WWE NXT Stand & Deliver 2024 Results, Live Updates, Highlights

Welcome to the live results & updates blog for WWE NXT Stand & Deliver 2024 event which is set in the slipstream of WrestleMania 40 event.
Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes’ friends-turned-foes storyline will headline the show in a singles match. Ilja Dragunov will defend NXT Championship against “The Don of NXT” Tony D’Angelo. Lyra Valkyrie and Roxanne Perez will clash in a rematch over NXT Women’s Championship.
Two more title matches are on the show at Stand & Deliver this year. Oba Femi will defend NXT North American title against Dijak and Josh Briggs. The Wolfdogs – Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin – will defend tag team titles against Axiom and Nathan Frazer. A women’s trios match is also set where Jacy Jayne, Kiana James & Izzi Dame will take on Thea Hail, Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan.
The pre-show will feature a singles match between Joe Gacy and Shawn Spears. We will be updating the live play-by-play updates and results from NXT Stand & Deliver 2024 below.
- Joe Gacy defeated Shawn Spears in a singles match via pinfall on pre-show.
- Wolfdogs(Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker)(c) def. Axiom & Nathan Frazer in a tag team match via pinfall to retain NXT Tag Team Championship.
- Oba Femi(c) defeated Josh Briggs vs Dijak in a Triple Threat Match via pinfall to retain NXT North American Championship.
- Thea Hail, Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan defeated Jacy Jayne, Kiana James & Izzi Dame in a tag team match via pinfall.
- Roxanne Perez defeated Lyra Valkyrie(c) in a singles match via submission to win NXT Women’s Championship.
- Ilja Dragunov(c) defeated Tony D’Angelo in a singles match via pinfall to retain NXT Championship.
- Trick Williams defeated Carmelo Hayes in a singles match via pinfall.
The pre-show is hosted by Megan Morant, Peter Rosenberg and Arianna Grace. Hype video packages air for matches one by one before the panel discusses them. NXT Tag Team Champions Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker are at a cafe where they cannot come to the same page over which flavour they like. Backstage, NXT General Manager Ava is with the referee from the main event match between Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes. She tells the referee to use his discretion during the match as they need a winner. This means the referee can decide against starting the countdown right away and also allow some foreign objects.
The hype package for NXT Championship match airs. Tony D’Angelo was outside in Philadelphia in the night where he cut a short promo quoting Rocky Balbao. He was actually standing beside Rocky statue. Ridge Holland joins the pre-show panel and says Tony needs great mental strength to beat Dragunov.
Shawn Spears vs Joe Gacy
Spears makes his entrance first. The panel has to talk Holland into stay back during Spears’ entrance. Gacy makes his way out. Holland hits Gacy with a chair on his back. Gacy still makes his way into the ring despite stumbling a bit. The bell rings and Gacy throws Spears out of the ring. He hits a couple of shots before the action returns to the ring. Spears tatkes Gacy down from the top rope and takes over control. He starts working on the back with elbows and a backbreaker.
They trade chops for a while. Spears puts on a Boston Crab. Gacy refuses to give up and makes it to the ropes with some effort. Spears tries to set up on the top rope but Gacy hits back elbows to drop him back. He hits a dive on Spears before hitting a slam. Gacy builds momentum with punches, running elbows, suplexes and clothesline. He hits a springboard moonsault to get a close two-count. Spears cuts him off on the ropes. He hangs Gacy upside-down on the ropes and kicks him on the face.
The referee starts a countdown on Gacy after Spears gets into the ring. Spears hits a hangman DDT on Gacy when he tries to get back. They counter each others’ finishers before Gacy finally hit an Urinage. Gacy looks for a senton from the top rope but Spears exits to the apron. Gacy hits a running senton on Spears on the apron. He misses a Swanton bomb. Spears quickly hits a pedigree, but Gacy kicks out. Gacy hits big shots before Spears blocks upside-down clothesline. Gacy quickly hits back and hits the clothesline in the second attempt to get the pinfall.
