WWE NXT June 7, 2022 Results & Live Updates(w/ Preview)

WWE NXT 2.0 episode of June 7, 2022, will deal with the fallout from In Your House 2022 event. Three matches are announced for the show until now including the final of NXT Women’s Breakout tournament between Roxanne Perez and Tiffany Straton.
Tatum Paxley will look to take on an experienced Alba Fyre while Josh Briggs will look to take on Von Wagner. We might also get to see whether Joe Gacy will leave NXT Champion Bron Breakker alone after Breakker retained the title at In Your House.
Keep tuned in for the complete results from WWE NXT June 7, 2022 episode with live updates, winners and highlights.
Live Updates
Sikoa Wants Title Shot
NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes opens up the show with Trick Williams. Williams starts the promo by talking about how everything is normal again as Hayes is the NA champ. Hayes says best version of Grimes showed up at In Your House. He adds that he has now become a goal for others and takes shots at the crowd for failing to reach their goal. He calls himself the most illustrous North American Champion.
Solo Sikoa interrupts him and congratulates Hayes for winning the title back. He says we do less talking and more fighting in NXT and wants the title shot next. Williams tells him that his agreement was with Cameron Grimes and not him. Sikoa tries to intiimidate him a bit before Grayson Waller comes out. Waller takes shot at Sikoa for thinking that he has got Hayes’ number. Waller talks trash about Sikoa while also taking shots at the crowd.
Sikoa asks Waller if he wants a fight. He goes on to deck Williams and Hayes to start a brawl. Number game catches up to him before some referees run out to stop the beat down.
After the break, we see Tony D’Angelo arrive in his SUV. He asks Santos Escobar to open the door. Santos is asked about a bunch of tasks Tony told him to do. Del Toro asks Tony why he wants to re-district. Tony then tells Escobar to get into his ring gear as he has a match tonight.
Von Wagner vs Josh Briggs
Wagner tries to engage before the bell but Briggs was upto the task. The bell rings and Briggs unloads with punches. Wagner fires back from the corner. Briggs hits a shoulder tackle to drop Wagner. He slids out of the ring to hit a big punch on Wagner on the ropes. Wagner takes advantage when Briggs was getting back to the ring. Wagner hits him punches and kicks. Briggs tries to fight back before Wagner slams him into the corner.
Back and forth shots until Wagner takes Briggs to the floor and slam him on the arpon. Wagner slams Brooks Jensen’s injured hand on the apron. Fallon Henley distracts the referee. Jensen hands Briggs his cast and Briggs slams the cast on Wagner’s head. Briggs hits a big lariat to get the pin.
Winner – Josh Briggs
Briggs celebrates with Jensen and Henley on the ramp while Jensen reveals that he is not injured anymore.
Solo Sikoa is backstage in the trainer’s room. He wants both Carmelo Hayes and Grayson Waller in a match. If someone wants to partner him, fine, but he is fine with a handicapped match also.
Thea Hail is awarded her scholarship by Chase University. Pretty Deadly interrupt them and talk trash about Healy wanting to be teacher’s pet. Bodhi Hayward takes shot at them losing their tag titles. Pretty Deadly tells Andre Chase to watch his back.
Tony D’Angelo comes out with his entourage including Santos Escobar. He is treating Legado Del Fantasma as some low life. Escobar is facing Nathan Frazer. Tony joins the commentary.
Santos Escobar vs Nathan Frazer
Escobar is angry at the treatment from Tony. He puts on an arm lock on Frazer. He drops Frazer on his feet. He hits a waistlock takedown and keep Frazer on the mat. Frazer hits him with a dropkick. Escobar gets angry and loses his focus to be hit with a crossbody from Frazer. Escobar gets on the floor and Tony tells him to get back. Escobar nails Frazer with a step-up enzuigiri on the apron to knock him to the floor. Escobar hits suicide dive next. Tony tells him that nobody likes that dive. We cut to a break.
Escobar whips Frazer to the corner before hitting a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Tony says on the commentary that he is not liking Escobar’s style. Escobar puts on the cloverleaf. Frazer gets his hands free but Escobar slams him face-first to the mat. Escobar hits a spinebuster and then puts on the Boston Crab. Frazer tries to crawl to the ropes but Escobar brings him back to the center. Frazer gets to the ropes in second try. Escobar is upset at Tony’s talk.
