NXT TakeOver In Your House 2021 Live Results: Fatal 5-Way Main Event

NXT TakeOver will return with the second “In Your House” PPV on 13 June 2021. 5 solid matches are on the card including Karrion Kross defending the NXT title in a Fatal 5-way main event, a double title six men tag team match, a ladder match for the Million Dollar title, NXT Women’s Championship match and a grudge match between Xia Lia and Mercedes Martinez.
We will bring you the complete action, live results, updates, list of winners and video highlights from NXT TakeOver: In Your House 2021 PPV in this live blog.
Event Name – NXT TakeOver In Your House 2021
Date – 13 June 2021
Location – Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, FL, US
Time – 8 PM EST(14 June 2021 12 AM GMT/5:30 AM IST)
NXT TakeOver In Your House 2021 Quick Results
- Bronson Reed & MSK(Wes Lee & Nash Carter)(c) defeated Legado del Fantasma(Santos Escobar, Raul Mendoza & Joaquin Wilde to retain NXT North American & NXT Tag Team Championships in the Winner Take All match via pinfall.
- Xia Li defeated Mercedes Martinez in a singles match via pinfall.
- LA Knight defeated Cameron Grimes in the Ladder Match to win the Million Dollar Championship.
- Raquel Gonzalez(c) defeated Ember Moon to retain NXT Women’s Championship via pinfall.
- Karrion Kross(c) defeated Kyle O’Reilly, Adam Cole, Pete Dunne and Johnny Gargano in a Fatal 5-way match via referee stoppage to retain NXT Championship.
NXT TakeOver In Your House 2021 Pre-Show
The pre-show for NXT TakeOver: In Your House will start from 7:30 PM EST. The half an hour show will be hosted by Ever Rise. You can catch the complete pre-show in the above youtube video.
NXT TakeOver In Your House 2021 Main Show
The main show opens with a retro-style promo that goes through the entire match card. We cut the crowd inside the Capitol Wrestling Center. Noami Fox sings the theme song for the show. The host of the show – Todd Pettengill – comes out and he welcomes us to the show. MSK makes their entrance followed by Bronson Reed. Santos Escobar enters with Legado Del Fantasma.
Bronson Reed & MSK(c) vs Legado del Fantasma – NXT North American & NXT Tag Team Championship Winner Take All Match
Wes Lee starts with Mendoza with some back and forth action. Both men land on their feet after headscissors. Wilde and Carter tags in now. Wilde gets the first blood with a dropkick. Carter counters in the corner and ducks a kick. Carter his a dropkick and Wilde tags in Escobar. Carter goes to tag in Reed and Escobar tries to talk him out it. Carter tags in Reed regardless. Escobar quickly tags out to Mendoza to avoid Reed.
Mendoza avoids some attack from Reed and charges at Reed to take him down. Reed no-sells him and tackles him down. Mendoza tries to get him up but Reed takes him down with a crossbody. Reed did not see the blind tag to Escobar, who comes in to kick Reed. Reed turns it around against Escobar and Escobar tags out immediately. Wilde comes in and the face trio keep him their corner. MSK keeps control with some tag team moves. Reed also works with them to keep Wilde in the conrer.
Carter with a takedown on Wilde. Wilde decks him hard and tags in Escobar. Escobar is thrown out of the ring and Carter takes him down with a suicide dive. Each man start to hit suicide dive with Reed swiping everyone with a dive at last. Back in the ring, Escobar takes control with a dropkick. Escobar beats up Lee in the corner. Escobar takes down Lee from the top rope with head scissors.
Wilde and Mendoza keep him in the corner with quick attacks. Mendoza hits a suplex on Lee. Lee counters against Wilde and tags in Reed. Reed drops Wilde with double axe handles. He runs him down a few times. Mendoza & Wilde are sent to the corner for a corner splash. Reed hoists both of them to drop them with Samoan drops. Reed hits a suplex on Wilde. He asks Escobar to tag in. Mendoza hits a chop block on Reed from behind.