Winner – Joe Gacy
We go back to the panel who takes us to the hype package for Carmelo Hayes vs Trick Williams.
The main show starts after the video package. Meta-Four open the show by making their entrance. We cut a video package featuring them in a different setting, mimicking the participants and discussing the matches tonight.
Wolfdogs(Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker)(c) vs Axiom & Nathan Frazer – NXT Tag Team Championship
Axiom and Frazer hit Wolfdogs with dives as they are completing their entrance. Breakker is taken into the ring. Axiom hits a crossbody as the bell rings, but Breakker kicks out. Corbin and Frazer get the tags. Frazer ducks and hits a DDT to get a two-count. Frazer distracts by running the ropes before Corbin drops him with a clothesline. Axiom comes in but his speed does him no favor as he gets caught by Corbin for a suplex. Breakker comes and shows his speed and power combo to hit an incredible clothesline.
Corbin and Breakker corner Axiom and keep him under control for a while. Axiom hits a Spanish Fly out of nowhere. Frazer tags in and hits a missile dropkick on Corbin. Breakker is sent to the floor before Corbin gets hit with an inverted DDT. Frazer hits a running moonsault on Corbin for a near fall. Axiom is hit with an elbow as he tags in. Corbin catches him with Deep six. Breakker tags in. Axiom hits him with a single leg dropkick. Frazer tackles Corbin. Breakker kicks out of a near fall.
Axiom goes to the top rope. Breakker hits him with a Frankesteiner to send him to Corbin who assists by slamming Axiom into the mat. Corbin goes for the cover on Axiom, but Frazer flies in to break the pin. Axiom and Frazer hit a double superplex on Breakker. Axiom hits a Spanish Fly and Frazer hits a 450-Splash on Breakker, but he still kicks out. Corbin hits Axiom with Deep Six. Breakker hits a modified superplex on Frazer. Corbin hits a splash on Frazer from the top rope. Frazer kicks out of a near fall.
Breakker misses both opponents on the floor and crashes into the steel steps. Corbin goes for a double chokeslam on the announce table but Frazer and Axiom springboard off the commentators to hit back. Corbin is hit with a Golden Ratio from Axiom and 450-splash from Frazer. Breakker somehow breaks the pinfall. Axiom is thrown into the ring. The referee goes to check on Axiom. Corbin and Breakker hit End of Days and Spear combo on Frazer to get the pinfall.
Winners – The Wolfdogs
Meta-Four are outside Oba Femi’s locker room for an interview but he storms past them and tackles Oro Mensah in the process.
Oba Femi(c) vs Josh Briggs vs Dijak – Triple Threat Match for NXT North American Championship
Femmi fights off both men. He throws Briggs out before hitting an elbow on Dijak. Briggs and Dijak work together on him but he deals with them easily. Dijak and Briggs have to hit several tackles in succession to finally knock Femi to the floor. Dijak hits a superkick on Briggs on the apron. Femi catches Dijak’s crossbody. He tackles Briggs’ dive with Dijak still in his arms before slamming Dijak on top of Briggs. He throws Dijak over the announce table. He throws a chair on Briggs. Dijak hits a superkick to sit Femi on a chair. Dijak goes to the top rope. Briggs pulls Dijak and throws him into Femi on the chair.
Briggs brings Femi back to the ring and hits him with running boots. Femi tackles him. Dijak comes in and Briggs helps him to hit a double chokeslam Femi. Femi kicks out of the pinfall. They hit several blows before Femi hits them with back body drops at the same time. Dijak drops Femi on the apron with a side slam. Briggs catches Dijak’s dive with a big boot for a near fall. Femi meets Briggs on the top rope. Dijak hits him with a superkick to knock him to the floor.