Frazer rolls him up for a two-count. He hits a running forearm after working the ropes. Frazer hits more forearms, an elbow drop and standing shooting star press to get another two-count. Escobar avoids a moonsault and nails Frazer with a knee. Escobar hits a superkick to send Frazer to the floor. Two Dime sends in a crowbar into the ring but Escobar throws him back. Frazer takes advantage of the distraction and nails a gamengiri. Frazer hits a moonsault to get the pin.
Winner – Nathan Frazer
Tony is shouting at Escobar, Del Toro and Wilde as Frazer celebrates on the stage.
Xyon Quinn is backstage and fed up of all the praise Wes Lee is getting. He claims that he dominated their match last week and Lee was lucky to get the pin. He says Lee will be left unconscious after their rematch next week.
Who is Next for Bron Breakker?
Bron Breakker comes out to the ring. He says the match at In Your House was a battle physically and emotionally. He says this was not only for him but for NXT also as this place is special. He could see everyone’s faces backstage after his win. He asks who wants to challenge him next.
Apollo Crews’ music hits and he comes out. The crowd gives him a good reception. Crews takes the mic and says this is the type of energy that he missed. Crews says he is in NXT for as long as he wants to be. Crews calls Breakker one of the best athletes in all of WWE. He says he left NXT too soon and left a lot to be done. But, he is now back to make history. He tells Breakker that he will see him down the road.
We get a package for NXT Breakout tournament.
Joe Gacy gets a video package talking to his two hooded minions, talking about maximizing their potential and his goals. Gacy says it is time right now to focus on their progression. They will be in the ring for the first time next week.
Roxanne Perez vs Tiffany Stratton – Final of NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament 2022
Stratton pushes Perez to the corner. Perez pushes her to the ground and puts on a side headlock. Stratton backflips to avoid a takedown. Both women show off their athleticism for a bit. Perez drops Stratton to the mat and stomps on her hand. Perez puts on an arm wringer and Stratton counters to work on arm and wrist herself. She puts more pressure by using her knee on the neck.
Perez gets to her feet. Stratton catches her on her shoulders but Perez is able to take her down. Perez hits an uppercut after more arm wringers. Perez tries to work on the ropes and Stratton pulls her arm to drop her on the ropes and to the floor.
We return from the break to see Stratton with an armbar on Perez. Perez rolls her up for a pin attempt. Stratton stomps on her and then hits a standing moonsault. Stratton puts on the armbar again. Perez gets to her feet and hits uppercuts. Stratton throws her to the corner and then hits an armdrag. She hits handspring back splash and a dropkick to get a two-count.
Perez hits back with a kick and then hits a Meteora. Stratton goes to the floor and Perez hits a suicide dive. She hits a Russian Leg Sweep to get a two-count. Stratton counters with a crucifix pin attempt and follows with a sit-out powerbomb for a close two-count. Stratton misses moonsault and Perez hits Code Red to get the pin.
Winner – Roxanne Perez(winner of Women’s Breakout Tournament)
Cora Jade runs in to celebrate the win with Roxanne Perez. Jade hands her the contract for the title shot. Toxic Attraction trio come out to the stage. Rose congratulates Perez for the win and says all the bus rides and training has all paid off. Rose tells her to enjoy this moment since it will all be downhill from here. Rose gets into the ring and tells that Perez has a better chance of cashing in that contract successfully on RAW or SmackDown. Rose brings up how Cora Jade has already failed twice to take the title away from her. Perez decks her Rose to start a brawl. Toxic Attraction take the upper hand with their numbers advantage until Indi Hartwell comes out to support Perez and Jade. Hartwell boots Rose from the apron.
We cut backstage to see Bodhi Hayward down injured. Andre Chase and WWE Crew check on him. Bodhi says Pretty Deadly attacked him. Chase leaves in anger looking for them.
Wendy Choo is getting interviewed backstage but Tiffany Stratton interrupts immediately, who is claiming that Perez cheated to get the win. Choo ends up using her super soakers on Stratton before going away. Stratton is throwing a fit.
Pretty Deadly(Kit Wilson & Elton Prince) vs Chase U(Andre Chase & Bodhi Hayward)
Chase attacks immediately as he gets into the ring. Wilson is sent to the floor and Chase unloads on Prince in the ring. He hits clothesline and punches in the corner. Wilson comes back in but is sent back to the floor with a clothesline. Chase hits a back body drop on Prince. Wilson trips Chase from the floor to take control over Chase. Chase is corner with quick tags. Pretty Deadly drop Chase on their knees.
