UFC 273: Volkanowski vs Korean Zombie Results & Live Updates Blog

Welcome to the live results blog for UFC 273: Alexander Volkanowski vs The Korean Zombie event.
Alexander Volkanowski will defend his UFC Featherweight Championship for the third time against Chang Sung Jung. Volkanowski remains undefeated in UFC until now in his 10 bouts in the promotion. The Korean Zombie has had a mixed bag of results in UFC, but he has won 3 of his last 4 bouts to become a title contender.
Also, on the card is the title unification rematch between full-time Bantamweight Champion Aljamain Sterling and interim champion Petr Yan. Sterling won the title from Yan via disqualification at UFC 259. They were supposed to clash in a rematch at UFC 267, but Sterling had to undergo surgery at that time. Yan then defeated Corey Sandhagen to win the interim title.
Also on the card is a blockbuster Welterweight clash between Khamzat Chimaev and Gilbert Burns. Both men are looking to become Welterweight title contenders with a win here. The same goes for the strawweight bout between Mackenzie Dern and Tecia Torres.
Tune in as we bring the complete results from UFC 273: Volkanowski vs Korean Zombie with live round by round and play by play updates from the main card.
Results & Fight Card
Early Prelims Card
- Julio Arce defeated Daniel Santos via unanimous decision(30-27, 30-27, 29-28) – Bantamweight Bout
- Piera Rodriguez defeated Kay Hansen via unanimous decision(29-28, 29-28, 29-28) – Women’s Strawweight Bout
- Aleksei Oleinik defeated Jared Vanderaa via submission at 3:39 in round 1 – Heavyweight Bout
Prelims Card
- Mike Malott defeated Mickey Gall via TKO at 3:41 in round 1 – Welterweight Bout
- Raquel Pennington defeated Aspen Ladd via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)- Women’s Bantamweight Bout
- Anthony Hernandez defeated Josh Fremd via unanimous decision(30-27, 30-27, 29-28)- Middleweight Bout
- Ian Garry defeated Darian Weeks via unanimous decision(29-28, 30-27, 30-27)- Welterweight Bout
Main Card
- Mark O. Madsen defeated Vinc Pichel via unanimous decision(30-27, 30-27, 29-28) – Lightweight Bout
- Mackenzie Dern defeated Tecia Torres via split decision(29-28, 28-29, 29-28)- Strawweight Bout
- Khamzat Chimaev defeated Gilbert Burns via unanimous decision(29-28, 29-28, 29-28) – Welterweight Bout
- Aljamain Sterling(c) defeated Petr Yan(ic) via split decision(48-47, 47-48, 48-47) to become the unified UFC Bantamweight Championship
- Alexander Volknovski(c) defeated Chang Sung Jung via TKO at 0:45 in round 4 to retain UFC Featherweight Championship.
Live Updates
Mark O.Madsen vs Vinc Pichel – Lightweight Bout
Round 1: Both men try sidekicks early on. Pichel goes for a front kick. Madsen lands one on the calf. More calf kicks from Madsen. He is keeping hiself out of reach after pinning those kicks. Pichel hurries him with a punch but a body kick follows from Madsen. Pichel stops in between a sidekick. They trade calf kicks a while later. Pichel lands a good right hand. Another calf kick from Madsen. Pichel replies with the same and follows with a knee. They trade calf kicks again. Madsen attempts a takedown as Pichel goes for a sidekick and completes it. Pichel gets off his back. Madsen tries for gullitone but Pichel gets up. More kicks are traded. Madsen land a huge right as 20 seconds are left on the clock. Jabs from both sides as the round ends.
Round 2: Madsen reaches out with a punch. Pichel tries a double jab but could not connect. He lands a low kick. Madsen lands one kick on calf. Pichel lands one on the body. Pichel lands a right after defending some shots from Madsen. Madsen lands another kick. Madsen gets on Pichel’s back. Pichel is defending the takedown. Madsen strangles him but he manages to not get locked up. Madsen manages to get on the leg triangle. He is attempting to get the body in control but Pichel counters. Both men are back on their feet. Pichel lands a hard right. Jabs and knees follow. He attempts a takedown but Madsen gets near the cage. Pichel completes the takedown successfully near the end of the round.