Dijak and Briggs fight on the top rope. Briggs hits a clothesline on the top to take Dijak to the floor for a near fall. Femi and Briggs fight in the ring. Dijak also gets up to make it a 3-way brawl. Boots, kicks and knee fly in quick action between them. Femi is knocked to the floor. Dijak hits several blows on Briggs. Briggs fights back with his punches and chops. Dijak hits a chokeslam but Briggs kicks out at one.
Dijak counters Briggs’ chokeslam with a Canadian Destroyer, but Briggs kicks out at a very deep near fall. Dijak takes Briggs to the top rope in a Fireman’s Carry. Femi hoists them both up on the shoulders and drops them to the mat. Dijak gets rolled out but he gets back in time to break Femi’s pin on Briggs. Femi goes for a powerbomb on Dijak, but Dijak slips out. Dijak hits several boots before hitting Feast Your Eyes. Dijak gets out of the pin as Briggs hit a moonsault and lands on Femi. Dijak hits a superkick on Briggs to send him out of the ring. Dijak hits another Feast Your Eyes on Femi. Briggs pulls out the referee to stop the pinfall.
Dijak hits a suicide dive on Briggs in anger. He throws Femi into the ring post. Femi throws Dijak into the barricade. Briggs hits a spear to take Femi into the timekeeper’s area. Dijak hits Feast Your Eyes on Briggs on the floor. He hits another Feast Your Eyes in the ring. Femi grabs his throat to stop the pin and picks him up to hit a powerbomb on top of Briggs. Femi covers Briggs to get the pinfall.
Winner – Oba Femi
Meta-Four are trying to get a successful interview and reach Thea Hail, Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan. Andre Chase tries to warn them not to disturb them as they are in their zone. Noam Dar ignores them and asks Thea if she really thought Jacy Jayne was her friend. Thea gets angry and puts him in a hammerlock.
Thea Hail, Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan vs Jacy Jayne, Kiana James & Izzi Dame
Jayne, James and Dame attack their opponents as they are posing. The match starts with Dame slamming Henley into the corner. Dame hits a backbreaker. James tags in but Jordan saves Henley from a double team move. Thea gets the tag and her team sends their opponents to the floor. Thea goes for a moonsault on Jacy on the floor, but Jacy pulls Riley Osbourne into the move. Thea checks on Osbourne and Jacy takes advantage by attacking Thea from behind.
Thea gets beaten up for a minute before she escapes to tag in Jordan. Jordan hits athletic moves on Jacy. Dame runs a distraction to give Jacy a chance to move out of a top rope dive. Dame tags in and works on Jordan. She monkey flips Jordan into the turnbuckles. Quick tags from James and Jacy to hit moves on Jordan in the corner.
James puts on an octopus stretch on Jordan. She has to let go when Jordan was looking like hulking up. More quick tags from the heel team until Jordan blocks a catapult. Jordan hits a dive before tagging in Henley. Henley runs riot as she deals with all three opponents. She hits a kick to send Jacy to the floor. She hits a DDT on James before Jacy breaks the pin. James hits a Spanish Fly from the top rope for a near fall.
Dame hits a suplex on Henley before James hits a flapjack and Jacy hits a 401k on her. Thea breaks the pinfall. Thea is thrown on the outside, but Duke Hudson catches her. We see several dives on the floor. Jassmyn Nix also gets involved on the outside. Thea and Jacy face off in the ring and trade punches. Jacy hits a knee to drop Thea. Thea ducks a discus elbow before hitting a big shot. Thea counters a spinebuster with a kimura but Jacy quickly puts her over the ropes. James trips Thea on the apron before throwing her back. Dame tags in and Thea puts on Kimura lock on her to get a submission win.
Winners – Thea Hail, Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan
NXT General Manager Ava announces backstage that NXT Women’s North American Championship will be introduced soon.
