SmackDown 19 Feb 2019: Preview

This week’s SmackDown will be the fallout from Elimination Chamber part two after RAW last night. WWE is advertising the below segments for tonight:
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Daniel Bryan’s Fastlane opponent
Bryan’s WWE title defense was announced just two days after Royal Rumble and same is expected for tonight also. But who is it going to be? Someone from the 5 other stars inside the Chamber or someone else? If they want Kofi to challenge then it should be at Wrestle Mania where he should win the title… Not at Fastlane. So who will be stepping into the inconsequential role of Bryan’s opponent at Fastlane after all?
The Miz to issue a public apology to Shane McMahon
The Miz and Shane disintegration has started at Elimination Chamber. How will it unfold though? By the way it looks till now Miz is going to the heel in this case.
How will Charlotte Flair react to Becky Lynch’s assault?
Becky had beaten the hell out of Charlotte and Ronda at the Elimination Chamber event. We did not get any reaction from Ronda at RAW last night regarding Becky but Charlotte is not like Ronda. How will she react and how will their match at Fastlane be setup is their to be seen? Triple H has said that if Becky enters the WWE arena again while she is suspended, she will be arrested and prosecuted. So how will the story move ahead?
Can Kofi Kingston rebound from tough Elimination Chamber defeat?
If they bring down Kofi from such hieghts, it will be a shame. The kind of momentum he has built, he should only stop with winning the title at Wrestle Mania and nothing less. Ya, I know that the spot was originally written for Mustafa Ali but Kofi has taken the opportunity with both hands and he should get the much coveted title for himself.
More NXT call ups?
After 4 debuts from NXT on RAW last night, will it continue to SmackDown also? I don’t think so!
What more to expect?
Asuka has been missing from SD since Royal Rumble apart from one video highlight two weeks ago. Expect her to return to TV now. What is it going to next step for the stars like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Randy Orton might also unfold along with Mandy Rose-Naomi rivalry.
PPV Preview Chronology
Preview 5 Feb 2019 | Preview 26 Feb 2019 |