Escobar comes in and hits a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Escobar tags to Wilde and Carter tags in from the other side. Carter hits a dropkick but Mendoza comes in to hit their double team finisher. Lee breaks the pin with a springboard action. Escobar loses it at the ringside and screams. But Reed runs him down through the steel railings with a running splash. Wilde is taken out by MSK. MSK hits their finisher on Mendoza and Reed hits the splash from the top to get the pin on Mendoza.
Winners – Bronson Reed, Wes Lee & Nash Carter
We see the replay of an earlier confrontation between Kyle O’Reilly and The Way.
Xia Li vs Mercedes Martinez
Li takes Mercedes out of the ring as soon as the match starts. Li focuses on the Mercedes’ ribs which were earlier injured. Mercedes turns it around in the ring with a clothesline. Li uses the ropes to put pressure on the ribs. Li sends her into the apron a few times with ribs as focus. Mercedes decks her with some punches but Li drops her with big strike and uses the ring post to hurt her ribs some more.
Li still in control by slamming Mercedes into the turnbuckles. Li sends Martinez in the other corner and hits a dropkick. Li misses a sidekick and her leg gets slammed to the ring post. Li just beats the referee count as her leg is hurt. They trade strikes in the ring. Li once again hits the ribs. Martinez decks her and hits a slam. Li comes back aggressively with a running kick and an enziguiri.
Martinez hits a back body drop on the turnbuckle. Martinez hits a cliffhanger to get a near fall. Martinez is in control for a while. Martinez hits a jumping knee but Boa brings Li out to avoid the pin. Martinez goes to the floor to argue with Boa. Li charges at her but gets dropped with another back body drop on the floor. Back to the ring, Li counters and hits the vicious step-up enziguiri to get the win.
Winner – Xia Li
After the match, Li asks Boa to give her a steel chair. Li charges at Martinez but Martinez hits a low dropkick. Martinez slams the chair on Li and then on Boa who tries to save Li. Martinez continues to hit Li with a steel chair until Tian Sha appears on appears. Martinez tells her that she is not scared of her and goes to confront her. Tian Sha approaches her at the ramp. Martinez gets in her face and Sha grabs her neck. Martinez hits her with the chair but Sha grabs her again and throws her into the steel railings.
We get a promo from Tomasso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher on GYV. They say how they should have been NXT Tag Team Champions if it was not for GYV to cost them the match. They say they will decimate GYV on Tuesday and then win the NXT tag titles.
Cameron Grimes vs LA Knight – Ladder Match for the Million Dollar Championship
A video package where Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase Sr. takes us through the history of the Million Dollar belt. The package continues with a recap of the feud between LA Knight and Cameron Grimes. Ted Dibiase enters and he brings out the Million Dollar title. LA Knight and Cameron Grimes make their separate entrances. Million Dollar title is hanged in the air on the top of the ring inside a glass case.
Some trash talk to start the match. They lock up and go around the ring. Knight drops Grimes with a tackle from the ropes. Grimes trips him and hits a few chops. Grimes hits a clothesline and a sidekick. Grimes keeps control with more chops and sends Knight out of the ring. Knight gets hold of a ladder an slips it into the ring. He catches Grimes with an attack as he go to deal with the ladder. Knight throws Grimes into the ladder set up outside the ring.
Knight sets up a ladder and Grimes comes into the ring and they jockey for the advantage. Both men now have a ladder and fights with them. Grimes’ ladder drops but he ducks Knight’s charge and kicks him out of the ring. Grimes wedges a ladder and sends Knight into the barricade. Grimes hits a running kick to the chest from the apron. Grimes takes another ladder to the ring. Knight catches him and slams his face into the apron. Knight kicks him into the ladder now.
Knight slams Grimes into the steel railing. Knight asks Dibiase Sr. if Grimes looks like the Million Dollar Champion. Grimes sends him into the barricade. Knight turns it around to slam Grimes into the ladders. Back to the ring, Knight hits a springboard headbutt. Knight sets up a ladder in the corner. Grimes counters and sends Knight into the Ladder with a German suplex. Grimes hits the ladder into the ribs. Knight avoids a hit into his groins and hits a neckbreaker on the ladder.
