Fight for the Fallen: Shawn Spears Pins Darby Allin In Six-Man Tag Match
Shawn Spears pinned Darby Allin in the six men tag team match at Fight for the Fallen 2019 show when he teamed up with MJF and Sammy Guevara to defeat Joey Janela, Darby Allin and Jimmy Havoc, to send a message to Cody Rhodes before their showdown at ALL OUT.

Match Description
MJF and Janela to start the match. MJF starts shouting to the crowd but Janela does not like it and takes him down. Jimmy Havoc is tagged in and bites MJF’s fingers. MJF tries to counter the arm twist but gets into a crucifix pin position. Guevara and Janela are tagged in. Guevara uses some corner to corner moves before Janela moves out of a springboard move.
Janela hits Guevara with a German Suplex into the turnbuckle. Janela tags in Havoc. MJF comes in and hits a Knee Strike on Havoc before tagging in Spears. Darby Allin is tagged in. He dares Spears to slap him but Spears leaves and tags in Guevara. They reverse each other’s moves and Allin drops him with a Springboard Armdrag. Janela comes in and Guevara is in trouble. He manages a Single Leg Dropkick on Janela and tags in MJF.
Spears comes in after MJF grounds Janela. Janela gets grounded down with a headlock for some time. Spears and MJF have a little squabble before MJF does the Perfect 10 hand-sign at MJF. Janela goes for a clothesline, but MJF ducks and he hits Spears. Havoc and Guevara go at it and Havoc hits the Sitting Fireman’s Carry Slam on Spears on top of Guevara. Havoc takes out all three opponents and uses Spears and MJF to hit Guevara with a Superplex.
Darby Allin tags in despite Havoc not wanting it and hits a huge Driver on Guevara. Havoc hits the Acid Rainmaker by MJF, but Guevara hits him with the Backstabber. Guevara looks to go to the top rope, but Janela catches him on the apron and drives him on the hardest part of the ring. Spears rolls him in and tags him. Spears hits an Argentine Backbreaker and then a Deathvalley Driver on Darby Allin for the win.
Post-match, Spears soaks up the win, gives the “ten” taunt to the crowd and then eyes MJF who looked like he was going to try and attack Spears. MJF backs off.