AJ Styles Exclusive: I Would Not Pick A Boneyard Match Against Undertaker

AJ Styles joined WWE India’ Ganelyn Mendoza for an interview where he discussed being the final opponent for the Undertaker in a Boneyard match, top 3 superstars that he sees huge potential in among other things.
AJ Styles on being Undertaker’s Last Opponent
AJ Styles debuted on WWE at Royal Rumble 2016 event in what can be described as a watershed moment for WWE fans. He completes 5 years in WWE this month and was asked to comment on his journey with the promotion. Styles replied that he kind of fit right in WWE and so far has every minute of his WWE journey.
The Phenomenal faced “The Phenom” The Undertaker at WrestleMania 36 in a boneyard match, which has now turned out to be Taker’s last match. Styles was asked what was it like facing the Undertaker at WrestleMania.
Styles said he never thought he would have the opportunity to face the Undertaker, and it is pretty unbelievable and a great honor that it turned out to be his last match.
“It was amazing. I never thought I had the opportunity to face the Undertaker. And now to say that I was the I was last match… it’s pretty unbelievable. And it was a great opportunity for me and I am honored to be his last match.”
Styles was then quizzed whether he would do anything differently if he were to revisit the Boneyard match. Styles replied that he would change the Boneyard match stipulation itself as it is Undertaker’s forte.
“I don’t know that I picked the right match to be against The Undertaker. That was kind of his match. I would change that, it will not be here boneyard match. I would love to face him again but it will not be a boneyard match. I think I can hold my own butmaybe I didn’t know what I was stepping into a boneyard match.”
Styles’ Picks from WWE Who Have Great Potential
The discussion then moved towards the current roster of WWE and Styles was asked to pick 3 up and coming wrestlers who he sees huge potential in. Styles said Matt Riddle and Keith Lee have the potential to become huge stars in the future.
“Matt Riddle is definitely got… that is coming up. Riddle as we call him now. He’s definitely a talent that you need to watch in the future. He’s gonna be a huge star. Keith Lee is another one of those guys who’s just super powerful and can do things that a big man shouldn’t be able to do. Number three, that’s a tough one. who was the number three guy? it makes me wonder if it’s a guy that could be at NXT or is not yet blossomed yet and shown his true potential. I’m not sure whot that is. so the number three, we’re gonna give a question mark.”
You can check the complete interview with AJ Styles below, where he also talked about Indian Food, and the change he would like to make in his look or attire.
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