UFC 271 Adesanya vs Whittaker II: Results & Live Updates

Welcome to UFC 271 PPV Live results blog where we will bring you results from the preliminaries and round by round updates from the main card.
UFC is back with another PPV just in 3 weeks and Toyota Center in Houston will play the host. The event will see UFC’s second-highest-paid star in Israel Adesanya defends his Middleweight title against Robert Whittaker. Adesanya originally won the title unification match against Whittaker in 2019. He has successfully defended it three times since then. Whittaker has also won three bouts against solid opponents since dropping the title.
The event will also feature hometown heavyweight Derrick Lewis face Tai Tuivasa. Lewis was defeated at this same venue in the interim Heavyweight title bout by Ciryl Gane. Tuivasa comes into this bout with four wins on a trot. Jared Cannonier and Derek Brunson will also battle to become the next probable contender to challenge for the middleweight title.
All this and much more action will be covered in this live results and play by play updates blog for UFC 271: Adesanya vs Whittaker II.
Early Prelims Card
- Maxin Grashim defeated William Knight via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) in a heavyweight bout.
- Jeremiah Wells defeated Mike Mathetha via Submission in 4:38 of round 1 in a welterweight bout.
- Douglas Silva de Andrade defeated Sergey Morozov via Submission in 3:24 of round 2 in a bantamweight bout.
- Jacob Malkoun defeated A.J. Dobson via unanimous decision (29-28,29-28,29-28) in a middleweight bout.
- Ronnie Lawrence defeated Mana Martinez via unanimous decision (29-27,29-27,28-29) in a bantamweight bout.
Preliminary Card
- Carlos Ulberg defeated Fabio Cherant via unanimous decision(30-27, 30-27, 30-27) in a Light Heavyweight bout.
- Kyler Phillips defeated Marcelo Rojo via submission in 1:48 of round 3 in a Bantamweight bout.
- Casey O’Neill defeated Roxanne Modafferi via split decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) in a Women’s Flyweight bout.
- Andrei Arlovski defeated Jared Vanderaa via split decision(29-28, 28-29, 29-28) in a Heavyweight bout.
Main Card
- Bobby Green defeated Nasrat Haqparast via unanimous decision(30-27, 30-27, 30-27) in a Lightweight bout.
- Renato Moicano defeated Alexander Hernandez via submission at 1:23 in round 2 in a Lightweight bout.
- Jared Cannonier defeated Derek Brunson via TKO at 4:29 in round 2 in a Middleweight bout.
- Tai Tuivasa defeated Derrick Lewis via KO at 1:30 in round 2 in a Heavyweight bout.
- Israel Adesanya(c) defeated Robert Whittaker via unanimous decision(48-47, 48-47, 49-46) to retain UFC Middleweight Championship.
Live Updates
The main card has started a couple of minutes late as we waited for the results to be announced for Andrei Arlovski vs Jared Vanderaa match.
Bobby Green vs Nasrat Haqparast – Lightweight bout
Round 1: Green is very animated to start the round. Nasrat tries to catch him with a jab. Green avoids the damage and lands a jab himself later. An outside leg kick from Green. An inadvertent eye poke on Green as Nasrat tries to counter punch. The fight gets paused. They restart and there is more action now. Nasrat’s eye gets poked now inadvertently, of course. Green with a jab and a body kick. Nasrat swings but Green rolls away. He lands another body kick. Nasrat with a combo. A right hand from Nasrat. He jabs and Green backs away. Green with more jabs. He ducks away. Some good punching and counter-punching from both sides. Green lands inside leg kick. Nasrat misses a spinning kick. Green connects double jab. Green looking for a chink and Nasrat lands a kick to his ribs. The same thing repeats as the round comes to an end.
Round 2: Green starts with jabs but Nasrat is keeping his hands up. Green keeps looking for opportunity, Nasrat lands a high kick as he tries to explode. Green connecting some quick but not much powerful strikes. More jabs from Green as Nasrat just defends. Nasrat lands an outside kick. Green ducks a swing. Nasrat counters a jab with a big swing. He lands a left shortly afterward. Green lands a combination. Green keeps looking for a chink in that defense. Nasrat lands a left and a high kick a short while later. Green lands some quick punches as the round comes to an end.
