AEW Dynamite Results & Updates- 18 December 2019

Welcome to ITN’s Results and Updates Blog for the AEW Dynamite episode of 18 December 2019.
- Date- 18 December 2019
- Location- American Bank Center, Corpus Christi, Texas, US
- Time- 8 PM EST(19 December 2019 1 AM GMT/6:30 AM IST)
Quick Results
- Lucha Bros defeated Kenny Omega & Adam Page
- Cody Rhodes & Darby Allin defeated The Blade & the Butcher
- Awesome Kong defeated Local Talent
- Jungle Boy Last 10 Minutes Against Chris Jericho
- Kris Statlander defeated Britt Baker to become #1 contender for AEW Women’s Championship
- SCU defeated the Young Bucks to retain the AEW World Tag Team Championship
The final episode of AEW Dynamite of the year 2019 will air from Corpus Christi, Texas at American Bank Arena. The card is loaded with tag team matches and will open with AEW World Tag Team Championship match between SCU and Young Bucks. Chris Jericho will also be in action against Jungle Boy.
The Lucha Bros(Rey Fenix & Pentagon Jr.) vs Kenny Omega and Hangman Page
Kenny Omega and Rey Fenix start the match. Omega goes for a quick-One Winged Angel. Fenix reverses it and Omega hits a low-Dropkick. He hits an over-the-top Facebuster. Fenix tags in Pentagon, and Omega tags Hangman Page. Pentagon pushes away Hangman Page and he returns the favor. The two men begin exchanging chops to the chest. Penta stops it and hits a kick. Adam Page returns the favor with a big boot and drops him. He tags in Omega. Now both men chops at Penta’s chest.
Omega hits a big Dive over the top rope on Fenix and Pentagon and this match is both high-flying and physical. Pentagon goes for the Double Underhook PileDriver, but Page gets out of it. A double team by the Lucha Bros sees Hangman in trouble, as Penta and Fenix hit the Double Knees to the Diving Stomps.
The Lucha Bros gain some control as Rey Fenix hits a Suicide Dive and then a Hook Kick. Omega blocks a Hurricanrana and then hits the Powerbomb followed by the V-Trigger. Hangman Page comes in nad takes out Pentagon and Fenix. A Fallaway Slam to Fenix, then a dive to Pentagon, followed by Suicide Dives to both men. Hangman hits a Dropkick on Pentagon while simultaneously hitting the Moonsault on Fenix.
The Lucha Bros still regain control as they seem to be able to double team and isolate Hangman, by taking out Omega on the outside. Hangman hits a Fallaway Slam from the Middle Rope. Omega comes in and gets caught by Fenix and Penta. He sends Fenix into the Diskus Elbow. Omega then hits Penta with a Spinebuster for a near-fall.
Omega hits the SnapDragon Suplex on Fenix. He takes out Pentagon Jr as well, but is then caught for the Piledriver, which Omega reverses. Hangman comes in for the buckshot Lariat, Penta ducks, and it’s OMEGA who is caught by his own partner. Penta hits a PileDriver on Omega and The Lucha Bros gets the win.
Winner- Lucha Bros
Omega and Page start arguing after the match and push at each other. PAC appears on the screen and ask Omega if he remembers him. PAC enters the locker room to attack Michael Nakazawa. Omega runs to the back to save him.
Cody Rhodes & Darby Allin vs The Butcher & The Blade – Tag Team Match
Cody and Darby Allin are now together. Having the support of another wrestler provides Cody with the sort of support that he needs. Darby starts the match against The Butcher. Butcher throws Darby aside and then Blade comes in. They engage in some chain wrestling.
Darby takes out Butcher in the other corner and then sends out Blade as well, before tagging in Cody. Cody and Butcher face-off, as Butcher looks to batter Cody. Cody takes a page out of his brother’s playbook and hits the Dropdown Uppercut on Butcher. Butcher throws Cody around, but he comes back with a Powerslam on Blade. Butcher is back in and is dominating Cody. They seem to be trying to isolate Cody and keep him away from Darby Allin.
Cody is being decapitated and destroyed by Butcher and The Blade. Things are not looking good for Cody. Cody manages to dodge a charge by Butcher and is taken out by The Blade. He still manages to get the tag to Darby. Darby goes after the Butcher and takes him out. He then hits the Code Red on Blade. Butcher had tagged in and hits Darby with the Backbreaker. He turns Darby around for the Texas Cloverleaf. Cody kicks Butcher twice, but it’s not enough to break the submission hold.
