AEW Dynamite March 9, 2022- Results, Preview, Card, Tickets

AEW Dynamite episode of March 9, 2022, will be the fallout show from Revolution 2022 PPV. The show will air from Hertz Arena in Estero, FL.
Sammy Guevara vs Scorpio Sky TNT title match is announced for the episode. Paige Vanzant will arrive at AEW to sign her AEW contract. Leyla Hirsch & Thunder Rosa will face-off in AEW Women’s Title Eliminator. Also, Chris Jericho will address Eddie Kingston in a promo.
Check below for the complete details on AEW Dynamite episode of March 9, 2022.
- Show – AEW Dynamite
- Date – March 09, 2022
- Location – Hertz Arena, Estero, FL
- Time – 8 PM EST
Match Card & Results
- Adam Page(c) defeated Dante Martin via pinfall to retain AEW World Championship.
- Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley(w/ William Regal) defeated The Workhorsemen(Anthony Henry & JD Drake) in a tag team match via pinfall.
- PAC defeated Wheelar Yuta in a singles match via submission.
- Jurassic Express(Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus)(c) defeated The Acclaimed(Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) via pinfall to retain AEW Tag Team Championship Match
- Thunder Rosa defeated Leyla Hirsch via pinfall in Women’s Champion Eliminator Match.
- Scorpio Sky defeated Sammy Guevara(c) via pinfall to win AEW TNT Championship.
Live Updates
Chris Jericho Appreciation Society
Chris Jericho’s entrance starts the show. Jericho takes the mic after the fans stop singing Judas. Jericho says Revolution was his best match in AEW. Eddie awakened something inside Jericho which he did not know still existed. However, he did not live upto his word and did not shake his hands. Jericho says he was frustrated and angry, and tonight he wants to pay his debt. Jericho asks Eddie to come out so that he can apologize to him face to face and shake his hands.
Eddie comes out. Eddie says he did not want to show up at Revolution and was tempted to go out to drink the poison that existed in his heart. Jericho got in his head and he was afraid to lose another big match. But, then at Fanfest, 4 different people came to him and told him that they did not kill themselves after reading his tribute. Eddie says he did not want to let those people down. Eddie also adds that he cried when he went back to his hotel room.
Eddie says Jericho not shaking his hand was not his problem, but it was Jericho’s problem and still has something missing his chest. Jericho says he has been obsessing over the same thing and has not slept for two night. He says he respects Eddie and he gave him the best match of his AEW career. Jericho offers his hand and they shakehands.
2Point0 and Daniel Garcia come out and attack Eddie and Jericho. They beat down both men until Santana and Ortiz run to make the save. Daniel Garcia is caught by Santana. Jericho has a baseball bat in his hand to hit Garcia. But, Jericho hits Santana instead. He then beats Ortiz. 2Point0 returns to the ring to join Jericho in attack. Jake Hager runs out and screams at Jericho. He battles with his thoughts before joining Jericho’s side. The beatdown continues until Hager puts Eddie through a table. Jericho says this is Chris Jericho Appreciation Society, and this is entertainment.
Adam Page(c) vs Dante Martin – AEW World Championship Match
Martin hits a dropkick and a headscissor. Dante hits some chops and Page no-sells them. Dante hits a crossbody but Page catches him and hits a fallaway slam. Page clotheslines him over the ropes and to the floor as we cut to the break.
Martin has got control back with a Death Valley Driver. He hits a missile dropkick. Page misses a charge and Martin kicks him to the floor to hit a moonsault on the floor. Back to the ring, Page counters a dropkick into a powerbomb for a near fall. Martin grabs his leg as he was moving to the apron. More back and forth action before Page hits the Buckshot Lariat to get the pin and the win.
Winner – Adam Page
Tony Schiavone is in the ring now to interview the World Champion. He asks for Page’s comments on his win at Revolution. Page takes the mic and asks Dante to get back to the ring. He tells Dante that he has to do the hard thing last year after his brother was injured and he has made it to a world title match.
