WWE SmackDown April 29, 2022: Results & Live Updates

WWE SmackDown episode of April 29, 2022, will be a pre-taped show, which was recorded last week at MVP Arena in Albany, NY. The show will continue the build-up towards WrestleMania Backlash event.
Drew McIntyre will open the show with a steel cage match against Sami Zayn. RK-Bro and The Usos will meet in a contract signing segment for the title unification match. Charlotte Flair and Ronda Rousey will take part in a Beat the Clock Challenge. Ricochet is scheduled to defend the Intercontinental title against Shanky.
Tune in as we bring you results and live updates from WWE Smackdown April 29, 2022 episode with live updates, winners and more details.
For spoilers, you can check this link.
Event Info
- Show – WWE SmackDown
- Date – April 29, 2022
- Location – MVP Arena, Albany, NY, US
- Time – 8 PM EST
Match Card & Results
- Drew McIntyre defeated Sami Zayn in a Steel Cage match via pinfall.
- Ricochet defeated Shanky via pinfall to retain WWE Intercontinental Championship.
- Raquel Rodriguez defeated Kat Cardoza in a singles match via pinfall.
- Naomi defeated Shanya Bazler in a singles match via pinfall.
- Xavier Woods defeated Ridge Holland in a singles match via pinfall.
- Sheamus defeated Kofi Kingston in a singles match via pinfall.
- Ronda Rousey defeated Shotzi in “I Quit” Beat the Clock Challenge Match in 1:41 minutes.
- Charlotte Flair vs Aliyah “I Quit” Beat the Clock Challenge Match ended as the time ran out.
Live Updates
Drew McInytre vs Sami Zayn – Steel Cage Match
Drew Gulak is the timekeeper tonight. Sami tries to climb out immediately but Drew pulls him down. Drew slings Sami to the corner and hits a big chop. Drew then sends him into the steel cage wall a couple of times. Sami tries to climb the cage again. McIntyre goes to pick him but Sami counters with a sunset flip powerbomb. Both men are down in the ring as we cut to a break.
Sami is in control and is working on Drew against the steel walls. Drew stops getting slammed into the wall and sends Sami into it. He goes for a tackle against the cage but Sami avoids him. Sami hits Helluva kick. He triest to escape and reaches the top. Drew drags him back in and slams his face into the steel bars on the top. Drew sends him into the cage a few times before throwing him across the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex. A neckbreaker follows.
Drew goes for the Claymore but Sami tries to escape again. Sami manages to trip him on the ropes and it results in a low blow. Sami reaches the top again and climbs over it. Drew grabs his head and brings him back to hit a superplex. Drew hypes up and hits Claymore kick to get the pin and the win.
Winner – Drew McIntyre
We get a recap of last week’s contract signing segment between Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair. Flair is backstage for an interview. Flair says she does not get humilated, but gets worshipped. Ronda will not be able to be in WWE after she says I Quit.
Happy Talks
Happy Corbin is out to the ring for Happy Talks segment. Corbin talks about Madcapp Moss not being here. Corbin says Moss should be thankful to him as he moulded him. He then goes on to say that he will destroy Moss’ Andre the Giant battle trophy into pieces. He asks for a sledgehammer.
Madcapp Moss comes in disguised as a crew member who has the sledgehammer. Corbin turns around to find him standing in the ring. Corbin ducks the hammer but Moss is able to unload on him and sends him into the ringpost. Corbin runs away to the stage.
Ricochet(c) vs Shanky – WWE Intercontinental Championship
Ricochet starts with a kick to the knee. Shanky pushes him to the corner and unloads with a couple of big blows. He slaps at his chest before putting on a chinlock. Ricochet gets back to his feet but Shanky drops him back to the mat. Shanky hits an elbow drop. Ricochet hits an enziguiri and climbs to the top. Shanky throws him across the ring from the top. A right hand drops Ricochet again. Shanky puts on a chinlock again.
Ricochet comes back with a dropkick. He hits a couple of quick moves. The refere gets distracted and Jinder Mahal trips Ricochet on the ropes. Shanky goes and pick him up. Ricochet slips out and stacks him up for the pin.
