WWE RAW Live Results & Updates- 16 December 2019
Welcome to ITN’s Live Results and Updates Blog for the WWE RAW episode of 16 December 2019 (12/16/2019).
- Date- 16 December 2019
- Location- Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, IA, US
- Time- 8 PM EST(17 December 2019 1 AM GMT/6:30 AM IST)
Sorry In Advance!!
The show opened with the vignette of how Seth Rollins turned heel last week and some rushes from his promo. Seth Rollins comes out to the ring after the theme song. He takes the mic and introduces the first two men who decided to “stand at the right side of the history”- AOP. Rollins starts his promo by recalling how everyone was saying that Seth Rollins is the future when he was in NXT, when he started on the main roster and until he defeated Brock Lesnar twice this year.
But then, the atmosphere changed. and people started to question his leadership as if he had done something wrong. Rollins says being a leader isn’t about being cool and making popular decisions, it’s about making decisions for the sake of progress. Whatever happened with Kevin Owens is sad. But he resisted change and will work as an example for others.
Rollins goes on about how he’s always truthful with the fans and that will never change. He says this might be hard for some to accept, but he is a leader. Bigger than that, he is a visionary and will be the man that leads this brand and this industry into the next decade and beyond. Rollins says whether we like it or not, we are coming with him, by hook or by crook, he will drag us kicking and screaming into 2020.
Rollins also says that if anyone resists, AOP will impose his will. He has a score to settle and he guarantees that one way or the other, it will be settled by the end of tonight. Rollins also apologizes in advance for what they are going to do tonight. All three of them exit the ring. On the commentary, Samoa Joe puts over AOP for being too dangerous.
The Viking Raiders vs The OC
We go to the ring for this non-title match. Their match at WWE TLC ended in a Double Count-Out. After the break, Gallows and Anderson come out and cut a promo. Anderson says that the Viking Raiders are the most unstoppable tag team, but there’s only one tag team that holds a pin victory over The Vikings, and that’s The OC. They go on about last night’s match and how The Vikings risked themselves with flying moves to make sure they didn’t lose a second time to The OC. They head for the ring.
Gallows and Ivar start and try to knock each other over. Gallows with a big kick and an uppercut to drop Ivar to one knee. Anderson tags in but Ivar rams him into the corner. Vikings hit stiff double team moves on Anderson. Erik manhandles Anderson some more and tags in Ivar for another double team. Erik slams Ivar on top of Anderson for a pop. After a few tags, Erik hits a long vertical suplex.
Anderson fights out and in comes Gallows with a thumb to the eye. Erik and Gallows run the ropes now. Erik knocks Gallows out of the ring with a forearm. He runs the ropes for a suicide dive but Gallows meets him at the ropes with a big forearm. Gallows brings Erik out and launches him into the barrier with a fall-away slam. We go to the commercial.
Anderson hits a spinebuster on Erik as we return from the break. He gets two-count before tagging in Gallows. Gallows puts Erik in a headlock for some time before hitting the belly to back suplex. Anderson is tagged in and Erik finally fights out to tag in Ivar. Suplex and splash on Anderson by Ivar before he decks Gallows off the apron. Ivar continues to assault Anderson and goes for the cover after a running hip attack. Gallows breaks the pin.
Anderson comes back with a neckbreaker and Gallows hits a belly to back suplex after being tagged in. Ivar takes both opponents down with a springboard elbow. The Viking Raiders hits the suicide dives on the OC as we go to another break.
The OC are back in control after the break. Anderson charges but Ivar hits an elbow. Erik and Gallows are tagged in and Erik takes the upper hand against both opponents. He tags in Ivar and they hit Gallows with a series of double team moves in the corner. The crowd has become dead by now. Anderson helps out Gallows to take over against Erik.
But that is short-lived as Erik scoops Anderson in the corner. Ivar gets the blind tag as Erik hits a powerbomb on Anderson. Ivar goes for the moonsault off the top and the crowd is excited for this now. but Gallows pulls Anderson from the harm’s way. The OC hits the Magic Killer on Ivar and Gallows gets the pin for the win.
Winner- The OC
The OC celebrates at the ramp and The Vikings are screaming at them from the ring.