Cole interrupts him and says Page should shut up as he showed everyone how vulnerable he is. Cole says Page’s win was a fluke. Page says why not he test him. Cole challenges him for a 6-man tag team match next week and will have The Young Bucks with him. Cole says Page’s days as the Champion are numbered and he will not rest until he wins the title.
Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley vs The Workhorsemen(Anthony Henry & JD Drake)
William Regal comes out with Bryan Danielson. Mox and Bryan attack their opponents as soon as the bell rings. Mox goes against Drake in the ring and drops him with a clothesline. Bryan comes in and hits “Yes!” kicks on Drake. Drake brings in Henry and hits back at Bryan with kicks. Bryan turns it back quickly and tags in Mox to keep Henry in their corner. Bryan hits big chops. Bryan puts Henry in the surfboard. Mox tags in and hits a chop on Henry as Henry was still in surfboard.
Henry hits a back elbow to counter and hits a missile dropkick. He brings in Drake who hits at Mox. Mox hits a clothesline and tags in Bryan. Mox hits a suicide dive on Henry on the floor after dropping him with a back elbow. Bryan hits a running knee on Drake. Mox hits a suplex on Henry on the floor. Bryan nails Drake with stomps before putting on the Labell lock to get the submission.
Winner – Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley
Tony Schiavone is in the ring to interview William Regal. The crowd cheers as Regal gets ready to talk. Regal says he has lived more than a hard life, and might not have much time in the ring. He flirts with Tony a bit before thanking Tony for helping him when he came to US. Regal becomes a bit emotional. He takes the mic and says he was let go off his last company and was sitting at for the last two months away from this industry. Then, someone told him that Bryan has taken his name on AEW Dynamite.
He puts over Bryan as the best professional wrestler in the world. He talks about how he sent him to different places to learn more things and he has become what Regal himself could not because of his limitations. Regal then says he met Moxley 11 years ago and for a whole year, the psychological and physical problems they put on each other would make the devil cry. When he heard that these two are going to beat each other in the ring, he realized that it is time to bring them together. He warns other teams that they are tough and hit hard.
Dark Order are interviewed backstage and Adam Page comes. He apologize to Alex Reynolds for losing his temper at Revolution. Evil Uno says everything is okay. John Silver asks who he is gonna team with next week. Page says Jurassic Express already asked him and they wanted to get their hands on Young Bucks. He then leaves saying he will catch up with them later.
PAC vs Wheeler Yuta
PAC pushes Yuta to the ropes to start. Yuta hits a couple of armdrags and a dropkick. PAC hits him in the midsection as we got to a break.
Back from the break, Yuta is unloading on PAC. PAC hits back and throws him to the ropes. Yuta richochets back to hits a suplex. He gets his boots up in the corner and hits a crossbody from the top. PAC hits back a spinning heel kick. PAC hits a German suplex bridge for a two-count. PAC hits an avalanche brainbuster and puts on the Brutalizer for a submission win.
Winner – PAC
Adam Cole is backstage with reDRagon and the Young Bucks. He says they all had a rough night at Revolution. ReDragon and Young Bucks argue until Cole asks them to stop. Cole then tells them everything changes next week, because he has got two guys that are perfect partners who live in his head rent-free. young bucks says they won’t wrestle Page. Cole says he wasn’t going to pick them anyway, he was gonna pick Bobby and KOR.
Adam Cole is backstage with reDRagon and the Young Bucks. He says they all had a rough night at Revolution. ReDragon and Young Bucks argue until Cole asks them to stop. Cole then tells them everything changes next week, because he has got two guys that are perfect partners who live in his head rent-free. young bucks says they won’t wrestle Page. Cole says he wasn’t going to pick them anyway, he was gonna pick Bobby and KOR.
AHFO Meeting
FTR is interviewed backstage and asked about their motivation going forward. Dax Harwood talks about pro-wrestling being his first love until he got married and had a daughter. Tully Blanchard takes offense at Harwood putting their title ambitions on backburner and screams at them. FTR fires Tully.
