AEW Dynamite March 2, 2022- Results, Preview, Card, Tickets

AEW Dynamite episode of March 2, 2022, will be the AEW Revolution go-home edition of Dynamite. The event will air live from Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida, US.
The show will feature a Casino Tag Team Battle Royale to determine a challenger for AEW Tag Team title. The show will also feature a six-man tag team match between Hangman Adam Page, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds vs Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, & Kyle O’Reilly.
Continue reading to get complete details on the AEW Dynamite episode of March 2, 2022.
- Show – AEW Dynamite
- Date – March 02, 2022
- Location – Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, FL
- Time – 8 PM EST
Match Card & Results
- Bryan Danielson defeated Christopher Daniels in a singles match via pinfall.(play by play)
- The Young Bucks won the Casino Tag Team Battle Royale(play by play)
- Thunder Rosa & Mercedes Martinez defeated Britt Baker & Jamie Hayter in a tag team match via pinfall.
- Wardlow defeated Cesar Banoni in singles match via pinfall.
- Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, & Kyle O’Reilly defeated Hangman Adam Page, John Silver & Alex Reynolds in a tag team match via pinfall.
Live Updates
Tony Khan’s Big Annoucement
Tony Schiavone is out in the ring with AEW President & CEO Tony Khan. Khan says this is the biggest week for AEW with Revolution on PPV this Sunday. But, his big announcement is that he has brought ROH. And tonight, we have two men from the main event from the first main event from Era of Honor – Christopher Daniels and Bryan Danielson, are here and will compete here tonight.
Bryan Danielson vs Christopher Daniels
Some grappling and reversals to start. Daniels hits a couple of armdrags. Bryan hits a shoulder tackle. Daniels hits a dropkick. Bryan goes to the floor and Daniels hits a springboard moonsault. Bryan counters crossbody with a knee. Bryan starts working on Daniels with kicks and knees. Bryan puts on the bow and arrow stretch. Daniels grabs the ropes to break the submission.
Daniels hits a blue thunderbomb. He hits a slingblade and a kick to the face. Bryan hits a big boot but Daniels hits an uppercut. Daniels drops Bryan on the middle with crossarm Michinoku driver for a near fall. Bryan hits a German suplex and a running dropkick in the corner. Daniels knocks Bryan off the top but Bryan counters with roll over and a pin attempt. They trade several pin attempt but neither gets it.
They trade strikes until Bryan ducks a swing and slaps Daniels hard. Bryan is on the top and Daniels joins him. Bryan is dropped to the floor. Daniels hits a chokeslam. He goes for a moonsault but Byran gets his knees up. Bryan puts on triangle sleeper and Daniels gives up.
Winner – Bryan Danielson
Bryan takes the mic and says they started and ended ROH matches with a handshake. He grabs Daniels’ hand and shakes it. He then says he is not in Ring of Honor, and he is in AEW to kick somebody’s head in.
Enter Jon Moxley. He says he is at a crossroads and what path he takes. And he choose to go through fire and bullets and through Danielson, because at the end of that path he beats the American Dragon. He offers Bryan to take a free shot at him and takes his jacket off. Bryan squares up but then leaves the ring. This ends this segment.
Sting is backstage with Darby Allin. Sting says he is not worried about Darby in his triple threat match at Rampage this week despite the “no interference” stipulation. Allin says he won the title earlier without anyone’s help and he and Sammy Guevara are gonna steal the show like they always do.
Casino Tag Team Battle Royal
FTR and Top Flight start the match. FTR hits chops in the corner. Top Flight replies with dropkicks. Darius with a crossbody to sweep both opponents. They hit Gamengiri on Dash. More dropkicks on FTR as the Acclaimed make their entrance. Max Caster raps on his way in. Acclaimed drops Top Flight but FTR take them under control. Dark Order’s 2 and & 10 are the next team in. Their early burst gets them an advantage.
The Butcher and the Blade are in next. 2 is sent to the apron. He fights back but the Butcher & the Blade ultimately drop him from the apron for the first elimination of the night. The Varsity Blondes enter as we cut to the break.
Bear Country enter the match during the break. Santana & Ortiz enter just as we return from the break. They fight with Bear Country and throws them both out with double team work. FTR try to dump Ortiz and Santana but they hang on. Caster is throw over the rope. Best Friends enter the ring. Trent rocks Bowens with chops. Brian Pillman is eliminated. Chuck drops Darius with a suplex. Bowens throws out Griff Garrison.
Evil Uno & Stu Grayson enter the match. Number is dropped to the floor. All three of Dark order members work on The Butcher and throws him out. FTR hits Big Rig on Bowens and then on Grayson. The Young Bucks enter the match. FTR are waiting for them to enter the ring. Both teams face off before others attack them. Some eliminations follow.