Round 3: A quick jab from Bobby. He catches Nasrat’s leg as he goes for a kick, but could not capitalize. Green keeps going with straight jabs. He connects some quick shots. A big body shot fro Green. Green with more counters as he lands shots all over Nasrat. Nasrat has missed a few big swings. Green is on point with his straight jabs and punches. Nasrat tries to break that momentum with an outside kick. Green lands a couple of body kicks. Nasrat lands a high kick. More and more punches from Green. Nasrat is looking to counter but not getting much success. Green lands another jab. Nasrat swings big but fails to connect. An easy win for Green here.
Official decision- Bobby Green wins by unanimous decision (30-27*3).
Alexander Hernandez vs Renato Moicano – Lightweight bout
Round 1: Hernandez looks for inside kicks early. A quick exchange between them. Moicano lands a front kick before another exchange. Hernandez keeps pinning those inside kicks. Moicano looks for a single-leg takedown but fails a couple of times. Moicano manages a takedown but Hernandez gets back to his feet quickly. Moicano brings him down by his waist and pins him to the mat. He looks for a choke but could not get it. Moicano lands a couple of shots to the head before Hernandez gets on his feet and they move to the center again. Hernandez lands a high kick. They get in a clinch as Hernandez attempts a takedown. Moicano connects with a combo. He lands an uppercut.
Round 2: Hernandez lands an elbow but loses his footing. Moicano lands a knee to the ribs. Moicano lands an uppercut to counter. An uppercut to the ribs softens up Hernandez for a barrage of shots from Moicano. Moicano completes a takedown and lands more shots. He puts on a rear-naked choke and gets the submission quickly.
Official Decision- Renato Moicano wins by submission at 1:23 of round 2.
Jared Cannonier vs Derek Brunson – Middleweight bout
Round 1: Cannonier starts with an outside kick. Brunson also lands a kick to the ribs. They get in a clinch ater Brunson ducks a big shot. Brunson attempts a takedown from the waist but Cannonier lands his elbows to the back of his head. Brunson hangs on and manages to bring Cannonier down near the cage. Cannonier manages to get back to his feet after some struggle. Cannonier is coming out with punches now. Brunson goes for another takedown but Cannonier lands his shots to force his back. Brunson pushes Cannonier to the cage. Cannonier keeps on his feet. Brunson lands his left a couple of times. He hits an outside kick before another takedown attempt. He manages to bring down the opponent after some efforts. He tries to go for triangle but has to resort to punches while Cannonier is still on his back. Cannonier gets up and they are in the middle of cage now. Cannonier goes for a big punch but takes his eyes off Brunson. Brunson takes him down with an uppercut and quickly puts on the rear-naked choke. But, it was too close to the bell and Cannonier holds on for a few seconds to avoid defeat.
Round 2: Brunson manages another takedown with single leg. He is in control on the mat and trying to get the choke on. Cannonier manages to get up and they are in the middle of the ring now. Cannonier lands an uppercut on the body. Cannonier lands an outside kick and a knee. Brunson goes for a punch but Cannonier counters. Brunson reaches out with some punches. Cannonier counters with his punches. Brunson attempts another takedown but they were very close to the cage. Cannonier with a nice kick. Brunson lands a high kick. Cannonier lands a punch and an outside kick. Brunson hits a couple of inside kicks. Cannonier connects a jab before they exchange strikes. Cannonier lands an elbow as they tangle. Cannonier hits a big knee to bamboozle Brunson. Cannonier jumps on with more strikes and brings Brunson to the mat. He lands big shots and the corner drops the towel for the referee to stop the fight.
Official Decision – Jared Cannonier wins via TKO at 4:29 in round 2.
Derrick Lewis vs Tai Tuivasa – Heavyweight bout
Round 1: 30 seconds go by without anything. Tai tries to reach out for a punch but does not connect. He lands a low kick. Tai ducks a punch and they get in a clinch on the cage. Tai lands a couple of knees as he pins Lewis against the cage. The referee calls for a stalemate. Lewis lands a high kick. He goes for a pump knee but misses. A big shot from Lewis catches Tai square. Lewis now pins Tai on the cage. Tai tries to counter the takedown attempt. Lewis hits a big punch and drops Tai to the floor. Lewis lands some quick shot. Tai fires back with some of his own to just avoid a KO. They get in a clinch with a minute still remaining in the round. Lewis manages trip Tai for another takedown. Tai gets back to his feet and pins Lewis to the cage again. Tai lands a couple of knee strikes as the round comes to an end.