Matt Hardy and Andrade El Idolo are in the ring with the rest of AHFO. Hardy says he thought to make things right with others but Andrade has brought him here to to fire him. Andrade takes a shot at Hardy. Matt says he transforms into something else whenever he puts on the suit and becomes a corporate stooge. Andrade says they will do a vote on Hardy. Andrade and Jose vote against Matt while Private Party votes for him. Matt says he knew his boys would never vote against him.
Private Party then changes their vote to thumbs down. Andrade tells Hardy to always watch your back in this business. Matt Hardy turns around to argue with Private Party and Andrade attacks him from behind. AHFO beats up Matt Hardy now. Darby Allin and Sting walk out to make the save but the numbers game catches up on them.
Jeff Hardy comes out to make his AEW Debut. He drops each opponent with quick moves. Andrade leaves the ring. Sting, Darby, Matt & Jeff take control. Jeff ends the brawl with a senton off the top. Matt and Jeff hug in the ring. Darby could not believe Jeff is here. Jeff salutes Sting as the segment comes to an end.
Shane Strickland is there with Tony Schiavone. He is hyped for his debut. Tony Nese cuts him off immediately. Nese asks Schiavone why he was not as excited for his debut. Nese then tells Strickland that it would be perfect if the Premiere Athlete welcomed him to AEW with their history on Friday nights. Strickland says he is gonna beat his a**, because this is Swerve’s house.
Wardlow Unleashed
Wardlow comes out to the ring. Tony asks him he is still under contract to MJF and how he turned on him at Revolution. Wardlow says there comes a time in life when we realize when are we going to stop in helping others accomplish their dreams and start working on his own. He talks about helping others in his last jon and got trapped with MJF when he brought him to AEW. He then talks about becoming a professional wrestler, helping his family have a better life. MJF gave him a lot of money and it changed his life. However, it does not give him the right to disrespect him and his family and lay his hands on him.
He is still under contract with MJF but he does not give a damn. He is no longer MJF’s bodyguard and he is free. He tells MJF if he is smart enough, he will let him go off his contract or he will powerbomb him until he is not able to move. Tony Khan has offered him a new contract if he wins TNT title next week. And once that happens, he is not stopping there.
QT Marshall is backstage with Keith Lee and asks him to work together against Team Taz. He says the Factory has his back. Keith says his back is very large, but he is good. QT gets angry and promises him he will pay for this.
Jurassic Express(Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus)(c) vs The Acclaimed(Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) – AEW Tag Team Championship Match
Jungle Boy starts against Bowens. Bowens keeps him on the mat for a while before JB hits him with armdrags and dropkicks. Some underhanded tactics and double team brings JB under control. We cut to a break he is beaten on the floor.
Jungle Boy hits a clothesline to make a comeback as we return from the break. Caster tries to stop the tag but he kicks him away and tags in Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus tags in and starts beating up both opponents with kicks, clotheslines and corner splashes. Both members of Acclaimed on the floor until JB and Luchasaurus bring them in. Luchasaurus slams Bowens’ face to the mat. He hits a chokeslam and a standing moonsault on Caster, only for Bowens to break the pin.
Bowens saves Caster from a double team. Luchasaurus is sent to the floor. They hits JB with some double team moves. Caster hits mic drop elbow drop and Luchasaurus has to break the pin. Luchasaurus is hit with the boom box on the floor. The Acclaimed hits Magic Killer on JB but he kicks out of the pin. The Acclaimed tries to use the boom box again, but Christian pulls Bowens out. JB and Luchasaurus hit double team Frankestiener on Caster to get the pin and the win.
Winner – Jurassic Express
Leyla Hirsch vs Thunder Rosa – Women’s Champion Eliminator Match
They start with some grappling. Switching waistlocks before coming to a stalemate. Hirsch picks Rosa’s leg and brings her to the mat. They work on each others’ arms. Rosa hits back to back armdrags. She hits clotheslines in the corner. Hirsch counters Fire Thunder Driver and slams Rosa’s hand to the mat.
