WWE SmackDown Results October 13, 2023, Live Updates, Highlights

This is the live coverage blog from ITNWWE for WWE SmackDown October 13, 2023 episode, which was live from Tulsa, OK.
Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns was set to appear on the show after two months of gap. The Bloodline was in turmoil and the enemies John Cena and LA Knight are upon them. What kind of tone Roman set up on the return?
Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso had issued an open challenge for Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship. Pretty Deadly were set to return as Elton Prince had recovered from his injury. They faced Butch and Ridge Holland of the Brawling Brutes. John Cena was also announced for an appearance. The build-up for Crown Jewel continued with the show.
Tune in below from 8 PM ET onwards for results and complete coverage from Friday Night SmackDown episode number 1260.
The Tribal Chief, The GOAT & The Fastest Rising Star
John Cena opens the show. We cut to a video package for the highlights of Cena and LA Knight defeating Solo Sikoa and Jimmy Uso. Cena gets interrupted by Roman Reigns quickly enough. He is winged by Paul Heyman and Solo Sikoa as he makes his entrance. Roman stands across Cena in the ring. Amazing atmosphere in the arena. Roman asks for the mic. Paul Heyman is having an orgasm as he hands over the mic. Roman says if Cena is opening his show, he should do it the right way. Roman screams, “Tulsa, acknowledge me”.
Loud Cena chants. Roman says they are chanting for a coward because Cena appeared only when he took the leave, and he has the audacity to call himself the Greatest of All Time. There is only one GOAT. Roman tells Cena that they have done it before and asks him to leave or else they will make him leave. Cena takes the mic and says he is not here to challenge Roman. Cena says it is the greatest accomplisment of all time. He is not here to challenge Roman because he has not earned it, but he knows someone who has. LA Knight’s music hits and he comes out. The crowd screams, “L.A. Knight. Yeah”, as he poses in the corner.
Cena tells LA Knight it’s his time and hands him over the mic. The crowd screams. Roman is acting confused about Knight. Knight asks Roman if he is pissing his pants now. Knight says Roman is the Tribal Chief, Universal Champion, and defending champion. He says things have changed for the last two months Roman was resting at his home. He asks the crowd to tell him whose game this is. They scream, “LA Knight.. Yeah”. Roman says more than 1100 days he is the champion, and why does Knight think he can beat him. Roman asks him who does he thinks he is. Knight replies that he is the fastest-rising star in the history of SmackDown.
Jimmy Uso attacks Knight from behind. Solo blocks Cena from getting involved. Knight throws Jimmy out of the ring, and faces off with Roman again. Roman slips out of the ring. At ringside, Roman orders Solo to take care of it. Solo gets up on the apron again and tells Knight to have a match tonight.
Pretty Deadly(Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) vs The Brawling Brutes(Butch & Ridge Holland)
Wilson’s voice takes over the arena as he says Elton Prince got injured by Ridge Holland, but he has made a miraculos recovery as he is “Elton Strong”. Pretty Deadly are on the stage. Prince acts like its a miracle as he stands up from the wheel chair and makes his way to the ring. The Brawling Brutes’ entrance follows.
Butch and Prince start the match. Butch takes him down and hits a stomp on the arm. Prince jumps to his corner and tags in Wilson. Holland comes in and drops Wilson. Butch hits an enzuigiri to knock Prince off the apron. Butch slams Wilson to the mat. He rolls off. Butch follows him out and sets him on the announce table for 10 Beats of Bothran. Holland does the same thing to Prince on the apron.
Wilson is in control against Butch. Butch fires chops. Prince tags in behind him and unloads on Butch. He brings Butch down and stomps on him for a while in the corner. Prince attempts 10 Beats of Bothran but Butch blocks it and snaps his arm on his shoulder. Butch is thrown to the corner again. Butch starts to fight back. He knocks Wilson off the apron but Prince gives him a hand, showing off the power of his now healed shoulder. Butch skips past them and tags in Holland.
Holland hits quick slams on both men before finally dropping Wilson on top of Prince. He hits a fallaway slam on Wilson but Prince breaks the pin. Butch comes in and kicks Wilson out of the ring. Prince sends Butch out. Holland slams Prince to the mat. Prince is acting injured now. The referee is keeping Holland away from him as she checks on Prince. Wilson hits a pump kick on Holland and rolls over Holland to get the pinfall.
Winner – Pretty Deadly
Carlito is interviewed backstage. He says his return can only be described by one word, “Cool”. Bobby Lashley interrupts him Lashley points out how he was beating him up when he was last on SmackDown. Carlito tells him why not he have a match against Lashley back as his first match on SmackDown on his return. Lashley agrees, but The Street Profits attack Carlito from behind. Lashley goes to hit Carlito with a steel chair but Adam Pearce and other crew members run in to stop him.
After the break, LWO are watching over Carlito along with other crew members. Bayley comes in and complains that she was planning a big celebration for Iyo Sky, but the place is crowded. Zelina Vega gets into an argument with her. Adam Pearce screams them to stop arguing and if they want, they can go have a match right away.
Jimmy says he is just trying to be Roman and calling the audible. Roman laughs and asks him what will he do next. Jimmy replies that he will get Jey back in the Bloodline. Roman says what Jey is doing is disrespectful to the Bloodline as he is running off with Cody Rhodes as a tag team champion. Roman tells Jimmy that he is not a quarterback and does not call the audible.
Bayley vs Zelina Vega
Zelina gets a quick start, but Bayley counters an Irish Whip and hits a clothesline to take over control. Vega fights back and hits a Meteora. She looks for Code Red but Iyo and Dakota run a distraction. Zelina hits 619 on Iyo to knock her off the apron. Bayley hits her with Roseplant to get the pinfall.
