WWE NXT August 29, 2023 Results, Live Updates, Highlights
Welcome to the live results blog for WWE NXT August 29, 2023 episode which was building up towards NXT No Mercy 2023 event.
NXT Global Heritage Invitational started this week with two matches. Butch faced Charlie Dempsey from group A while Nathan Frazer took on Joe Coffey from Group B. The Creed Brothers battle the Dyad in a steel cage match with their reinstatement to NXT on the line.
A #1 contender match was set for NXT Women’s Championship which is a fatal 4-way match between Roxanne Perez vs Gigi Dolin vs Kiana James vs Blair Davenport. This was the main event of the show. Tune in below as we post results from WWE NXT August 29, 2023, with live updates, winners, highlights and complete action.
- The Creed Brothers(Julius Creed & Brutus Creed) defeated The Dyad(Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid) in a Steel Cage Match via pinfall to get reinstated to NXT.
- Butch defeated Charlie Dempsey in Heritage Global Invitational Group A Match via pinfall.
- Lola Vice & Elektra Lopez defeated Kelani Jordan & Dana Brooke in a tag team match via pinfall.
- Dijak defeated Eddy Thorpe in a singles match via pinfall.
- Joe Coffey defeated Nathan Frazer in Heritage Global Invitational Group B Match via pinfall.
- Roxanne Perez vs Gigi Dolin vs Kiana James vs Blair Davenport – Fatal 4-way #1 Contender Match for NXT Women’s Championship
The Creed Brothers(Julius Creed & Brutus Creed) vs The Dyad(Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid) – Steel Cage Match
Only Julius can get into the ring as an attack from Schism keeps Brutus out of the ring. Brutus is carried to the back by Schism followers at Joe Gacy’s instructions. The cage is shut and Julius has to fight The Dyad alone. They start with double team work. Julius comes back with tackles and clotheslines. He hits a double suplex next. The Dyad get the control back with double team and work on Julius. Julius lands on his the ropes and hits a moonsault to take them down. He hits a double clothesline. He puts on an ankle lock on Fowler and hits a Gutwrench slam on Reid at the same time. Fowler somehow manages to break it up. The Dyad drop Julius on the cage walls face first to take us to a break.
The Dyad are still in control as we return. Brutus is returning to the ring after fighting out the horde of Schism followers. He hits suplexes and tackles to get them down. He chases Joe Gacy now who has the key to the door. When Gacy keeps running. Brutus breaks the door and enter the cage. He hits shoulder tackles and suplexes on The Dyad. He sandwiches The Dyad in between the cage walls and door. Fowler is slammed to the wall with a powerslam. Julius is woken up. They throw Reid into the steel walls a few times. Fowler saves Reid from their finisher and send Julius into Brutus. Julius is sent into the walls. The Dyad try to choke Brutus with the door but he works with Julius to save himself. Julius hosts both opponent on his shoulder as Brutus hits the uppercut on them at the same time from the top rope. The Creed Brothers hit stereo sliding clotheslines to get the pinfall at the same time.
Winners – The Creed Brothers
Ivy Nile celebrates with The Creed Brothers as they are now reinstated to NXT.
We get a video promo from Roxanne Perez saying she would have talked about respect for all 3 of her opponents a few weeks back. But now, she would be lying if she says that. She will do anything to win back NXT Women’s title.
We get the rules for Global Heritage Invitational before the introduction of participants.
Tag Champions The D’Angelo Family are backstage when NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes come in. They talk about how gold matters when the Street Profits appear. Montez Ford tells Hayes they love what he is doing with the title. Carmelo appreciates them and says he needs to erase the asterisk from his record. Tony remembers how the Profits used to run the tag division in NXT. Ford says maybe next time they will check in on the tag titles. A brawl breaks out in the women’s locker room with referees trying to stop them.
Butch vs Charlie Dempsey – Heritage Global Invitational Group A Match
They lock and go for some quick counters on the mat. Dempsey no-sells headbutts. Chain wrestling leads to Dempsey stomping on Butch’s arm. Butch hits a clothesline to drop him after running the ropes. Butch starts his signature joint manipulation. They trade shots off the ropes before Dempsey hits a bridging German suplex to get a two-cout. An uppercut from Butch drops Dempsey. Dempsey comes back with a double underhook suplex. Butch gets to the top rope. Dempsey goes for full nelson suplex off the top rope but Butch lands on his feet. Butch hits Bitter End to get the pinfall.
Winner – Butch
Dragon Lee is interviewed backstage for pinning Dominik Mysterio last week in a tag team match. Lee says we can see that with Rhea out of picture, Dominik can’t win. Mustafa Ali says Lee has lost to Dominik once, and argues that it is his chance to get a title shot.
Ilja Dragunov is in the ring and gives props to Trick Williams for their fight last week. Now, his sight is back on NXT title. Noam Dar interrupts from his lounge. Meta-Four take shots at Dragunov. He replies Dar is just lucky to hold onto the titles. Dar says its not luck. Oro Mensah insults him in German. Lash Legends continues insulting him. Dragunov starts going after Dar. Legends and Dar stop him and Dar says he does not want to destroy Meta-Four lounge. Dar proposes a match next week and Mensah says he will take on Dragunov next week.
Von Wagner cuts a promo backstage with Mr. Stone. He challenges Bron Breakker to fight next week in a No Disqualification match.