Rosa hits a clothesline to start his comeback. More clotheslines before Hirsch is dropped to the ropes. Rosa hits a dropkick to her back. Another dropkick follows. She hits a snap suplex for a two-count. Hirsch counters in the corner to hit a German suplex. Rosa drops her on the top turnbuckle. She hits a superplex. Rosa goes hits a swinging neckbreaker before a clothesline for another two-count.
Hirsch moves to the floor and slams Rosa’s hand on the apron. Hirsch brings out a turnbuckle but Red Velvet stops her from using it. Rosa hits goes for the Driver but Hirsch counters to attempt armbar. Rosa clasps his hands to avoid it. Rosa hits a running knee and follows with Fire Thunder Driver to get the pin and the win.
Winner – Thudner Rosa
Tony Schiavone gets on the mic and announces that Rosa will get a title shot next week in a Steel Cage match.
We cut to Britt Baker backstage and takes a shot for having more pep in her steps this time around. Baker says after losing at Revolution, she should have been at the back of the line, but she got an eliminator match. Baker cries about a conspiracy theory against her. Baker is glad that Rosa has atleast got a friend by her side in Red Velvet.
Sammy Guevara(c) vs Scorpio Sky – AEW TNT Championship Match
Sky misses a flying knee. They trade shots in the corner. Sky hits a knee to the midsection. Sammy hits a dropkick. Sky goes to the floor and Sammy drives him into the barricade. Sammy brings out a table but Sky avoids getting sent through it. Sammy still hits him with a superkick. Sky is setup on a table. Nobody is home as Sammy goes for 630-splash. We cut to a break as Tay Conti comes out to check on Sammy.
Sammy refuses to go to the back and returns to the ring. Sky keeps control on the match for a while. Sammy hits quick moves to take back control. Sammy hits double springboard cutter, but gets late on cover. Sky kicks out of the pin. Sky goes for the TKO, but Sammy counters to hit GTH. Sky rolls away to avoid the pin. Sammy brings him back and goes for 450-splash. Sky gets his knees up.
Ethan Page tries to interfere but Tay Conti brings him down. Paige Vanzant attacks Tay and beats her up. Back in the ring, Sky hits TKO to get the pin and the win.
Winner – Scorpio Sky(new TNT Champion)
The tickets price of AEW Dynamite on March 09, 2022 ranges from $36 to $450. You can check the tickets at the below link.
TNT Title Match: Scorpio Sky has been demanding a shot at TNT title for a long time, but, for some reason, Tony Khan did not book it. That was until Dan Lambert negotiated a deal that gave Sky the match he desired so long. Sammy Guevara will defend the title for the eighth time since he won the interim title at Battle of the Belts. Regardless, Wardlow awaits the winner of this match.
Paige Vanzant Signs: Paige Vanzant, the MMA and Bare-Knuckle Fighter, will sign a contract with AEW. This comes as part of a deal with Dan Lambert, who got the TNT title match for Scorpio Sky in return. What does AEW has in store for her?
Women’s Title Eliminator: Leyla Hirsch has listed herself as the new contender for Women’s title match after a big win over Kris Statlander at AEW Revolution. She will now face Thunder Rosa in the Women’s Title eliminator match. The winner will challenge Britt Baker St. Patrick’s Day Slam edition of Dynamite.
Jericho Addresses Kingston: Eddie Kingston got a big win at AEW Revolution as he defeated Chris Jericho. Jericho has said that he will give his respects to Kingston if he losses to him. But, he outright refused to shake hands after the loss at Revolution. He will now address Kingston at Dynamite this week.
Venue is small and they closed off almost half the venue. I live in the area and the camera side was not sold to the public at all. Of the sold seat the only empty section was the one directly behind where i was sitting and even those had people.