Round 3: They start this round aggressively. Pichel lands a high knee. Pichel is getting his shots going. He goes for another takedown but Madsen turns it around in his own takedown attempt. They are back in the middle after a brief clinch. Madsen takes down Pichel again. Pichel goes for a kimura and then for a triangle, but Madsen remains in control. Madsen is keeping Pichel on his back, trying to get complete control. Not many shots from Madsen though. Both men start working elbow but Madsen is still on top. We are down to the last two minutes now. Pichel is attempting to turn over but Madsen is keeping him down in half guard. We are into the last minute and Madsen is still holding Pichel down. He attempts a kneebar but could not lock-in. Pichel gets on his feet as the round nears the end.
Official Decision: Mark O. Madsen wins via unanimous decision(30-27, 30-27, 29-28).
Mackenzie Dern vs Tecia Torres – Strawweight Bout
Round 1: Torres nails a punch to start. Dern tries to rush her but Torres sneaks in another punch. Dern hits a sidekick. A lot of movement in the first 40 seconds before they slow down a bit. Torres ducks a big shot. Quick jabs from Dern before they get into a clinch and on the cage. Torres is trying for a takedown but Dern defends it. Torres hits a right hand when Dern charges. She hits kicks at the legs. Dern is throwing her hands since start but has not landed much. Torres lands an inside kick after more shots. Dern hits a calf kick but Torres replies with a combo. Dern lands a good right. Another good one from Dern. Torres is hobbled with a big shot, but she gets her balance and nails a body kick.
Round 2: Dern rushes Torres and nails a shot. Torres lands her jab. Dern goes for the arm and wraps her legs around Torres’ waist. Dern changes from triangle attempt to guillotine and to kimura. She is not able to complete the lock just yet. Torres pins Dern on the cage but Dern has held onto the lock. Dern get the kimura lock on good. Torres is in trouble, but she is able to counter and pins Dern on her back. Dern has held onto the lock, but it in not damaging Torres right now. Dern transitions into the knee bar, and then into a foot lock. Torres is able to hold on with 30 seconds remaining on the clock. Dern lands a couple of elbows while the leg lock is still on. Torres survives the round.
Round 3: Dern looks for a quick start but Torres dicks her shots. Torres goes for a spinning kick but it does not land. Dern hits a body kick. She also goes for a spinning kick. Torres has hit some calf kicks. Dern catches her leg in one of those kicks and tries to bring her down. Torres lands some stiff shots to defend it and an upkick throws Dern away. Torres lands a couple of 1-2 combos. Torres hits more calf kicks. Dern is reaching out with her jabs. Torres trips her but could not capitalize. Shots fired from both sides as we are in the last minute. Torres is landing more shots which include punches and kicks to the body and jabs. Dern lands a big right. Dern manages a takedown in the last few seconds. They tangle as the bout ends. Both women are claiming win as the round ends.
Official Decision: Mackenzie Dern wins via split decision(29-28, 28-29, 29-28).
Khamzat Chimaev vs Gilbert Burns – Welterweight Bout
Round 1: Burns is cautious and stands back. Chimaev nails a punch and attempts a takedown, leading to a clinch. Chimaev stomps Burns’ foot. He hits some body shots while in the clinch. Chimaev completes the takedown. Chimaev has him on his back. Burns lands some shots while they are on the ground. They come to a stalemate. Burns lands a calf kick. Chimaev fires back with a combo. Burns lands a big right and follows with a jab. He lands another jab as Chimaev was going for an uppercut. Chimaev lands a good right. Burns looks for more jabs. Chimaev lands a combo. He hits a calf kick. Chimaev has stayed away from wrestling much until now. A big right hands from Chimaev drops Burns. Chimaev gets on top and lands shots. They get separated with 30 seconds to go. Burns hits back with a right. He connects another jab. Burns is split open.
Round 2: Chimaev lands a calf kick to start. Burns goes for a takedown but Chimaev easily gets out of it. Chimaev lands a hook while evading Burns’ charge. Chimaev goes on with his jabs. Burns lands a right and then hits a body kick. Chimaev lands another calfkick and then a body kick. Chimaev throws a stiff right but misses. He pushes Burns with some shots. Burns goes for a takedown but could not even move the leg properly. Burns lands big uppercut to drop Chimaev to his knees. He follows with quick shots. Chimaev lands one himself. Chimaev lands a couple of more shots. Burns hurts him with another shot. Burns goes for a takedown but could not complete. Burns throws more shots. Chimaev is trying to land but Burns has avoided them. He throws a good right while Burns hits a body kick. Chimaev lands a couple of shots but is down as Burns fires back with a big right. But, Chimaev manages to take down Burns. Some argument as after that round ends.
