WWE NXT April 26, 2022 Results & Live Updates(w/ Preview)

WWE NXT 2.0 episode of April 26, 2022, will be the go-home edition of the NXT Spring Breakin’ event. It will continue the buildup for the special event along with a stacked match card.
The forthcoming episode will feature Tony D’Angelo colliding against Xyon Quinn in a singles match, whereas Nikkita Lyons will face Lash Legends in a rematch. Solo Sikoa is looking forward to taking revenge against Trick Williams. Meanwhile, Legado del Fantasma will settle their dispute against Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen & Fallon Henley in a 6-person mixed tag-team match.
Read below to check out the complete details on the April 26 episode of WWE NXT 2.0.
Event Info
- Show – WWE NXT
- Date – April 26, 2022
- Location – Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, FL, US
- Time – 8 PM EST
Match Card & Results
- Nikkita Lyons defeated Lash Legends in a singles match via pinfall.
- Von Wagner defeated Tony D’Angelo in a singles match via pinfall.
- Kacy Catenzaro & Kayden Carter defeated Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz in a tag team match via pinfall.
- Legado Del Fantasma(Cruz Del Toro, Joaquin Wilde & Elektra Lopez) defeated Josh Briggs & Fallon Henley in a 3-on-2 mixed tag team match via pinfall.
- Solo Sikoa defeated Trick Williams in a singles match via pinfall.
- The Viking Raiders(Erik & Ivar) defeated Malik Blade & Edris Enofe in a tag team match via pinfall.
- Mandy Rose defeated Roxanne Perez in a singles match via pinfall.
Live Updates
Nikkita Lyon vs Lash Legends
They start by trading punches. Lyons hits some leg kicks. Legend takes her down with a chop. Lash knocks her off the apron and then sends her into the steel steps. Back to the ring, Lyons counters with a pin attempt. Lash hits a spin out powerbomb. She puts on a chinlock. Lyons hits back with calf kicks. She follows up with a suplex and German Suplex. She unloads from the second rope. Lash picks her up but Lyons was able to counter with headscissors. She hits her finisher and gets the pin.
Winner – Nikkita Lyons
After the match, Natalya attacks Lyons. Lash joins her in attacking Lyons. Cora Jade comes out to make the save with her skateboard. Natalya goes to put her in the sharpshooter but Lyons knocks her off.
Roderick Strong is backstage with the rest of Diamond Mine. He says this group cannot crumble like his last group did. Creed Brothers say they were so close to win the tag titles. Strong says all he hears are excuses. He has setup their match with a former World Champion Tag team next week. The Viking Raiders come in. They also have a match tonight.
Tony D’Angelo vs Von Wagner
Slow start from both men. Wagner hits big blows to the back and keeps control for a while. Tony trips him to the ropes and sends him to the floor. He hits inverted atomic drops and clotheslines him to the floor. Wagner drops him on the apron with a side slam.
We return to see Wagner hitting a spinebuster. Tony hits an overhead throw. He hits a belly-to-belly suplex. They trade punches now. Tony with a double leg takedown. He hits another suplex. Wagner hits back with a clothesline. A back body drop sends Tony to the floor. Tony has tweaked his knee. Legado Del Fantasma comes to ringside but the mystery Italian men swipe them from the apron. Santos Escobar hits him into the knee with a pipe. Tony is struggling to make it back to the ring. He gets in at nine. Wagner hits him with a running pump kick and gets the pin.
Winner – Tony D’Angelo
Roxanne Perez is backstage with Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirrota, who praise them for her win last week against Jacy Jayne. Toxic Attraction trio come and mock her. Perez says she can prove that it was not a fluke win and challenges them for another match tonight.
Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen are backstage with Fallon Henley. They are hyping up for their match later tonight. A women walks in and Jensen gets distracted by her. Briggs and Henely tell him to focus on the match for tonight.