Trent is on the second rope and unloading on Max. The Wingmen enter the ring and hit dropkicks. The Gunn Club enter but Young Bucks rock them with superkicks and FTR hit them with Big Rig before throwing them out of the ring. Brock Anderson and Lee Johnson enter. Brock hits spinebuster on Bowens. Bowens recovers to dump 10 on the apron and them punches him from elimination.
Wingmen are also eliminated. Bowens sends Blade over the top. 2Point0 is the final team to enter. They watch around before entering the ring. FTR beats up Matt Lee. Parker is fighting Top Flight. Young Bucks throw out Johnson and Brock. Top Flight eliminates Bowens. Uno and Baretta fight on the apron. Uno goes for a piledriver on Bareta but Danhausen comes out and curses Uno. Trent hits him with a half-and-half suplex to eliminate him.
Santana and Ortiz fight off 2Point0 on the apron and eliminate them. FTR eliminate 2Point0. Trent Bareta is dumped off from Young Bucks. Top Flight, Young Bucks and FTR are the last three. Dante goes for a headscissors on Cash and takes them both over the top rope for elimination. Matt drops Dax to the apron but he hangs on. ReDragon come out and distract Dax. Young Bucks hit him double superkicks to eliminate Dax.
Darius dumps Nick over the top rope with a back body drop. Darius and Matt go back and forth. Darius pulls Matt to the apron. Matt hits him with a low blow and then kicks him to eliminate him and win the match. ReDragon celebrates with them in the ring.
Winner – The Young Bucks
Chris Jericho cuts a promo backstage, taking shots at Eddie Kingston. He says he can’t relate to Eddie because he has been a big star for so long. But, Eddie will get the same chance on Sunday to win the big one. If Eddie can beat him, he will offer his respect. But if Eddie can’t win, he will tell him to Go F*** Yourself. Ortiz and Santana roll up. Jericho asks them if they are good and offers a fist bump. They bump fists but leave without saying anything. Jericho shouts that he has always got their back.
Is MJF a Good Guy?
CM Punk comes out to the ring. He says he has been asking himself if he’s the bad guy after MJF’s promo last week. He believes nobody thinks they are the bad guy in their own story. Until a week ago, he was certain that MJF was the bad guy here. He gives MJF props to show courage to open up last week, something he never thought MJF had. But, he can’t shake the feeling that he is getting gaslit. He doesn’t think MJF is lying and he doubts how sincere MJF is in telling that story.
Punk talks about his picture with Steve Austin, but he did not lash out and did terrible things after Austin went home. Punk lists down MJF’s unforgivable deeds like knocking Dean Malenko, bury the late Brian Pillman in his hometown, say awful things about Darby Allin’s Uncle John. Punk wonders if he can be blamed for all those actions from MJF and if he is Dr. Frankenstein and MJF is the Monster. He does not agree with that though. He calls out MJF for a conversation face to face.
MJF comes out without his music. Punk says he was also full of hate once and did some bad things. Punk says somewhere out there there is a kid who is looking up to MJF the same way he looked up to Punk years ago. Punk adds that when he splashed his face with water in the morning and wondered if he was the good guy, and he finally had an answer, which is that he sure is trying.
Punk offers Max a handshake and MJF hugs him. He keeps hugging for a while. He gets back and then kicks him in the nuts. MJF takes his blazer off and reveals a t-shirt with the picture of him and Punk printed on it. Shawn Spears and Wardlow come to the ring and give MJF the ring. MJF punches Punk in the head with the diamond ring. He beats while FTR beats up security. Punk is pouring blood from forehead. MJF hits headbutts. Spears puts the dog collar on Punk. Max gets a mic and calls CM Punk a stupid old man and says he is a snake and on Sunday he is going everyine that he is the devil himself.
This continues until Sting, Darby Allin and Sammy Guevara make the save.
Keith Lee is in an interview with Tony Schiavone. Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs interrupt them. Lee tells him if he interrupts him again there will not be anything left to interrupt again. Starks warns him that Rampage is his turf and he might not make it to Revolution if he shows up at the show.
Britt Baker & Jamie Hayter vs Thunder Rosa & Mercedes Martinez
Hayter is knocked to the floor. Rosa and Martinez beat up Baker with double team. Rosa hits bronco buster in the corner. Martinez hits an uppercut. Baker comes back with a slingblade. Hayter comes in and has a staredown with Martinez. They collide a couple of times coming off the ropes before Martinez drops Hayter with an ax handle.
Rosa comes into the ring and Rebel runs a distraction on the referee to allow Baker to take a cheap shot at Rosa. Hayter beats up Rosa as we cut to the break.
