Rick Steiner Might Appear on Tonight’s WWE NXT 2.0

According to the latest reports, WWE Hall of Famer Rick Steiner is at WWE Performance Center in Orlando Florida for tonight’s episode of NXT 2.0.
PWInsider reported that WWE brought Steiner for the go-home edition of the WWE NXT Spring Breakin’ event in order to build up the feud between Joe Gacy and Bron Breakker.
A few weeks back Joe Gacy and Harland abducted Rick Steiner and stole his Hall of Fame ring as well. Gacy even put the ring on the fire pit before wearing it.
Joe Gacy used the ring as bait in order to receive an NXT Championship match against Bron Breakker. The latter accepted his deal but then Gacy pushed him away from the balcony.
Harland hasn’t made an appearance since the April 5 episode of NXT 2.0. It is still not confirmed whether he would appear on tonight’s episode or not.
It also hasn’t been revealed what WWE planned for Rick Steiner tonight and whether he will be involved in the storyline again or not.