Round 2: Lewis hits a low kick to start this round. Lewis catches Tuivasa with a jab. Tuivasa runs back and Lewis follows him with his punches. They get in another clinch near the cage. This turns into a brawl and it is hard to distinguish who is landing how many. It is all swinging at each other. The chaos ends with Tuivasa dropping Lewis with a big shot. Second loss on the trot for Lewis in his hometown. A big elbow square on the face did the job for Tuivasa.
Official Decision- Tai Tuivasa wins by KO at 1:30 in round 2.
Israel Adesanya (c) vs Robert Whittaker for UFC Middleweight Championship
Round 1: Adesanya looks for a low kick early. They are not engaging much in the first minute. Whittaker attempts low kicks but does not connect. They both reach out for jabs. Whittaker lands a leg kick. Adesanya lands a jab. Adesanya lands a couple of low kicks. An outside kick from Adesanya. More low kicks follow. Whittaker fires back with one of his own. Whittaker goes for a double jab and has come back to avoid a high kick. Whittaker ducks a left high kick. Adesanya gets a knockdown but could not follow as Whittaker gets up quickly. Whittaker goes for a takedown but Adesanya defends. Adesanya feints a number of kicks before landing a low kick. Whittaker goes for another takedown but Adesanya gets away. Izzy lands a kick and a knee.
Round 2: Whittaker attempts high kicks to start. Whittaker charges and lands a couple of punches but Izzy also lands his low kicks during that exchange. Izzy hits a couple of front kicks. Whittaker lands a couple of jabs. Izzy keeps pinning low kicks. Whittaker lands an elbow. Izzy hits more kicks. Whittaker completes a takedown and pins Izzy against the cage. They get in a clinch and tussle for a minute or so. Izzy lands a couple of kicks. Israel hits a jab. Whittaker lands a low kick. Whittaker defends a high kick. They both land a jab. Whittaker tries to rush Izzy but fails to make anything of it.
Round 3: Whittaker attempts double jabs to start but does not connect. Both men are cautious. Adesanya misses a high kick. Whittaker rushes him with a jab. Whittaker counters a knee with a left punch. Izzy lands a kick quickly. Whittaker tries to charge at him and Izzy lands a couple of shots to counter him. Izzy puts on a front headlock and Whittaker is quick to come out of it. Whittaker counters a high kick with a takedown. Izzy counters with an arm triangle attempt and gets to his feet quickly. Whittaker gets on his waist. Izzy manages to defend and they return to the middle of the cage again. Izzy comes with a double jab and then lands a low kick. Whittaker pushes him back with a punch. Izzy hits a kick at the shoulder as the round ends.
Round 4: Whittaker lands a solid counter punch to start round 4. Izzy hits a body kick. Izzy hits a stiff calf kick. They exchange a punch. Izzy dodges a couple of punches. Whittaker completes another takedown and gets on Izzy’s back. He goes for the choke but Izzy defends. They exchange some shots after coming back to the middle. Whittaker lands a double jab. Izzy misses a high kick. Whittaker with another double jab. Low kicks from both ends. Izzy hits a low kick and Whittaker counters with a jab. More kicks follow from Izzy. They get in a clinch and Whittaker pins Israel against the cage. A knee from Adesanya is countered with a punch.
Round 5: A low kick from Izzy is countered with a jab from Whittaker. Adesanya lands a kick to the ribs. Whittaker reaches out with a jab. Whittaker attempts a sidekick but Israel moves away. Whittaker goes for a single leg takedown but Izzy defends it well. An accidental eye poke forces a brief pause. Whittaker attempts another takedown and gets on the back. Adesanya gets near the cage and tries hard not to give Whittaker anything. Whittaker with a big shot as they come out of it. Izzy pins a low kick. Whittaker goes for another takedown but has to contend with control against the cage. He tries to bring Izzy to the mat but Izzy manages to defend that. The fight ends with Whittaker keeping Izzy pinned to the cage.
Official Decision- Israel Adesanya wins via unanimous decision(48-47, 48-47, 49-46) to retain the Middleweight title.