Knight brings in another ladder in the ring. Grimes hits drop kicks on him using the ladder. Knight turns around and sends Grimes into the ladder. Knight sets up a ladder on the ropes and one on the turnbuckle. Grimes sends him into the ladder on the turnbuckle. Grimes goes to his series of sidekicks on the chest. Grimes roars and but Knight hits him with a big boot. Grimes with a back body drop on the ladder and then drops him on the ladder set up in between apron and the barricade.
Grimes goes and brings in a gold platted ladder from the stage. Grimes climbs the ladder. Knight climbs from the other side. Grimes drops him from the ladder but Knight pushes the ladder and brings down Grimes. Grimes hits a clothesline on Grimes and both men are down now. Grimes goes to the ramp now and Knight drops a ladder on his back. Knight sets up a ladder on the ramp and bridges another on the ropes. Grimes slams his face in one of the ladder. Knight goes and hides behind Dibiase’s security. Grimes goes to get him and Knight decks him. Grimes climbs a pillar and dives on Knight from there.
Grimes goes into the ring now and climbs the ladder again. Knight grabs his leg to stop him but Grimes kicks him away. Grimes gets his hands on the Million Dollar case but Knight trips the ladder. Grimes drops on the ladder bridges on the ramp. Knight goes and unhinges the Million Dollar Belt from the top to get the win.
Winner – LA Knight
After the match, Ted Dibiase gets into the ring. He brings out the Million Dollar title from the glass case and hands it to LA Knight. Knight celebrates with the title as the pyro goes off.
Todd Pettengill was promoting the offer the NXT merchandises when Hit Row comes up and promote their merchandises.
We cut to Pete Dunne and Karrion Kross being separated by the security backstage. William Regal comes in and shouts at both of them as he tries to get things under control.
Raquel Gonzalez(c) vs Ember Moon – NXT Women’s Championship Match
Moon starts with a dropkick and head scissors. Raquel swings and misses. Moon charges at her but Raquel no-sells and drops her. Moon sends her into the turnbuckles with another head scissors. Dakota Kai runs a distraction and Raquel gets the control. Moon is sent out of the ring and Raquel slams her into the barricade. Back to the ring, Raquel whips Moon into the corner and knees her in the ribs. Raquel whips her to the other corner before a takedown in the middle.
Moon tries and fails at the counter. Raquel hits a sidewalk slam and Vader bomb to get a two-count. Moon tries to over Gonzalez but she drops Moon for another two-count. Moon with strikes to the midsection. Moon hits a superkick, kicks to the midsection and a step-up enziguiri. Moon with more attack, a superkick, and a big forearm strike to drop Raquel finally. Moon hits the Code Red to get a two-count.
Moon puts Raquel in the Boston crab and puts pressure on her face. Dakota Kai gets Raquel to the ropes. Moon hits a suicide dive on Raquel which gets her over the announce table. Moon takes Raquel back to the ring to get another two-count. Moon goes to the top for the eclipse. Kai runs another interference and Raquel recovers to hits a superplex for a two-count. Moon counters one arm chokeslam into a double-cradle for a two-count.
Raquel runs her over with a big boot for another two-count. Raquel goes for the suplex but Moon counters to hit a modified Eclipse. Moon hits a missile dropkick and then the Eclipse from the top. the referee counts the pin but Kai puts Raquel’s leg on the ropes to break the pin. The referee does not see that.
Shotzi Blackheart runs out and attacks Kai. Kai runs away to the stage and they brawl to the back. In the ring, Moon slams Raquel’s face in the turnbuckle now. Moon hits her with the Tornado DDT into the ramp. Moon somehow takes Raquel back to the ring but Raquel has recovered in that time to kick out of the pin again. Raquel catches Moon’s eclipse and drops her on the turnbuckle. Raquel hits the one-arm chokeslam to get the pin and the win.
Winner – Raquel Gonzalez(retains NXT Women’s Championship)
Todd Pettengill is backstage and he is playing Street Fighter with Dexter Lumis. Pettengill goes to make small talk but that angers Lumis. Pettengill apologizes and concede defeat in their game.
NXT Great American Bash is announced for 6 July 2021. The commentators announce matches for this Tuesday’s NXT episode.
