WWE Backlash France 2024 Results & Live Updates- Cody vs Styles

Welcome to the live results blog for WWE Backlash France 2024 PLE which will be the first WWE PLE in France.
Cody Rhodes is set to make his first defense of Undisputed WWE Championship against AJ Styles in the main event. Damian Priest will also defend World Heavyweight Championship for the first time against Jey Uso. Bayley will face Tiffany Stratton and Naomi in a triple threat match to defend WWE Women’s Championship.
Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair are challenging for WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions The Kabuki Warriors. Randy Orton and Kevin Owens will take on The Bloodline’s Solo Sikoa and Tama Tonga in a tag team match.
Tune in below as we post results live from WWE Backlash France 2024 event with complete updates and highlights.
- The Bloodline(Solo Sikoa & Tama Tonga) defeated Randy Orton & Kevin Owens in a Tornado Tag Team match via pinfall.
- Bayley(c) defeated Naomi & Tiffany Stratton in a triple threat match via pinfall to retain WWE Women’s Championship.
- Damian Priest(c) defeated Jey Uso in a singles match via pinfall to retain World Heavyweight Championship.
- Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair defeated The Kabuki Warriors(Asuka & Kairi Sane)(c) in a tag team match via pinfall to win WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship.
- Cody Rhodes(c) defeated AJ Styles in a singles match via pinfall to retain Undisputed WWE Championship.
The show opens with the commentary team talking as Cody Rhodes, Jade Cargill, Bianca Belair, Bayley, Damian Priest, Jey Uso and other were seen in and around the arena. We cut to the special opening video package for the show.
Randy Orton & Kevin Owens vs The Bloodline(Solo Sikoa & Tama Tonga)
Kevin Owens is the first one to come out. The response from the crowd is more than amazing. He soaks in the atmosphere for a long time before mingling with the front row. He waits for Randy Orton to come out. Orton’s entrance is being sung by the fans line by line as he comes out to the ring. Paul Heyman comes out with Solo Sikoa and Tama Tonga.
We Want Roman chants start as the two teams face-off. KO gets in Tonga’s face which starts the brawl. They all get to the floor in the brawl. It is all chaos as officials and security try to get things under control. Tonga and KO are kept separate in the ring. KO starts to hit Stunners on security guys. Nick Aldis comes out and tells them all to stop. He says since they were disregarding the rules, this match will be No Rules match.
KO and Tama fight at the ringside while Randy and Solo get into the crowd. KO and Tama destroy the Prime Station. Solo decks Randy. Randy hits back with a flick into Solo’s eyes. KO gets to Solo and unloads on him as he was getting an upper hand on Randy. Randy goes searching for Tonga. Tonga and Solo are double teaming against KO. Randy reaches them in the crowd but gets headbutted by Solo. KO throws both Tonga and Solo at ringside. He hits a splash on them off the barricade.
Randy hits a spinout slam on Tonga on top of the announce table. KO throws Solo into the ring steps. KO then hits a DDT on Solo on the steps. Randy brings out a bunch of things from underneath the ring. Randy slams a trash can on Tonga. KO unloads on Solo with a kendo stick before slamming a trash can on his head. Randy then breaks a stick on Tonga’s back. KO and Randy each bring out tables. KO sets his table at ringside. Randy does the same inside the ring.
KO sets up Tonga on a table and hits a splash to put him through it. Solo fights back against Randy in the ring and hits Samoan Drop on him through the table. KO gets into the ring where Solo runs him over with a clothesline. Tonga then unloads on Owens. Solo throws a kendo stick to him to unload on KO. Solo hits a hip attack on KO in the corner. Tonga slams KO with a lid in his face. KO tackles Tonga as he tries to hit him with a trash can. Solo quickly slams KO with a trash can on his back. Solo hits him with more kendo stick shots.
The Bloodline set up a table in the ring. KO throws Tonga out. Solo decks him into the corner before hitting headbutts. KO throws him through the table set up in the corner. Tonga quickly hits him with a clothesline. Tonga brings in a chair but Randy has come back into the ring behind him. Tonga smiles at him but misses a chair shot. Randy hits him with punches and clotheslines punches before hitting a snap powerslam and a draping DDT. Randy hits an RKO but Solo breaks the pin. Solo hits Randy with headbutts. He clears the announce table. Randy counters Solo with an RKO on top of the announce table.
KO has a steel chair in his hands which he unleashes on Tonga. He sets up a set of chairs in the middle which unloading some in between on Tonga. KO gets to the top. Tonga hits him with punches and headbutts. KO counters and puts him through the chairs with a brainbuster. KO goes for the cover but the referee is pulled bout of the ring by someone. It is Tanga Loa, Tama Tonga’s brother. Loa hits Randy with the steel steps. Solo drops KO in the ring before hitting him with Samoan Spike to get the pinfall.
Winners – The Bloodline(Solo Sikoa & Tama Tonga)
The Bloodline stands tall in the ring after the match along with the new arrival. Paul Heyman begs them to not do further damage to KO and Randy. KO and Randy regroup on the ramp after a break.