Winner – Ricochet
Ricochet runs away immediately after the match. Mahal gets angry at Shanky and shouts at him in the ring. Shanky snaps at Mahal and tells him, “enough is enough.” Shanky walks away alone.
Raquel gets interviewed backstage. She says she is nervous but she likes being a center of attention and would like to make a show that no one will forget.
Raquel Rodriguez vs Kat Cardoza
Kat unloads on Raquel before the bell. Raquel drops her with a clothesline as the bell ring. Raquel picks her up by her arm. Short shoulder tackles from Raquel as maintains the grip. Raquel tosses her away to the corner. Raquel hits a couple of fallaway slams. She hits a pheonix splash for a two-count.
Cardoza slips out of the ring and takes a shot at Raquel. Cardoza works on her breifly against the ropes. She goes for a pump kick but Raquel picks her up for the Gigoda bomb(one-handed powerbomb) to get the pin and the win.
Winner – Raquel Rodriguez
Gunther is backstage with Ludwig Kaiser. Kaiser hypes up Gunther as the greatest ever.
Contract Signing Between RK-Bro and The Usos
Both teams are out in the ring for the contract signing for the title unification match. Pearce says things can be real simple – 4 signatures and the match is official. The Usos take the mic and hypes themselves up, claiming to be needing a bigger luggage while RK-Bro will be left with acknowledgement. Riddle starts to ramble, giving Pearce some suggestions to distinguish between The Usos.
Randy Orton says he does not have any problem identifying who is who. Orton says Jey is the right hand man and Jimmy is a little “b***h.” Jimmy attacks Orton to start a brawl. RK-Bro take the upperhand and has both the Usos in the opposite corners. Roman Reigns’ music hits and he comes out with Paul Heyman. RK-Bro are distracted by Roman and the Usos attack them from behind. They send Orton to the floor and hit 3D on Riddle.
Roman gets into the ring and shoves down the contract in Riddle’s mouth. Drew McIntyre’s music hits as he comes out. Drew drops The Usos with clotheslines on the floor. Drew gets into the ring and brawls with Roman before the Usos attack him again. Orton and Riddle get into the ring to make the save. The Bloodline escape to the floor.
Paul Heyman is backstage with Adam Pearce. He tells Pearce that Roman is not happy with his management and he should have a good relationship with the Undisputed Universal Champion. Heyman proposes, for tag team title unification match, Roman Reigns and the Usos vs RK-Bro and Drew McIntyre. Pearce says he just can’t change the title match just like that. Heyman intimidates him, warning that he could go to the board to complain about him.
Shanya Baszler vs Naomi
Naomi starts with a takedown. Shayna switches the waistlock. Naomi drdops her with a kick and then hits a split. Naomi brings her down with headscissors from the corner. Shayna hits a German Suplex on Naomi. She puts on a hammerlock. Naomi gets to her feet but Shayna sends her into the corner. Shayna misses a knee strike in the corner. An enziguiri rocks Shayna. Naomi avoids the Kirafuda clutch. She flips Baszler face first into the turnbuckle and rolls her up for the pin and the win.
Winner – Naomi
After the match, Natalya attacks Naomi and Sasha. Shayna and Natalya bring them down one by one. Natalya puts on a sharpshooter on the ropes while Shanya goes for some joint manipulation. Shayna kicks at Naomi’s arm before going away.
Sheamus and Ridge Holland are backstage talking about putting fliers for missing Butch.
Ridge Holland vs Xavier Woods
Woods starts with calf kicks. Holland pushes him to the corner and snaps his arm. Holland hits a body slam and a knee drop. A stomp and an uppercut are followed by a big blow to the back. Woods avoids a tackle in the corner. Holland lands on the floor after crashing into the ringpost. Woods hits a tornado DDT to take us to the break.
Holland hits a tackle to send Woods flying. Woods tweaks his knee as he lands. Holland hits some knees to his back. Woods goes for a roll-up but Holland avoids it. Woods hits some chops. Holland hits a headbutt to drop him. Holland puts on a chinlock and keep Woods grounded. Woods gets back to his feet and unloads with lefts and rights. Holland hits a spinebuster for a two-count.