Karrion Kross(c) vs Adam Cole vs Pete Dunne vs Johnny Gargano vs Kyle O’ Reilly – Fatal 5-way Match for NXT Championship
Chaotic start to the match and only Karrion Kross and Kyle are remaining in the ring. O’Reilly puts on an ankle lock and Kross slams him. Gargano comes in with a springboard move on Kross. Kross and Gargano go at it and Kross slams him with a spinebuster on Gargano. Cole ones in and kicks at Kross. Kross sends him into the apron where other three men unload on him. Kross hits a big clothesline in the corner. Pete Dunne brawls with Kross now. Gargano comes in to help him in the suplex but Kross hits a double suplex on them.
O’Rielly fights with Kross now. O’Reilly gets better of Krossw with kicks. Cole comes in and O’Reilly puts on the ankle lock. Dunne comes in and puts an armbar on O’Reilly. Kyle lets go off Cole and Gargano puts him on the Gargano lock. Dunne puts Gargano in the joint manipulation.
Kross and Cole brawl at the ramp. Cole avoids a powerbomb. Dunne and Gargano work together against Kross with superkicks and big strikes. Both men manage to crash Kross through the house set on the stage. Cole and O’Reilly brawl in the ring. Cole was looking for the Panama Sunrise but Gargano returns to stop Cole. Gargano sends O’Reilly and Cole in the corner and was looking for a charge when Dunne cuts him off. Gargano counters a powerbomb into DDT for a two-count. Gargano unloads on Dunne.
O’Reilly and Cole go back and forth. Kross returns and pulls out O’Reilly to send him over the barricade. Kross drops Cole with an overhead suplex. Gargano is hit with double hand chokeslam powerbomb on the apron by Kross. Kross goes out for a powerbomb on the ramp but Cole lands on his feet. Dunne and Gargano attack Kross on the set now, taking turns with superkicks and strikes. They then shove Kross through the In Your House front door.
Everyone is laid out on the set now. Cole returns to the ring with Kyle and delivers the Last Shot, then the Ushigoroshi for a close 2 count. Cole can’t hit the Panama Sunrise. Gargano comes in and works Cole over now, turning him upside down in a Tree of Woe against Kyle, who is sitting up in the corner. Gargano charges them both but Dunne rolls him for a 2 count. Dunne goes for a Bitter End but Gargano turns it into a DDT. Gargano lawn darts Dunne on his head into the others in the corner, covering for a close 2 count. Gargano takes turns on Dunne and Cole now. Gargano goes for a superkick but Kyle cuts him off. Cole attacks as all 4 challengers take turns on each other. They’re all 4 down. Cole covers Gargano for 2.
Cole and Kyle trade strikes now. Kyle with an ankle lock. Cole kicks him away and Kross pulls Kyle out of the ring, dropping him over the top of the barrier, then sending him over the barrier. Kross then drops Cole on his head at ringside, then knocks him over the barrier. Gargano attacks but Kross slams him back into the edge of the apron. Dunne flies out but Kross catches him and launches him over the barrier with a big throw. All three of those challengers are down on the other side of the barrier. Kross rolls Gargano in the ring and puts him on his shoulders for a huge tornado F5. Gargano barely kicks out in time.
Cole runs in but Kross rocks him. Gargano works Kross over. Gargano kicks Cole off and drops Kross with a tornado DDT. Gargano with a suicide dive to Kyle into the announce table. Gargano takes Cole down in the ring, then flies to the floor with a tornado DDT to Dunne on the floor.Fans chant for Gargano as he runs back in but Cole superkicks him. Gargano ducks the Last Shot and goes for the GargaNo Escape. Gargano and Cole with more back & forth. Cole superkicks the slingshot Spear attempt. Gargano blocks the Panama Sunrise and drops Cole with a Last Call for a close 2 count.
The 4 challengers slowly get up in the ring now and start fighting. Dunne drops Kyle and then superkicks Gargano. They continue trading counters and offense for close calls. Gargano stops Kyle from pinning Cole to win. Fans chant “this is awesome!” now. Kross has returned tot he ring now. He delivers corner clotheslines to all 4 challengers but Kyle ducks, then gets decked anyway. They take turns on Kross in the middle of the ring now but he’s still standing. Dunne and Gargano clothesline Cole. Kyle ends up dropping Dunne and Gargano with a double clothesline. Kross levels Kyle with a huge lariat.
