WWE NXT 2.0 Live Results Sep 20, 2022 – Bate vs McDonagh

WWE will present a new episode of WWE NXT on September 20, and we are here with the live results and blog to cover all the action from the show.
Two elite superstars Tyler Bate and JD McDonagh will face each to become the #1 contender for the NXT title. Cora Jade will be looking forward to kick-off the second generation of Jade with a victory over Wendy Choo.
The best-of-three series between Nathan Frazer and Axiom will continue. Meanwhile, Toxic Attraction will be in a tag-team action against Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley.
Tune in as we bring you the live results from WWE NXT September 20, 2022 episode with winners, live updates, highlights, and more.
Results & Live Updates
The show kicks off with a segment featuring Solo Sikoa, Carmelo Hayes, and Shawn Michaels. The latter stated that last week’s North American title match wasn’t sanctioned officially, and hence its result could not stand. He asked Solo Sikoa to relinquish the title and wishes him luck on SmackDown.
Carmelo asked his title back, but Shawn stated that Melo tried to outsmart the system, and hence he is not getting the title back. HBK also revealed that NXT Halloween Havoc would feature a five-man ladder match for the North American championship.
Next up is the second match of the best of three series between Axiom and Nathan Frazer.
Nathan Frazer defeated Axiom via pinfall. Frazer and Axiom are having a fast-paced match. Axiom continues his offense by applying different submission maneuvers to Frazer. Axiom is on the top rope, but Nathan Frazer catches him and hit a superplex followed by a Final Cut. He goes to the top rope again and hit the Phoenix Splash to get the pinfall.
A video package featuring Alba Fyre is shown. It also features a recap from next week. Backstage, Gigi Dolin asks Mandy if she is alright. NXT women’s champion replies to her by saying when the time comes, she is going to beat Alba Fyre as well.
Toxic Attraction vs Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley is next.
Toxic Attraction defeated Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley via pinfall. Gigi Dolins starts off the match and took control. She invites Jayne to advance the match. Paxley finally manages to tag Nile in. Ivy was throwing right hands, and staggers Jacy with enzuigiri. Toxic Attraction hits the running knee to get the pinfall.
Tyler Bate and JD McDonagh arrive at the arena for their showdown in the main event.
The Schism is present in the ring. They tell people to choose their side. They also state that they will never abandon those who choose to walk by their side. Joe Gacy states that no one is safe from the wrath of the Schism. Malik Blade and Edris Enofe come running down the ring and attack them. The Dyad vs Malik Blade & Edris Enofe is next.
The Dyad defeated Malik Blade & Edris Enofe via pinfall. Enofe and Blade display some impressive offense. Blade then takes out the Dyad by hitting a cross body outside the ring. In the end, Jagger hits a step-up rolling lungblower followed by a ticket to mayhem to Enofe to get the pinfall.
A video package is shown featuring Roxanne Perez and Meiko Satamura. It is about how Perez gains the respect of Meiko Satamura. Perez clarifies when she meets Cora Jade in the next, she will be the tougher version of herself.
Cora Jade vs Wendy Choo is next.
Cora Jade defeated Wendy Choo via pinfall. The second generation of Jade looks bright as Jade dominates Choo from the beginning of the match. Jade hits Wendy Choo with a DDT after getting an opening to get the pinfall.
After the match, Lash Legend appears and attacks Wendy Choo.
NXT Champion is being interviewed backstage. Breaker states that Bate vs McDonagh is the main event match for sure, and now we have to see who wins it.
Elsewhere, Trick Williams is boosting the morale of Carmelo Hayes as both of them make their way to the ring.
Carmleo Hayes says it doesn’t matter whether he has the title or not, he is the biggest superstar in NXT. He even wants several people to lose their jobs including the referee who counts, the guy who played the music, and the person who rang the bell.
He also says it doesn’t matter which Bloodline Solo Sikoa comes from, he is still the A Champion. Chase-U entrance hits and they interrupts Melo and Williams. Andre Chase enters the ring and starts speaking despite being warned by Williams.
A tag-team match between Chase-U and Williams & Melo is next.
Chase-U defeated Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams via pinfall. After some back-and-forth action and C H A S E U stomps, Andre Chase hits a pump kick followed by a side press to get a pinfall on Melo.
The clash between two giants, Sanga and Von Wagner is next.
Von Wagner defeated Sanga via pinfall. The big Indian man initially had control of the match, and he even hit an impressive lariat. However, Wagner puts Sanga into the post and hits the big boot, followed by a fireman’s carry neck breaker to get the pinfall.
Oro Mensah defeated Grayson Waller via pinfall to qualify to the NXT North American Championship ladder match. Grayson Waller was in quite a control of this match. He was charging toward Mensah when Apollo Crews suddenly appear in front of him. Waller gets shocked after seeing Crews, and then Mensah hits him with the dive. He puts Grayson back into the ring and hits the spinning wheel kick to get the pinfall.
After the match, it is shown that blood is rolling down the eyes of Apollo Crews.
Bron Breakker makes an entrance with Landon “The Conqueror” Chase. He is one of Connor Cure’s kids.
It is finally time for the main event bout.
JD McDonagh defeated Tyler Bate via pinfall to become the #1 contender for the NXT Championship. The match starts with a back-and-forth between Bate and McDonagh. Both superstars make several pin attempts. Some action builds up the match. JD finally manages to connect Avalanche Spanish Fly to Bate. He eyes him up and then Saito Suplex to get the pinfall.
Bron Breakker enters the ring and stares JD McDonagh, and that’s when Ilja Dragunov’s entrance music hits. Dragunov is finally back. He enters the ring and stands in the ring as Breakker holds his title high.