Lyra Valkyrie(c) vs Roxanne Perez – NXT Women’s Championship
Roxanne goes to work on injured left arm immediately after the bell. Valkyrie comes out of the corner quickly and drops Roxanne a couple of times. Roxanne goes for the arm once again but Valkyrie forces to back off for a breather. Roxanne doubles down on her strategy before they trade counters. Valkyrie hits a hip toss and a slam. Roxanne goes for the arm but Valkyrie throws her to the floor. Valkyrie hits a dropkick through the ropes on the floor.
Back to the ring, Valkyrie hits another dropkick. Roxanne attacks the arm by sending it into the corner before hitting a leg drop on it. Roxanne gets the complete control and keeps working on the arm for a while. Valkyrie hits punches to the ribs but Roxanne hits her with leg sweep. Roxanne continues to stretch and beat up the injured limb. She hits a Northern Lights suplex next before putting on a hold on the arm. Roxanne kicks at the arm several times before tightening the hold.
Lyra hits kicks to the face to break free. Roxanne sends the shoulder into the turnbuckle. Lyra counters by sending Roxanne into the turnbuckle. She goes for a crossbody, but Roxanne rolls over and hits a knee on Lyra’s shoulder again. Lyra drops her before they both run the ropes to clash in a crossbody at the same time. Lyra hits quick punches and kicks before clotheslines, kicks to the face and a couple of Northern Lights suplexes. She fails to hit a suplex due to her injured arm. She blocks a leg sweep before hitting a suplex.
They meet on the top rope and trade punches. Lyra goes for a powerbomb but Roxanne holds on the top rope. Lyra hits a sit-out powerbomb after breaking Roxanne’s grip to get a close two-count. Roxanne rolls to the floor for a breather. She hits a tornado DDT before taking Lyra back to the ring to hit Pop-Rox. Lyra kicks out of the pinfall. Roxanne is angry at the kick out. She tries to force the issue in the corner. The referee pulls her out of the corner.
Tatum Paxley comes out and hands Lyra something. Roxanne decks her off the apron. Lyra avoids a kick to her shoulder. Roxanne sends Lyra into Paxley on the floor before sending Lyra into the ring post. Roxanne goes for the crossface but Lyra counters with a pin attempt. More quick action before Lyra hits a German suplex. Roxanne hits back with a Pop-Rox and puts on the crossface. Lyra goes towards the ropes. Roxanne rolls over and brings Lyra back into the middle while keeping the lock on. Lyra has to finally tap out.
Winner – Roxanne Perez
We see Ilja Dragunov doing push ups with one hand before we cut to video packages for the match.
Ilja Dragunov(c) vs Tony D’Angelo – NXT Championship
Tony has his whole gang in his corner – Stacks, Rizzo and Crusifino. Ilja’s injured palm is taped up. Tony starts with a big punch. Ilja goes for a reply with a punch, but his injured hand gives him problems. Tony hits big punches all over his upper body. Ilja hits him with a suplex which takes them both to the floor. Back to the ring, Ilja hits another suplex to take them both to the floor. Back again to the ring, they collide in the middle with clotheslines at the same time.
Ilja hits a couple of German suplexes. Tony squeezes his hand to break his grip. Tony slams him to the mat before hitting the arm. He hits a pumphandle suplex. He keeps control for a minute. They get to the floor. Ilja drives Tony into the ring post before hitting chops with injured arm. Tony ducks a chop and Ilja’s hand strikes the ring post. Tony drops him on the floor before breaking the countdown. Ilja drives him into the barricade. Back to the ring, Ilja completes the trio of German suplexes.
Ilja hits a couple of running knee strikes before hitting a big clothesline to get a near fall. Tony drives him to the corner before they got up to the top. Ilja slips out and hits a powerbomb. Tony blocks the H-bomb. Stacks hands him brass knuckles but Tony does not want to use them. Ilja tackles him in the corner. He kicks at Stacks’ arm which has the knuckles on. Tony goes for a spinebuster but Ilja counters it with a DDT to get a two-count. Ilja hits big shots on the back of the neck.