Bayley(c) vs Naomi vs Tiffany Stratton – WWE Women’s Championship
Tiffany Stratton gets the best reaction among the three with “Tiffy Time” chants. All three women take each other down and then go into series of roll ups. The quick pinfall attempts continue further and end with a double pin attempt by Tiffany on both competitors. Naomi catches Bayley with a dropkick while he was going after Bayley. Tiffany hits Naomi with a boot but Bayley cuts her off before her handspring move. Bayley tries for a roll up which gets aided by Tiffany’s dropkick. Tiffany has to break the pin attempt quickly.
Naomi is thrown out of the ring. Tiffany works on Bayley. She hits a clothesline to get a two-count. Bayley fires back with punches. Tiffany sends her into the corner where Bayley rolls her up. Tiffany hits another clothesline to get a two-count. Tiffany goes for the springboard elbow but Bayley catches her. Tiffany lands on her feet on a German suplex. Tiffany hits an Alabama Slam on Bayley. Naomi breaks the pinfall.
Naomi tackles Tiffany the floor. Tiffany sends her into the barricade before hitting springboard back elbow. Bayley catches Tiffany with a suicide dive. Naomi hits Bayley with a neckbreaker by jumping off the barricade. Naomi takes Tiffany to the ring. She hits a DDT on the apron before hitting a split legged moonsault. Bayley breaks the pin.
Naomi takes down both opponents before putting Tiffany in a submission. Bayley breaks that submission also. Bayley’s sunset flip sends Tiffany into the barricade. She throws Naomi to the floor. Bayley hits a Bayley-to-Belly suplex but Tiffany breaks the pin. Tiffany works on Bayley but Naomi pulls her out of the ring. Naomi goes for the Alabama Slam but Tiffany counters it with a cartwheel and sends Naomi crashing into the announce table.
Tiffany hits an Alabama Slam on Bayley also. She brings in both opponents into the ring but they both move out of the Prettiest Moonsault Ever. Bayley and Naomi drop Tiffany with a double team move. They trade quick punches before Bayley gets a pinfall with a quick manuever.
Winner – Bayley
Naomi hugs Bayley after the match.
We cut to a recap of The Bloodline’s match from earlier tonight and Tama Tonga’s arrival to WWE. We cut to Jey Uso warming up for his match. Solo enters the frame and stares at Jey. Solo and others walk past Jey. Paul Heyman also looks at Jey in a helpless manner.
Damian Priest(c) vs Jey Uso – World Heavyweight Championship
Tremendous reception for Jey Uso as he enters through the crowd. “Yeet” does not stop until Jey himself does not stop dancing and playing to the crowd. Priest gets a mixed reaction. Jey plays some mind games with more “Yeet” chants. Priest decks him a couple of times before throwing Jey into the corner. Jey ducks a swing before unloading himself. He uses a low bridge to send Priest to the floor. Damian moves away to stop a DDT.
Priest drives Jey into the barricade before bring him back in the ring. Priest hits a driving elbow in the corner before a pump kick to drop Jey. He hits a slam to get a two-count. Jey hits a couple of shots to the ribs before Priest slams him to the mat. Jey hits a spinout slam to get a two-count. Jey creates the momentum with punches and ends the sequence with an step up enzuigiri.
Priest sends him to the corner. Jey sends him to the floor and hits a suicide dive. He throws Priest back into the ring. JD McDonagh distracts Jey to allow Priest to hit a spear. Jey hits a superkick on McDonagh before we all would go to Reliance. Priest is also hits him with a big tackles. They trade punches in the ring for a while. This turns into a slugfest of superkicks and other moves. Priest hits a Razor’s Edge for a near fall. Priest goes for a chokeslam but Jey slips out and hits a spear to get a near fall.
Finn Balor comes out as Jey gets ready for a move. Jey hits a superkick on Balor on the apron. Priest gets time to recover and he hits a chokeslam on Jey. Jey kicks out of the pinfall. Priest gets hyped up and tells Jey to get up. He hits a spinning kick to Jey’s head to drop him back to them. Jey hits back with a series of superkicks before hitting running dropkick. He hits a spear and Usos splash but JD put Priest’s leg on the ring.
Winner – Damian Priest
After the match, Balor and JD look to beat up Jey, but Priest pushes them aside. They do not like it, but joins Priest in posing with his title.
The Kabuki Warriors(Asuka & Kairi Sane)(c) vs Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair – WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship
Amazing response to both the teams as has been the case throughout othe night. Bianca starts against Asuka and gets her in a headlock. Bianca blocks a shoulder tackle. They trade punches. Asuka has to hits a back heel kick to stop Bianca. Bianca hits back with a running tackle. Asuka goes for an octopus stretch but Bianca breaks it. Asuka sends her to the ropes. Kairi tries to hit her with a cheap shot but Bianca blocks it. She hits a vertical suplex on Asuka.