Winner – Zelina Vega
After the match, Damage CTRL start the beatdown. Charlotte Flair runs out to make the save.
New Manager, New Superstar!
Triple H comes out to the ring. Adam Pearce is already in the ring. He talks about a successful Fastlane, and how we will move towards Crown Jewel and Survivor Series now. It all starts right here tonight. He says he is here for an unsung hero of WWE and he does not know why he has asked him to be in the ring with him. Triple H talks about Adam Pearce doing the thankless job in a great manner for the last 3 years. But, it is still a job that a person should not do alone. Hunter announces that Adam Pearce is getting a promotion and is the new general manager of Monday Night RAW. Who will be the general manager of SmackDown?
Dominik Mysterio’s music hits and he comes out. Loud boos for Dominik as he comes out. Dominik says Fastlane was not a success as Judgment Day got screwed off the tag team titles. Triple H asks the crowd to please keep it down as he can’t hear Dominik. They boos him louder. Dominik tries to speak and says how can Triple H allow Pearce to have Cody and Jey defend the tag team titles tonight when they will have to do it on RAW this Monday. Triple H says Dominik is complaining to the wrong guy as Pearce is not the general manager of SmackDown…. it is Nick Aldis.
Aldis is ringside and gets into the ring. Aldis thanks WWE for making him the manager of the biggest wrestling show right now. He then brings up how Smackdown is due a superstar trade when Cody Rhodes took Jey Uso to RAW. Dominik interrupts Aldis who shakes his hands with him and tells him that he is big fan…. of his father. Dominik says nobody cares who the new guy on SmackDown is. Kevin Owens’ music hits and he comes out to loud reaction. He gets into the ring and hits a stunner on Dominik. KO hugs Triple H before shaking hands with Pearce and Aldis.
We cut to backstage where Roman Reigns is watching this segment. Jimmy Uso, Solo Sikoa and Paul Heyman, all are there with her. Roman is upset at Kevin Owens also joining Cody and Jey on SmackDown tonight. He snaps at Jimmy for still being there after they have discussed their play. Jimmy leaves the ring to run the play.
Nick Aldis has Chelsea Green and Piper Niven bothering him, asking for new women’s tag team title belts. He tells them that he has another meeting set up as Charlotte Flair comes in. Aldis tells Flair that he found it unfair what happened at Fastlane, and books her for title match against Iyo Sky next week. As Flair is leaving, Triple H comes in with Jade Cargill. They shake hands and Jade says its her pleasure to meet her. Flair replies pleasure will be all hers.
Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso(c) vs Grayson Waller & Austin Theory – WWE Tag Team Championship
Cody starts against Waller with a quick kick to midsection and a drop down & uppercut. Waller tries to fight back but Cody keeps up with the attack. Cody snaps at his arm before tagging in Jey. Waller hits a kick but Jey counters a headbutt. Theory takes a blind tag before Jey throws Waller to the floor. Theory hits a backbreaker from behind. Jey unloads on him back. Waller tries to distract him. Jey deals with him on the apron, but Theory sends him face-first into the ring post. Jey drops to the floor. We cut to a break.
Theory is in control against Jey as we return. Theory stomps in the corner. Jey starts to fight back but Theory blocks him and sets him up on his knees. Waller hits an elbow drop from the top rope. Jey hits an enzuigiri on Waller. Hot tag to Cody against Theory and hits clotheslines, shoulder tackle and a snap powerslam. He hits a disaster kick next. Waller is thrown out of the ring, but he returns quickly. Cody hits a Cody cutter on him. Theory hits Cody with a brainsbuster on his knees. Jey Uso breaks the pinfall. Waller is thrown out again before Jey and Cody hit Cody-1-D. Jey hits a suicide dive on Waller on the floor. Cody hits a Crossrhodes on Theory to get the pinfall.
Winner – Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso
Jey and Cody celebrate for a while. Roman Reigns’ music hits as Jey gets on the ramp. But, it is Solo and Jimmy who come out first and have a staredown with Jey and Solo. Roman Reings follows them out and gets in Cody’s face. Cody and Roman have a long staredown. We cut to a break.
LA Knight vs Solo Sikoa
They lock up before starting to trade shots. Knight hits quick punches. Solo drops him with a back elbow. Knight brings him down and slams him to the mat. Solo recovers quickly and drops Knight to the mat. Solo hits chops in the corner. Knight trips him with a low dropkick before hitting a clothesline. Knights gets sent to the apron. Solo hits punches before driving him into the ring post face first. We cut to a break.
Solo is in control with a vice grip on Knight’s shoulder. Knight hits back elbows and tries to hit a power slam but Solo gets him down with a crossbody. Solo hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Solo hits a hip attack in the corner. Solo hits punches in the corner before putting the vice grip again in the middle. Knight hits punches and chops. Solo hits a headbutt to halt his momentum. Solo hits a Samoan Drop.
Solo tries to counter a sunset flip with a hip attack, but he misses the drop. Solo goes for a running head butt but Knight gets away from the corner, and Solo crashes into the corner. Knight hits quick punches to get some momentum. He sets up Solo in the corner and hits a running knee. Knight blocks a Samoan drop. He hits a suplex next for a two-count. A double clothesline drops both men. Jimmy Uso runs out to the ring. He gets ready for a superkick but John Cena gets into the ring to hit Jimmy with AA. Solo hits Cena with Samoa Spike. Knight catches him with BFT to get the pinfall.
Winner – LA Knight
Knight poses in the corner. Roman Reigns hits him with a spear. Roman closes the show standing tall.