Nathan Frazer comes out for his NXT debut. Grayson Waller attacks his opponent and gets into the ring. He says nobody cares about Frazer’s debut and warns him against taking another step towards the ring. He takes shot at Chase U, prompting Andre Chase and Bodhi Hayward to come to ringside. Frazer hits Waller with a dropkick and sends Waller to the floor. He hits a suicide dive on Waller. Chase gets in the ring to stand with Frazer and Hayward and says this is a teachable moment.
We see a promo from Arianna Grace who will debut at NXT Women’s Breakout tournament.
Tiffany Stratton is backstage for an interview and is ranting against Sarray despite her win over her last week. Grayson Waller joins her and rants on Nathan Frazer. They are on same page on Frazer.
Yulisa Leon & Velentina Feroz vs Katana Chance& Kayden Carter
Leon starts and trips Carter. Feroz come in for a double team move. Carter goads her to the floor and catches her with a kick on the way in. Chance comes in and go back and forth with Chance for a while. Carter comes in and they hit Feroz with double team dropkicks. Feroz tags in Leon who hits quick clotheslines on Carter.
A missile dropkick follows. Leon drops Feroz on top of Carter. A forearm from Carter on Feroz. She goes for a tag but Leon has tripped Chance. Feroz misses a springboard moonsault. Carter counters Feroz and tags in Chance. Chance decks Feroz with a forearm. Chance and Carter hit summersault and backbreaker combo to get the pin and the win.
Winner – Kayden Carter & Katana Chance
Backstage, Brook Jensen is down and injured. He keeps saying he is fine. Briggs and Henley are getting angry over this.
We get a new promo for Kay Lee Ray. She wants to resurrect herself. Alba Fyre is her new name.
Legado Del Fantasma(Cruz Del Toro, Joaquin Wilde & Elektra Lopez) defeated Josh Briggs & Fallon Henley – 3-on-2 Mixed Tag Team
Briggs and Henley attack before the bell. All three opponents are sent out of the ring. Bell rings and Lopez hits a body slam. Henley hits back with a dropkick. Briggs comes in with a tag and drops Del Toro and Wilde a few times in quick succession. Henley and Briggs takes shots at Del Toro and Lopez in tandem. Del Toro hits a chop block as Briggs deals with Wilde.
Wilde and Del Toro keep Briggs under control for a while with double team attacks. Briggs decks both men and tags in Henley. Henley jumps off Briggs’ back for a clothesline. Henley hits forearm strikes and more quick moves until Lopez kicks her and tags in Wilde. Briggs is met with a dropkick. He knocks off Del Toro from the apron. Briggs hits a sideslam on Wilde and Lopez breaks the pin. Henley and Lopez brawl to the floor and into the crowd. Del Toro and Wilde double team on Briggs for their finisher to get the pin.
Winner – Legado Del Fantasma
Lash Legend and Natalya are backstage for an interview. Natalya says Cora Jade is so young and immature that she didn’t get her message. She says she will break her legs next week. Legend tells Lyons that their feud isn’t over by a long shot. Legends says they will win the match next week and then take that momentum into the women’s breakout tournament.
Solo Sikoa vs Trick Williams
Cameron Grimes is on the commentary for this match. Carmelo Hayes is in Williams’ corner. Williams picks Sikoa’s arm and then picks his leg. Williams sends Sikoa into the turnbuckle a few times before putting on an arm stretch. Sikoa with a snapamre and a big tackle to get the control. Sikoa picks his arm and keeps control for a while. Williams comes back with some kicks. He hits a body slam and a dropkick. Williams puts on an arm stretch. Sikoa starts to hulk up and hits a back suplex. Sikoa hits big kicks and punches. Sikoa goes to the top and hits a splash for the pin.
Winner – Solo Sikoa
After the match, Hayes and Grimes also get into the ring. Sikoa ends up dropping Grimes.
Edris Enofe and Malik Blade are backstage. Malik is a bit nervous for the match against Viking Raiders and Enofe hypes him up.
Legado Del Fantasma are backstage and are hyped about their win. Escobar says he has proved tonight that Tony was behind those two men attacking him.