Dani Brooke & Kelani Jordan vs Lola Vice & Elektra Lopez
Jordan and Vice start the match. Lopez holds Vice to help block Jordan’s armdrag. Lopez comes in for a double team tackle. She hits a tackle and corner splash. Vice hits a spinning back fist on Jordan who is thrown in by Lopez. Jordan rolls up Vice to get a two-count. A spinning heel kick from Jordan drops Vice. Dana gets the hot tag and hits a springboard tackle on Lopez. She hits short clotheslines before sending Vice into Lopez in the corner for a back splash. Jordan hits an assisted moonsault on Lopez. Vice breaks the pinfall. Dana takes Vice to the floor where Vice whips her into the steel steps. Vice and Lopez double up on Jordan to get the pinfall.
Winners – Lola Vice & Elektra Lopez
We get a quick promo from Gigi Dolin who says Tiffany Stratton has made a mistake even putting her in the #1 contender match.
Eddy Thorpe vs Dijak
Thorpe attacks Dijak on the floor itself. He hits a running boot as the bell ring. A brainbuster follows from Thorpe to get a two-count. Dijak hits a chokeslam to get a close two-count. Thorpe counters the second chokeslam. Dikaj hits a big shot. Thorpe hits a big spinning kick. Dijak tackles Thorpe and both men are down. Dijak wraps his belt on his hand but Thorpe ducks that punch and sends Dijak into the ring post. He hits a crossbody on the floor. Dijak drives Thorpe into the announce table and throws Thorpe into the chairs. Dijak brings in a chair but misses the shot. Thorpe sends him into the turnbuckle. Dijak hits a loaded punch with his belt when the referee removes the chair. Dijak hits a spinning kick to get the pinfall.
Winner – Dijak
We get a promo from Kiana James taking shots at all 3 opponents in the fatal 4-way match.
Baron Corbin is screaming at some crew member when Bron Breakker comes in asking to get a thank you. Corbin says Breakker’s ego is too much, and he did not need help last week, and Breakker should focus on his match next week.
We see Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza discussing about a dream then had about their grandpa and how they woke with a ripped mark on their chests. They come to an agreement that they need to start fresh. They rip Los Lotharios shirt. They will return next week.
We get the tribute package for Bray Wyatt.
We get the promo from Blair Davenport saying that she is the only one in fatal 4-way match who has not been champion so far. But, she has beaten up many around the world.
Nathan Frazer vs Joe Coffey – Heritage Global Invitational Group B Match
Coffey throws Frazer away after the lock up. A couple of waistlock takedowns before putting him in a stretch. Frazer tries to come back with quick moves. Wolfgang takes a cheap shot at him from the floor. Coffey hits a German suplex. Coffey keeps control for a while. Frazer sends Coffey to the floor as we cut to a break.
Frazer hits flying clotheslines and running tackles before a neckbreaker to get a two-count. Coffey hits an European uppercut and a Glasgow send-off. He hits a belly-to-back suplex to get a two-count. Frazer trips him to the floor and hits a suicide dive. Frazer hits a springboard frog splash to get a near fall. Frazer hits a superkick but misses a moonsault. Coffey hits a discuss lariat to get the pinfall.
Winner – Joe Coffey
Tyler Bate discusses Global Heritage tournament and his history with Butch. He turns his focus on Dabba Kato and challenges him for next week.
Roxanne Perez vs Gigi Dolin vs Kiana James vs Blair Davenport – Fatal 4-way #1 Contender Match for NXT Women’s Championship
Perez and Blair fight in the ring. Dolin and James fight on the floor. Perez drops Blair and decks Dolin off the apron. Blair catches Perez with a punch when she turns around. Perez counters with a hurricanrana. All 4 women get pin attempts in succession. A double pin spot was next. Perez now fights Dolin on the apron. Dolin drops Perez on the apron with an Urinage. Blair hits Dolin with a suplex. James hits a moonsault on Blair. Perez hits a suicide dive on James to take us to a break.
There is a chain of submission in the ring as we return, but Blair breaks it up. Blair takes Perez to the top. James joins them. Dolin brings them down from Tower of Doom. Dolin hits quick kicks on James’ face. She hits a hip attack and dropkick on Blair. Blair drags her into the ropes. James throws her into the steel post. Blair and James trade shots in the ring. Perez gets caught by them in a crossbody but still manage to take them down with hurricanrana. She sets them up in the corner for an uppercut. Blair counters her. Dolin hits a clothesline on Blair.
Perez hits Dolin with a leg sweep. She looks for Pop-Rox on James but Blair hits her with a dropkick. Blair hits a twisting neckbreaker but Dolin breaks the pin. Dolin takes Blair down with more kicks. Perez hits a diving hurricanrana on Dolin. Blair assists Perez in a Pop-Rox on Dolin on the floor. Perez hits a Pop-Rox on Blair in the ring, but Blair rolls to the floor. Perez blocks a move from Dolin. James hits a bulldog on Perez to send her to the floor. James hits a version of codebreaker on Dolin to get the pinfall.
Winner – Kiana James
NXT Women’s Champion Tiffany Stratton comes in and has a face-off with Kiana James.
We see NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes getting into Shawn Michaels’ room to talk. The show goes off the air.