Jade tags in while Kairi comes in from the other side. Jade easily blocks Kairi’s attack. Kairi hits at her knee from behind but Jade quickly recovers and slams her. Jade hits a backbreaker on her knees. Bianca comes in and double teams with Jade to slam Kairi into the mat. Bianca and Jade pose in the middle. Bianca whips Kairi to the corner and hits a running tackle. She unloads with punches from the second rope. Kairi pulls her off using her braids before Bianca sends her to the floor. Asuka gets a cheap shot on her. Kairi hits Bianca with a crossbody on the floor.
The Kabuki Warriors gets in double team mode after taking Bianca back into the ring. Asuka stands on her jaw. Bianca tries to tag in Jade but Asuka keeps her away before hitting a kick to her knee. Kairi hits her with a running knee. She hits a jumping forearm from the top rope to get another near fall. Bianca avoids Asuka’s dive but is not able to tag Jade. She counters a suplex. Kairi decks Jade off the apron to stop a tag.
The Kabuki Warriors double team to get another near fall on Bianca. Bianca gets Asuka up for KOD but Kairi tags in and calls Asuka in for a double team. Bianca pulls her braids to drop opponents. Jade gets the tag and slams both women to the floor. She hits tackles, running corner splashes and more. She hits a spinebuster on Kairi but Asuka breaks the pinfall.
Jade hits Kairi before Asuka tags in. The Kabuki Warriors hit Jade with spinning back fists. Kairi hits a springboard cutter to get a near fall. Asuka gets into the ring and slams Jade to the matt. More tags as Kairi gets in. She puts Jade in an armbar. Asuka also puts Bianca into a submission move.
Jade overpowers Kairi to break the submission. Jade goes for a double chokeslam but The Kabuki Warriors block it. Bianca tags in and drops Kairi into the mat. Kairi kicks out of the pinfall. Asuka pulls Jade off the apron and sends her into the steel steps. Asuka and Kairi double team to hit a double team Insane Elbow on Bianca. Jade breaks the pinfall. Jade catches Kairi’s crossbody and turns it into The Jaded on Kairi. Bianca hits KOD on Asuka by dropping her top of Kairi before getting the pinfall.
Winners – Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill
We get the announcement of first round matches for King of the Ring and Queen of the Ring tournament for RAW this Monday.
Cody Rhodes(c) vs AJ Styles – Undisputed WWE Championship
AJ Styles comes out first. The reception is unlike a heel for AJ. Cody gets even better reception as the crowd sings his song complete word by word. They lock up to start the show but have to quickly break up. This happens one more time. Cody attempts a leg scissors submission after a takedown. AJ gets the takedown in the next attempt. More back and forth action. They go into a sequence of amateur wrestling. AJ decks Cody. Cody replies with a snake bite slap.
AJ hits a knee to the midsection. Cody hits a chop which starts a sequence involving chops in the corner. Cody hits a dropkick before doing a handspring in a callback to Stardust. This starts “Stardust” chants. AJ hits a series of chops and a dropkick. Cody hits a back body drop to send him across the ring. He hits a delayed vertical gordbuster next. AJ sends his shoulder into the turnbuckle. He hits a flatliner slamming Cody’s left into the mat. AJ puts on a hammerlock. He blocks Cody’s attempt for a comeback before hitting him with a knee.
Cody hits his signature uppercut after a drop down. AJ hits back with an enzuigiri. Cody sends AJ into the ropes. Cody goes for a suicide dive but AJ blocks it on the ropes. AJ slams Cody’s face into the announce table. He clears the French Announce Table. Cody drives him into the steel steps. He takes AJ to the second rope. He attempts a brainbuster but AJ slips and falls down, but also brings down Cody to the mat. AJ drops him on his back from an electric chair position.
AJ goes for a springboard moonsault but Cody gets his knees up. Cody unleashes with quick punches before hitting a snap powerslam. He hits a Disaster kick after this to get a two-count. AJ comes back with a brainbuster on his knees to get a two-count. Cody avoids a forearm in the corner and hits a bulldog. AJ hits a brainbuster on the apron. Cody then picks him off the apron and hits a powerbomb through the announce table.
Both men get into the ring after 9. They trade punches before kicking at each other. Both men hype up before they trade more punches. AJ unleashes the Phenomenal sequence. Cody hits Bionic Elbow to get a near fall. AJ blocks the Cody Cutter. They both block Piledrivers. AJ drops Cody on the turnbuckle. He hits a springboard 450-splash, but Cody kicks out of the pinfall.
AJ hits a Burning Hammer, but Cody kicks out at 1 itself before firing up. AJ hits more shots before Cody hits a Cody Cutter to get a near fall. Cody hits a clothesline next. Cody signals for the Crossrhodes but AJ counters and hits a Pele kick. He sets up for The Phenomenal Forearm but Cody counters with a superkick. Cody puts on a kimura lock. AJ gets to a vertical base and slams Cody to the mat. Cody blocks The Styles Clash. AJ blocks Crossrhodes. Cody hits a Cody cutter by jumping off the turnbuckle. Cody hits a Crossrhodes to get the pinfall.
Winner – Cody Rhodes