a break.
Eddie hits machine gun chops in the corner as we return. Garcia asks him to hit more and Eddie obliges. Garcia drops down to the mat, but Eddie still does not stop. The referee pulls Eddie back. Garcia invites more chops but it is a ruse to send Eddie into the turnbuckle. Garcia creates momentum with quick hits, running knee in the corner and more. Garcia puts on figure four. Eddie struggles but reaches the ropes. Eddie hits an exploder into the turnbuckle. Eddie hits spinning back fist but Garcia kicks out of the pin.
Garcia hits a Saito suplex. Eddie tries to run at him but his knee gives up. Garcia hits another Saito suplex. He hits another dropkick to the knee after a barage of punches. Eddie counters with another spinning backfist to get the pinfall.
Winner – Eddie Kingston