AEW Rampage June 3, 2022 Results & Live Updates(w/ Preview)

AEW Rampage episode of June 3, 2022, will continue to deal with the fallout from Double or Nothing. The show will air from Toyota Arena in Ontario, CA.
AEW TNT Championship match will take place between Scorpio Sky and Dante Martin. Athena will face Keira Hogan in her AEW debut match. The Young Bucks will take on Lucha Bros in another
Keep reading for the complete details on AEW Rampage June 3, 2022 episode with results, card, live updates and preview.
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The Young Bucks(Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) vs Lucha Bros(Penta Oscuro & Rey Fenix)
Both teams are already in the ring and we are starting right away. Matt starts against Penta. Penta starts with Zero Miedo and pushes Matt away. Matt pushes him back. This continues for a couple of times before Penta removes his glove and throws it on Matt. Penta goes for fear factor but Matt counters. Back and forth action continues as they counter each other at every turn. Rey and Nick tag in to start their back and forth and counters. Nick hits an arm drag coming off the top turnbuckle.
They end up on the floor and miss roundhouse kicks. They nail each other with roundhouse kicks at the same time and both get up quickly. Matt blindsides Rey with a cheap shot. Nick knocks off Penta from the apron. The Bucks double team on Rey in the corner. Rey is sent to the floor for suicide dives. Penta takes out The Young Bucks with a suicide dive of his own. Rey hits a torquillo dive on the other three.
Back to the ring, Matt ends up putting Rey into a Sharpshooter. Rey gets to the ropes just as Penta locks on Nick. Both men refuses to break the lock. The referee finally get them to break it. Nick hits a running kick on Rey from the apron. He hits hurricanrana on Penta. Rey hits back with a backbreaker and then sends Matt into the barricade. Matt gets his knees up as Rey goes for a splash from the top. Nick tags in as we cut to a break.
Matt hits a suplexes on Rey as we return. Penta comes in and hits suplex on both opponents at the same time. Nick tags in to hits a senton on Rey while Matt holds him up on the second rope. Matt tags back and Rey counters with a hurricanrana. Rey hits a stomp and DDT combo on Nick on the floor with Penta. They hits the same move on Matt in the ring. Rey hits a suicide dive on Nick on the floor. Penta hits Falcon Arrow on Matt and Rey follows quickly with a Splash. Matt kicks out of a nearfall.
Rey nails a Pele kick while Matt is on the top. Nick hits a dropkick to stop double team superplex doomsday device from Lucha Bros. It led to a poisonrana on Penta from Rey. Rey and Nick trade shots in the ring. Back heel kick from Rey rocks Nick while Penta hits him with a gamengiri. Rey hits a splash from top of Penta’s shoulder but Nick kicks out again.
Nick counters a muscle buster and nails Rey with kicks. The Bucks hits Superkick party on Penta and Rey. Rey avoids BTE trigger but The Young Bucks hit him with Meltzer Driver. Penta breaks the pin. Matt ends up removing Penta’s mask and The Bucks nail Rey with BTE Trigger to get the pin.
Winners – The Young Bucks
Matt wears Penta’s mask as they celebrate their win.
Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks vs Enhancement Talent
Team Starks attack their opponents before the bell. The bell rings and Starks beat up one of the opponent. We cut to an inset promo where Hobbs and Starks talk about Starks’ singles undefeated streak. Hobbs has ended the match in the ring during this time.
Winners – Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks
Keira Hogan vs Athena
Hogan makes her entrance with the Baddies. We get a quick promo from Stokeley Hathaway where he says Hogan will beat Athena and send her back to the line for a title shot. Athena comes out after the Baddies take their seats at ringside.
They locks up and Athena throws Hogan over. Hogan hits back with a kick to the guts. Hogan nails a big forearm after Athena leapfrogs her. Athena lands on her feet as Hogan goes for an overhead suplex. Athena hits a springboard crossbody. Hogan goes to the floor for a breather but Athena hits her with a diving elbow strike. Athena mocks the Baddies and this leads to Red Velvet sweeping her on the apron while Hogan distracted the referee. We cut to a break as Hogan work on Athena in the ring.
Both women are down as we return from the break. Athena hits an explosive dropkick. She follows with superkick and an enzuigiri, and with a handspring elbow in the corner. Hogan counters after Athena gets distracted into kicking off Velvet. Hogan hits a running knee in the corner and rolls up Athena for a two-count. Athena nails a kick before Velvet trips her on the top turnbuckle. Athena hits the diving cutter to get the win.
Winner – Athena
House of Black cut a promo with their new member Julia Hart. Malakai Black says Hart’s turn was not a stroke of luck but a well thought out plan.
CM Punk is Injured!
CM Punk comes out to address the fans. He is hobbling a bit as he makes his way to the ring. He is in tears in his eyes as the crowd chants his name. Punk takes a bit of time to compose himself. He says every bone in his body was screaming for him to go back home. But his brain told him otherwise as he owes an explanation to the fans. He talks about saying he would fight until the wheels fall off and he will make true to this promise. Punk says he got good news and bad news. He hopes he has not disappointed anyone thus far and has given his best every single second.
The bad news is that he is injured and needs surgery. The good news is that the wheels are still there, it is just that one of them is broken. Punk says he told Tony Khan that he wants to relinquish the AEW World title. Tony told him that he believes in Punk and this will just a bump in the road. Punk says doubts creep in sometimes but those doubts vanish when he came out here. Punk says he will come back better, hungrier and will prove that he is The Best in the World. The segment ends here as Punk shows off the title.
Scorpio Sky(c) vs Dante Martin – AEW TNT Championship Match
Back and forth promo in split screen before the main event. Scorpio Sky wonders if Dante Martin can back up his talk. They make their entrances.
Sky pushes Martin to the corner as the match starts. Martin is cautious in engaging and Sky hits a calf kick. Sky drops Martin with shoulder tackles and shows off to the crowd. Martin catches him kick and hits him with headscissors and armdrags. Martin holds on the armlock as we cut to a break.
Martin is hitting elbow to the ribs as we return. He nails punches and kicks Sky away to the floor to hit him with a dive. Dante hits a missile dropkick to get a two-count.
The commentary teams tells us that a new interim champion will be crowned on Dynamite next week. Jon Moxley will face the winner of a Battle Royal.
Dan Lambert has distracted the referee and Ethan Page tries to pull Martin off the apron. Matt Sydal attacks Page with a Meteora. Sky goes for TKO but Martin counters with TKO himself for a near fall. Martin hits an enzuigiri and then hits a double stomp to get another close two-count. Sky counters by dropping Martin on the ropes and then hits TKO to get the pin.
Winner – Scorpion Sky
TNT Title Match: Scorpio Sky will defend the title against Dante Martin. The talk was more about the potential in the build-up with Martin claiming that he is already better than Sky and will set out to prove the same.
Athena’s Debut: Athena will make her AEW debut against Keira Hogan as she starts her journey towards Jade Cargill and her streak. How will the Baddies react to her arrival?
Young Bucks vs Lucha Bros: The Young Bucks and Lucha Bros will face off in another match in AEW for the first time since Lucha Bros dethroned Bucks from AEW Tag Team Championship last year. A new feud will start between these teams here?