Martinez gets the tag and fights off both opponents. Martinez hits a suplex on Hayter. Baker takes a blind tag and attacks Martinex from behind. Baker and Hayter keep Martinez under control until Rosa takes the blind tag. Back and forth action until Rosa hits Death Valley Driver. Hayter breaks the pin. Martinez hits a suplex on Hayter and takes her to the floor. Rosa hits Michinoku driver on Baker and gets the pin.
Winner – Thunder Rosa & Mercedes Martinez
Tay Conti is interviewed backstage and Tony Schiavone brings up her ji-jitsu belt. Jade Cargill rolls up and says no one cares about it. Anna Jay holds Conti back. Mark Sterling reminds her that if she attacks Jade her title match will go up in smoke.
Kris Statlander and Leyla Hirsh are in promo battle in a pre-recorded video. They will face-off at Revolution.
Wardlow vs Cezar Benoni
Benoni hits a knee at the midsection. Wardlow counters off the ropes and starts a powerbomb symphony. He stands on top of Benoni after three powerbombs and gets the pin.
Winner -Wardlow
Shawn Spears was going to hit Benoni with a steel chair when Wardlow stops him. Spears goes to intimidate him, but Wardlow scares him off.
We get the rundown for the matches at the upcoming Rampage episode and AEW Revolution.
House of Black cut a pre-recorded promo. Buddy Mathews has joined them. They remind us that the House Always Wins.
Spears and Wardlow are backstage. MJF tells Wardlow that if he wins the Face of Revolution match and then the TNT title, he will let him keep the title. But MJF is not worried since Wardlow will not win the title anyway. Wardlow retorts by saying it’s because he is always busy making sure that MJF wins. MJF slaps him and tells him that he is his bodyguard and works for him, not AEW. Wardlow’s family will be out on the street if not for MJF’s kindness.
Hangman Adam Page, John Silver & Alex Reynolds vs Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, & Kyle O’Reilly
Hangaman and Fish start. Hangman avoids Fish’s shot and drops him with a big boot. KOR comes in for double team on Page. Page fights them off and drops KOR on Fish. Silver tags in and drops KOR with a suplex. Reynolds teams with him for catapult. Fish comes in and gets dropped but them. Reynolds hits a dropkick on KOR for a one-count. Cole distracts and KOR hits kicks at the leg to take control. Cole tags in and rains on Reynolds.
Cole and team work on Reynolds. Page comes in as Reynolds fights them off. KOR runs out of the ring. Page chases him and KOR tags Fish. Fish attacks Page from behind. Page counters Panama Sunrise from Cole with dead eye, only to start a series of reversals. Page was going for Buckshot Lariat but Cole moves to the floor. We cut to a break.
Cole drops Silver with Ushi Garoshi as we return. Cole and ReDragon work on Silver for a while. Silver fights back with kicks on KOR. KOR trips him and puts on a knee lock. Silver knocks him off and tags in Page. Page runs over KOR and then wipes out Fish off the apron. Page hits a powerbomb on KOR for a nearfall. Page hits a rolling elbow and a lariat. Cole tags in as Page plays posum.
Page gets in his face before they start trading strikes. Others also get into the ring and trades shots. Cole hits brainbuster on Silver. Page drops Cole with a big lariat. Cole fires back with an enziguiri. Reynolds comes in. Cole hits him with a knee. Reynolds fires back with a knee. Cole hits a superkick and Last Shot for the pin and the win.
Winner – Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, & Kyle O’Reilly
Cole keeps beating up Reynolds after the match. Page saves him. Page sends Fish and KOR out of the ring. Page was looking for Buckshot Lariat on Cole but Fish sweeps him on the apron. Page is tied the ropes with his hands in duct tape. Silver is dropped with high-low. Cole hits Reynolds with Panama Sunrise. All this happens as Page could only watch. Page hits back with a headbutt when Cole comes near him. Cole hits him with superkicks and puts the AEW title on him.
The tickets price of AEW Dynamite on March 02, 2022 ranges from $40 to $889. You can check the tickets at the below link.
Casino Tag Royale: The Casino Royale tag match will determine the third team that will join Jurassic Express and ReDragon in a triple threat AEW World title tag-team match at AEW Revolution 2022 PPV.
Hangman Adam Page, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds vs Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, & Kyle O’Reilly: Before the AEW world title match, Hangman Adam Page and Adam Cole will be a part of the six-man tag-team match. ReDragons will join the corner of Adam Cole whereas Hangman Page will team up with John Silver and Alex Reynolds.
Tony Khan’s Big Announcement: AEW President Tony Khan has a big announcement up his sleeves. It will be revealed tonight on Dynamite.
Women’s Tag Team Match: Before their match at AEW Revolution, Dr. Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa will clash in a tag team match. Baker will have Jamie Hayter by her side while Mercedes Martinez will partner Rosa.