24/7 Championship Changed Hand 5 Times on RAW
WWE 24/7 Championship changed hands a record five times on RAW episode of 24 June 2019, but once again ended with R-Truth.

R-Truth and Carmella was the guest in the Miz TV segment on RAW last night. The 24/7 rules were suspended for the segment but Drake Maverick came out to confront Truth. If you missed it, last week Maverick won the championship from Truth but Truth attacked him during his wedding ceremony and won the title back.
Maverick challenged Truth for an impromptu match where Truth successfully defended the title. The fact that he had to run away once more from a pack of WWE wrestlers is another matter.
An hour later, Truth wound up in the middle of the ring at the start of a match between Heath Slater and Mojo Rawley. A brawl broke out and Slater nailed Truth with a neckbreaker and pinned him to win the title. As Slater tried to fend away the other hopefuls, he ran right into a Lie Detector from Truth, who then won the title back.
A few seconds later, Cedric Alexander hit Truth with a Lumbar Check to win the title only to be attacked from behind by EC3 who pinned him after One Percenter. But as the fate has it, a distraction from Carmella allowed Truth to roll up EC3 and win the title back before running away.
Truth is now 9 times 24/7 Champion, that is the total number of times Charlotte Flair has been World Champion.