Round 3: Both men land a few jabs. Burns goes for another takedown but is unable to complete it. He continues to try and stumbles Chimaev. Chimaev suddenly starts to land his shots and Burns is on defensive mode. Burns is trying to land as much as he can. Both men are spent clearly. Shots fired from both sides in the middle of third round. Burns pushes Chimaev back with shots with 100 seconds to go. Chimaev fires back with his own shots. Burns lands three big shots in a row. Chimaev is inviting them. Both men are landing big shots with 30 seconds to go. Both men go for pump kick and Burns is thrown back to the cage to end the round.
Official Decision: Khamzat Chimaev wins via unanimous decision(29-28, 29-28, 29-28).
Aljamain Sterling(c) vs Petr Yan(ic) – UFC Bantamweight Championship Unification Bout
Round 1: Sterling is looking for body kicks early on. Yan is on wait and watch to start. Sterling goes for his leg but Yan defends it well. More calf kicks from the Sterling. Yan is very watchful is not making any move from his side. He hits a couple of front kicks. A lot of circling around from both men. Yan reaching for a hook. Both men ducks big swings. Sterling hits body kicks. Yan lands a shot. He lands a high kick. Sterling lands a right as Yan goes for a takedown.
Round 2: Aljo is able to takedown Yan and gets on his back. He is looking for the rear-naked choke but Yan has prevented him to do that yet. Aljo is trying to hit shots at the body. Yan is hitting back with back fists. Aljo has wrapped his legs around the waist. He lands big shots now. Sterling goes for the choke but Yan is able to defend it from locking completely. Sterling gets on the top and lands some shots as he looks to setup for the finish. He gets back in position for RNC, but Yan is still defending. The round ends with Sterling in control.
Round 3: Yan fires back with his shot to start the round. He hits inside kicks now. A body kick follows. Sterling goes for a takedown, but could not complete the double leg. Yan hits some shots but is rocked by something from Sterling. Sterling completes the takedown and gets in position for RNC. Yan gets his hand in between to get it in effect. Sterling is in control with more than 3 minutes still remaining. Those 3 minutes go down with Sterling in control and Yan trying to defend.
Round 4: Yan starts round 4 with big shots. Sterling is down on his knees and tries to reverse it with a takedown. More shots from Yan before he defends a takedown with a front chancery. Yan lands a big kick and a knee. Sterling fires back but Yan also hits his shots. Sterling gets on his back, but goes on too high. Yan gets him on his back and gets him in guard. Yan keeps ground control and works on Sterling with two minutes still to go. Yan remains in control during that time.
Round 5: Yan drops Sterling with a body kick. He gets up quickly and lands his own body kick. Sterling goes for a takedown, but Yan defends it. They are back to the middle. Sterling goes for another takedown and gets on his back. The takedown is not complete. Sterling hits at his knees from behind. Yan is back in the middle. Sterling goes for another takedown, and Yan defends again. Yan pushes him back with shots. Yan gets on the back this time and tries to work his shots from there. Sterling almost completes the takedown as the final minute starts. Yan gets on the back now. They end the round with Yan on top.
Official Decision: Aljamain Sterling wins by split decision(48-47, 47-48, 48-47).
Alexander Volkanovski(c) vs Chang Sung Jung – UFC Featherweight Championship Bout
Round 1: Circling round. Both men trade some quick shots at one minute mark. Volkanovski works his jab as a counter a few times. Zombie pushes him back with double jab. They trade more shots. Volkanovski nails a good right. Zombie lands a calf kick. Volkanovski hits a couple of more rights. He hits a calf kick and more jabs. An inside leg kick is followed with another right. Zombie is stumbling a bit after that combo. They get in a clinch now. Volkanovski nails more jabs. He counters with a big jab to send Zombie stumbling. Inside kicks follow. The round ends with Volkanovski on top.