The Viking Raiders(Erik & Ivar) vs Edris Enofe & Malik Blade
Ivar starts against Blade and drops him with a tackle. Enofe and Erik tag in. Erik intimidates Enofe to the corner and then takes him down. Enofe hits back with a dropkick. Blade tags in for a double team attack. Erik drops Enofe with a running forearm next. Ivar comes in and manhandle Enofe with back elbows in the corner. Erik hits a big knee strike on Enofe.
Enofe avoids double knees in the corner from Erik and tags in Malik. Malik hits quick moves on Ivar. Ivar catches his crossbody but Enofe brings him down with his own crossbody. Ivar fights back against both opponents and brings in Erik. Erik hits a knee to Enofe’s neck. Raiders hit The Viking Experience to get the pin and the win.
Winner – The Viking Raiders
After the match, The Creed Brothers get into the ring for a face-off with The Viking Raiders.
Tony D’Angelo is backstage and says he is the don and he makes the threats here. His boys are here, Troy “2 Dimes” Donovan and Channing Lorenzo. Next week, he wants to sitdown with Escobar before taking things in his own hands.
Mandy Rose vs Roxanne Perez
They lock up and Rose picks Perez up to put her on the top. She trips Perez and slams her in the corner. Perez goes for a waistlock but Rose turns it into an arm wrench. Perez hits a sunset flip for a two-count. Rose decks her in the face. Perez gets more pin attempts by tripping Rose down. Rose tries to intimidate her and she bites her arm. Rose kicks her and sends her to the floor. Perez slams her hand into the steel steps as we cut to a break.
Rose hits a back body drop as we return. She follows it with a spinebuster Rose hits a backbreaker and stretches it on her knees. Perez hits knees to her face to break it. Rose catapults her to the ropes and puts in a leg stretch. Rose hits more body slams on Perez. Perez hits a back elbow and hits a Thesz Press from the second rope. A reverse STO and a moonsault follow from Perez to get a two-count. Rose stops the sunset flip. Perez avoids a jumping knee and hits a crossbody. Rose catches her with jumping knee to get a two-count.
Winner – Mandy Rose
Toxic Attraction are celebrating in the ring. Wendy Choo comes behind them with spray guns. They run away to the stage, but Choo has a net set up for them. Choo and Perez rain down with spray guns on them. Toxic Attraction run away.
A promo for Sloane Jacobs who will be in the women’s Breakout tournament.
Joe Gacy comes out to the ring for the final segment of the evening. He says he has come so far in his journey to change the world. so many triumphs along the way as he has made great strides towards moulding NXT. But, his mission is not accomplished. Not everyone buys into his vision, and its time to seperate them. He claims that after he wins the NXT Championship, they will have no choice.
He informs us that Bron Breakker hasn’t told us about his injury, and he knows Bron is not cleared to defend the title. So, he will win the title and change NXT with hardened clay for his vision for the world.
Rick Stiener enters and gets into the ring. He tells Gacy that Bron is cleared to compete at Spring Breakin’. Gacy’s hooded minnions surround Rick. Bron enters and starts beating them up as some of them holds on to Rick. Gacy takes him out from behind. The hooded men pass the NXT Championship from one men to another until it gets to Gacy in the ring. Gacy holds the title high in the air as the show goes off the air.
Nikkita Lyons vs Lash Legend: Lash Legend is simply jealous of the attention Nikkita Lyons has been getting ever since she made her debut. As a result, she ambushed Lyons last week and is now ready to face her again in a rematch this week.
Solo Sikoa vs Trick Williams: Solo Sikoa will finally get a chance to take his revenge against Trick William for costing him the NXT North American title. Will Sikoa be able to get the payback before the title match at the Spring Breakin’ event?
Tony D’Angelo vs Xyon Quinn: Xyonn Quinn has been quite dominating in his last few matches and now he will face Tony D’Angelo in the next one. So, will the latter be able to protect his turf this Tuesday?
Legado del Fantasma vs Brooks Jensen, Josh Briggs & Fallon Henley: Fallon Henley will join her friends Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen to take on the team of Cruz Del Toro, Joaquin Wilde & Elektra Lopez in a six-person mixed tag-team match.