Holland boots him on the mat. Woods stops a powerbomb. Holland unloads on his back. Woods counters the powerbomb with a cradle to get the pin and the win.
Winner – Xavier Woods
Sheamus is not happy at the result and want to show Holland how it is done. He challenges Kofi Kingston for a match. Kingston readily accepts.
Sheamus vs Kofi Kingston
The match has started as we return from the break. Kofi hits a crossbody to take Sheamus to the floor. Sheamus decks Kofi on the apron after he sends him back to the ring. Kofi hits a springboard forearm. He goes for SOS but Sheamus blocks it and hits an Irish Curse Backbreaker. Sheamus puts on a chinlock. Kofi hits elbows to break free. Sheamus hits a bodyslam. He misses Brogue kick and Kofi hits SOS. Kofi goes to the top and Sheamus meets him. They come back to the mat and Sheamus counters with Brogue kick to get the pin and the win.
Winner – Sheamus
Holland attacks Woods on the floor after the match. Sheamus brings out a table and Holland puts him through it with a powerbomb.
We get a pre-recorded promo from Lacey Evans where she narrates how she became the first person to go to college but still got kicked out of house. She graduated out of Military School, but her parents were not there for her on graduation day. It gets to the point that filled her through anger. She was not blessed with any perks while growing up, and she will be coming after each and every one of the female stars in the locker room.
Sheamus vs Kofi Kingston
The match has started as we return from the break. Kofi hits a crossbody to take Sheamus to the floor. Sheamus decks Kofi on the apron after he sends him back to the ring. Kofi hits a springboard forearm. He goes for SOS but Sheamus blocks it and hits an Irish Curse Backbreaker. Sheamus puts on a chinlock. Kofi hits elbows to break free. Sheamus hits a bodyslam. He misses Brogue kick and Kofi hits SOS. Kofi goes to the top and Sheamus meets him. They come back to the mat and Sheamus counters with Brogue kick to get the pin and the win.
Winner – Sheamus
Holland attacks Woods on the floor after the match. Sheamus brings out a table and Holland puts him through it with a powerbomb.
We get a pre-recorded promo from Lacey Evans where she narrates how she became the first person to go to college but still got kicked out of house. She graduated out of Military School, but her parents were not there for her on graduation day. It gets to the point that filled her through anger. She was not blessed with any perks while growing up, and she will be coming after each and every one of the female stars in the locker room.
Ronda Rousey vs Shotzi – I Quit Beat the Clock Challenge
Charlotte makes her entrance as Ronda and Shotzi were ready for the match. The bell rings and Shotzi runs out of the ring to waste time. Ronda catches her on the ropes. She ducks a kick and hits back with one of her own. Shotzi runs out again and Ronda trips her on the apron. Back to the ring, Ronda hits a suplex and then hits a Fisherman suplex. Ronda puts on the ankle lock and puts pressure on the ankle to force Shotzi to say “I Quit.” She finishes the match in 1:41.
Winner – Ronda Rousey
Flair gets in the ring after Ronda’s match and takes the mic. Flair tells Ronda that this is going to be her last win for a very long time. She calls Aliyah to come out and have her 10 seconds of fame.
Charlotte Flair vs Aliyah – I Quit Beat the Clock Challenge
Flair drops her to the mat face first. Aliyah dodges a big boot and hits a step-up enziguiri. Flair drops her with a kick. Aliyah hits a bulldog. Aliyah goes to the top and misses a crossbody as 1 minute is passed. Flair goes for the figure four. Aliyah kicks her out of the ring. Flair gets back into the ring and puts on the figure four with just 10 seconds to go. She transitions to figure eight but the time has run out. Ronda wins the Beat the Clock challenge.
Ronda smiles at Flair from the floor. She makes her exit and gives her hand to fans in the front row. Flair is upset over the loss. She gets to the floor and goes to timekeeper’s area. She starts shouting at Drew Gulak who was the timekeeper tonight, saying he did not do his job. Flair hits him with a big boot. She throws Gulak into the ring, picks up the ring bell and slams it on Gulak. Flair exits as the show goes off the air.