Ilja teases Stacks to do something about it. Stacks gets up on the apron but Tony orders him to back down. Tony and Ilja face off before Tony hits a headbutt to drop him. Tony hits clothesline and suplexes. He hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Ilja tries to create momentum by running the ropes but Tony cuts him off with a clothesline. Tony slams him to the mat again, but Ilja kicks out. They are on the top rope. Tony hits an avalanche belly-to-belly overhead suplex. Ilja rolls up to the floor. Tony also gets to the floor.
They both go and clear the announce table before getting into a slugfest. Ilja blocks a powerbomb and hits a H-bomb. Ilja sets up Tony on top of the announce table and hits a H-bomb by jumping off the barricade. Ilja hits a senton from the top rope as they return to the ring. Tony kicks out of the pin. Ilja goes for another senton but Tony counters it into a powerbomb. Tony stomps on Ilja a few times before hitting a big spinebuster for a near fall. They trade punches. Ilja counters a suplex with an inside cradle for a two-count. Ilja hits Torpedo Moscow and Super H-Bomb to get the pinfall.
Winner – Ilja Dragunov
After the match, the crowd gives a standing ovation to Ilja Dragunov. Ilja and Tony shake hands before we cut to commercials.
Lyra Valkyrie is icing her injured arm as she looks devastated by her loss. Tatum Paxley comes in but Lyra screams at her to go away.
Meta-Four are in the ring and they announce the biggest NXT attendance ever for this event at 16,545. We cut to the video package for the main event.
Trick Williams vs Carmelo Hayes
Carmelo Hayes enters first. “Whoop that Trick” takes over the arena as Trick Williams makes his entrance. They lock up and Carmelo gets the first takedown. Trick hits a big punch. Carmelo sends him to the floor. Trick trips him and pulls him out. Trick slams his face into the steel steps before clotheslining him over the barricade. They are fighting into the crowd now. Carmelo sends Trick into a barricade in the crowd before hitting a leg drop.
Carmelo gets into an argument with a fan wearing Trick’s shirt. Trick attacks him from behind. Trick hits a back body drop to take the action back to the ringside. Carmelo gets into the ring. Trick gets in and goes for a leg lariat, but Carmelo ducks it and hits a springboard clothesline. Carmelo exposes a turnbuckle, but it is Trick who hits a splash on Carmelo in that corner. Carmelo uses the exposed turnbuckle as he kicks Trick on the second rope to trip him. Carmelo is in control now.
Carmelo works on Trick for the next minute. Trick avoids a penalty kick as he starts to comeback. He avoids a springboard move before catching another one with an uppercut. They both hit dropkicks at the same to drop each other. They trade punches now. Carmelo goes for a low kick but Trick blocks it. Trick creates momentum before hitting a flapjack. Carmelo quickly hits back with tackle.
Trick hits a neckbreaker and a spinning boot to get a close two-count. Carmelo rolls to the floor. Trick follows. Carmelo hits him with a dive on the floor. Back to the ring, Carmelo hits a frog splash to get a two-count. The crowd gets behind Trick. Carmelo hits him with kick in the corner. Trick hits a big boot. Carmelo hits a codebreaker/recoil to get another two-count. Carmelo removes the tape from his arm and tries to choke Trick with it. Trick throws him over and goes for a corner splash, only to catch the referee with it. Carmelo attacks him from behind.
Carmelo brings in a steel chair. But, Trick grabs it and slams it on Carmelo’s back. The referee takes the chair away as he wakes up. Carmelo hits a low blow behind the referee, but Trick kicks out of the pinfall. Carmelo then ends up catching the referee with a kick in the corner. Carmelo hits a leg drop from the top rope. A second referee gets into the ring, but Trick kicks out of the pinfall. Carmelo tries to use the chair but the referee pulls it away. Trick misses the spinning kick but then hit Trick Knee to get the pinfall.
Winner – Trick Williams
Trick closes the show by celebrating in the corner in front of his hometown crowd.