Cody is taken out by The Blade and Darby manages to reverse and hit the Cutter on Butcher. Cody hits the Cross Rhodes on Butcher but the referee is distracted by Bunny. Cody and Darby hit the Stereo Suicide Dive on Butcher and Blade on the outside. Cody brings Blade in, hits Butcher with the Disaster Kick. Darby hits the Coffin Drop on Butcher on the apron. Cody hits the Cutter on Blade and that’s it.
Winner- Cody Rhodes & Darby Allin
Awesome Kong vs Miranda
Awesome Kong and Brandi Rhodes make their way down to the ring. Kong with a spinning back fist and she follows it up with double under hook suplex. She covers and gets the pin.
Winner- Awesome Kong
Chris Jericho vs Jungle Boy
Jungle Boy starts the match fast and takes Jericho down with a Dropkick. He almost pins him and then hits the Armdrag. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho, but is rolled up again. Jericho gets the drop. Jericho slows down the match and dumps Jungle Boy on the outside. Jake Hager attacks him, and Luchasaurus and Marko Stunt come to his defense. Hager knocks out Marko Stunt in mid-air.
Jungle Boy gets the Inside Cradle on Jericho. Now he kicks out and is more serious. He chops Jungle Boy and is looking to end this. Jungle Boy is sent to the apron, but dodges the Springboard by Jericho and hits the Suicide Dive on Jericho thrice. Jungle Boy with the Diving DDT on Jericho for a near-fall.
Jungle Boy then takes the action to Jericho and hits him with the Backstabber for another near-fall. Jericho hits him with the Powerbomb and moves Jungle Boy back to the center of the ring in the Liontamers position But time has expired and Jungle Boy did not tap out.
Result- Jungle Boy Last 10 Minutes Against Chris Jericho
Jericho takes the mic and asks for 5 more minutes. Jericho beat up JB in the ring. Jungle Boy hits him with a hurricanrana and goes to pin Jericho. Jericho kicks out and leaves with his title.
Schiavone interview Jericho at the stage. Jericho says he could not believe that Jungle Boy lasted 10 minutes against him. But the pressing thing to discuss is Jon Moxley. He has a surprise for Moxley on January 1st and he hopes that Moxley will make the right decision and join the Inner Circle.
Dr. Britt Baker vs Kris Statlander – #1 Contender Match for AEW Women’s Championship
Statlander dodges Baker with a cartwheel. Baker goes for lockjaw but Statlander crawls out of it. Baker hits her with a hanging neckbreaker. Statlander comes back with a forearm strike. Baker throws the Alien into the turnbuckles and stomps on her. Statlander hits a clothesline and follows with some chops and a back elbow.
Baker sends Statlander to the corner and hits her with a knee. Statlander hits a running knee on the apron. Baker comes back with a sling blade but Statlander slides out of the pin. Statlander hits a lariat. Both women are on the top now. Baker hits a power slam from the middle rope. Baker hits a neckbreaker before hits back with a big kick. Baker goes for lockjaw but Statlander counters with Big Bang Theory to get the pin and the win.
Winner- Kris Statlander
Brandi comes out and congratulates Statlander. Brandi wants to know if Statlander is with The Nightmare Collective. When Statlander refuses, Brandi attacks her with her heel.
Backstage, Shawn Spears and Tully Blanchard say that they are scouting to find a guy that can work well with them.
Socal Uncensored vs Young Bucks – AEW World Tag Team Championship Match
Nick and Kazarian start. Kazarian tags in Scorpio Sky while Matt comes in from the other side. Matt hits a powerbomb and then an enziguri on Kazarian. Nick hits a gamengiri. More tags before the two teams. Nick hits another enziguri on Sky and then nails a hurricanrana. Nick takes out both opponents on the outside. They hits dives on Sky in the ring next. Matt puts Sky in a half crab submission. Kazarian runs down The Young Bucks with a lariat. SCU hit hurricanranas on the floor now.
Sky and Matt come back to the ring and Matt kicks out out of the pin. Kazarian and Matt trade strikes now. Matt puts Kazarian in the tombstone position, Sky slaps Kazarian’s back and tags himself in. Scorpio Sky with a TKO and Kazarian hits an SCU on Matt and gets the pin to retain their titles.
Winner- SCU
Post match, The Dark Order and the Creepers surround the ring. Page, Omega, Cody, and Dustin Rhodes come out. Dark Order and the Creepers take down everyone as the show ends.