Fans rally and chant “NXT!” now. Kross gets up first. Kross with a German to O’Reilly, a bigger German to Cole after mocking him, a big German to Gargano. Kross stalks Dunne and grabs him by his hair from behind, fro another big German but Dunne lands on his feet and superkicks Kross from behind. Kyle then superkicks Kross from the front. Kross recovers on the apron but Cole superkicks him from the side. Kross is dazed over the top rope. Cole and Kyle slowly watch each other before briefly teaming up to send Kross on top of the announce table with a big double powerbomb.
All 4 challengers are back in the ring now. They start brawling as fans cheer them on. Cole and Gargano superkick each other. Dunne and Kyle have submissions on Cole and Gargano. They drop their opponents and start brawling now, Dunne and Kyle. Kyle drops Dunne and delivers a knee. Dunne counters a suplex and applies a Guillotine to Kyle in the middle of the ring. Kyle gets free and takes Dunne down but they tangle on the mat some more. Gargano breaks them up with a slingshot Spear. Cole sends Gargano to the floor and then drops Kyle over his knee for a close 2 count. Cole and Dunne trade strikes. Gargano approaches but gets dropped. Cole with a big double superkick to drop them both. He tosses Gargano out and covers Dunne for 2. Gargano with One Final Beat to Cole for a quick pin attempt. Gargano with the GargaNo Escape on Dunne but Cole breaks it up from behind. All 4 are down again as fans chant “fight forever!” now.
Kyle attacks Gargano with strikes. Kyle with big knees and a Brainbuster. Kyle goes to the top but Cole shoves him off, sending him to the floor. Cole with the Panama Sunrise to Gargano for a 2 count as Dunne pulls Cole to the floor. Dunne drops Cole on the floor with a Brainbuster. Kross stands up on the other side of the announce table now, staring Dunne down. Dunne runs in the ring and shrugs his shoulders as fans chant “BruiserWeight!” now. Kross enters the ring and Dunne unloads with strikes, taking Kross to one knee. Kross grabs him and delivers the big German but Dunne comes right back up on his feet. Kross gets leveled. Dunne with a Bitter End to Kross but Kross kicks out just in time. Dunne brings Kross over into the Triangle submission while delivering elbows to the top of the head while the referee warns him.
Kross fades but the other 3 challengers run in and break the hold up. Dunne stomps on Kyle’s hands and kicks him, then kicks Gargano. Cole has his fingers bent back now. Kross delivers a double Doomsday Saito suplex to Cole and Dunne at the same time. Kross knocks Cole out of the ring. Kross grabs Dunne from behind now with the Kross Jacket submission. Dunne fades as the referee checks on him. Dunne start bending Kross’ fingers back and gets free. Gargano with One Final Beat to Dunne out of nowhere. Kross with the Kross Jacket to Gargano but he fights free for a 2 count. Kross goes right back to the Kross Jacket to Gargano in the middle of the ring. Cole beaks it with a Last Shot from behind.
Kyle drops Cole with a kick. Kyle goes to the top and delivers the flying knee drop to Kross. Kyle rolls Kross over for the pin but Cole superkicks him to break it up. Cole superkicks Gargano off the apron, then superkicks Dunne off the apron. Cole misses a Last Shot to Kyle. Kyle with a leg hook on Cole, trying to make him submit. Cole screams out. Kross grabs Kyle and applies the Kross Jacket. Cole is still screaming out in the leg submission. Kyle fades in the Kross Jacket, which breaks the leg hold on Cole. Kross is on top of Kyle now as he continues to fade. The referee calls the match and Kross retains.
Winner- Karrion Kross(retains NXT Championship)
After the match, Scarlett joins Kross in the ring. They celebrate in the ring for a while before making thier exit. Other 4 men are still down in and around the ring.
The camera cuts to the back where McKenzie Mitchell stops NXT General Manager William Regal as he is exiting the building. Mitchell asks for Regal’s thoughts on tonight’s “Takeover: In Your House” event. A somber Regal says he’s been General Manager for 7 years and he’s never seen this much bedlam, complete madness. Regal says he thinks it’s time for a change. Regal walks off and McKenzie wonders what that could mean. Takeover goes off the air.