Bodhi Hayward is dragging herself to the ring but Thea Healy tries to talk to him. Healy herself gets on the apron and asks Chase for a tag. Pretty Deadly talk trash with her. Healy slaps Wilson from the apron. Bodhi drops Pretty Deadly with clotheslines. He drops Wilson with a leg sweep before hitting stomps. Prince gets a blind tag and boots Chase from the apron. Pretty Deadly hit their double team finisher to get the pin.
Winners – Pretty Deadly
Tony D’Angelo cuts off Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams. Tony tells Hayes that he is not the only one with a big win at In Your House. He says if they want this title reign to last longer than the first one, they should fall in line under Don’s regime. Williams says everything in NXT revolved around Carmelo like he is a sun. Hayes says he is good on any offer. Tony goes to threaten him before leaving. Hayes demands some respect for him and the title.
Alba Fyre vs Tatum Paxley
They start with some grappling and Paxley goes for a crucifix pin. Fyre brings her down with a waistlock takedown. Paxley takes down Fyre with a single leg. She gets another two-count with a crucifix. Fyre drops her with an uppercut. Fyre nails a forearm before whipping Paxley into the corner. She hits a suplex to get a two-count. Fyre hits Gory bomb and goes to the top. Paxley moves away a bit but Fyre still hits the Swanton Bomb to get the pin.
Winner – Alba Fyre
Lash Legends attacks Fyre from behind on the stage. Legends talks trash until the segment ends.
Roderick Strong gives The Creed Brothers props for overcoming the biggest challenge of their career to win the tag titles. Diamond Mine hug and they get interrupted by Edris Enofe and Malik Blade. They tease some tension with Diamond Mine until The Creed Brothers laugh it out. Enofe and Blade leave. Strong’s once again gets miffed at The Creed Brothers for handing out a title shot. He says he has been a champion many times and one mistake can end the title reign, and they might have already made that mistake.
Solo Sikoa & Apollo Crews vs Carmelo Hayes & Grayson Waller
Apollo Crews is revealed to be Solo Sikoa’s partner. Sikoa and Crews attack before the bell. Hayes is sent to the floor. Sikoa and Waller start the match. Waller hits punches but he hurts himself when he tries to headbutt Sikoa. Sikoa drops him a few times before tagging in Crews. Crews hits a delayed verical suplex where he holds Waller in the air for 30 seconds.
Sikoa tags in and sends Waller to the corner for a back elbow. Waller tags out to Hayes. Hayes takes control over Crews and works on him with quick tags. Crews skips past Waller and tags in Sikoa. Sikoa drops Waller with forearm and elbow before hitting a superkick. He hits a hip attack on Waller. Crews hits a crossbody on both opponents to take us to a break.
Sikoa pushes Waller into Hayes. Hayes is the legal man now due to an unintentional tag. Sikoa pulls Hayes into the ring and drops him a couple of times. Waller pulls Hayes out of a corner hip attack. Williams runs a distraction and Hayes hits a springboard crossbody on Sikoa. Waller and Hayes work on Sikoa with quick tags. Waller hits an elbow drop from the second rope for a close two-count.
Sikoa hits an uppercut on Hayes but Hayes hits a pump kicks to take him to his corner again. Waller puts on a chinlock. He puts on a crossface and Sikoa breaks it by getting to the ropes. Waller knees Sikoa. Sikoa fights back and drops Waller. Crews tags in and hits a clothesline on Waller, knocks Hayes off the apron, back body drop on Waller before a series of German suplexes. Crews takes care of Hayes before hitting a standing moonsault on Waller. Hayes breaks the pin. Sikoa gets into the ring now to fight with Hayes. Waller drops Crews’ face on the ropes. Crews counters the cutter with a sit-out powerbomb to get the pin.
Winner – Solo Sikoa & Apollo Crews
Sikoa and Crews stand tall in the ring to close the show.
Fallout from In Your House: Bron Breakker was able to retain the NXT Championship despite best attempts from Joe Gacy to get him disqualified. Will Breakker be able to leave Gacy in the slipstream? Solo Sikoa is waiting for his title shot at North American Championship.
Breakout Tournament Final: Tiffany Stratton has somehow made her way to the final of the breakout tournament despite not being a part of it. Roxanne Perez is also on the verge to winning major tournaments in two different promotions in her young career. Who will prevail to win the first-ever winner of Women’s Breakout tournament?
Singles matches: Tatum Paxley is stepping up to face Alba Fyre as she tries to show up Lash Legends. Josh Briggs’ squable with Von Wagner in the past few weeks has led to a singles match between them.