Elimination Chamber 2019: Baron Corbin wins against Braun Strowman as McIntyre and Lashley interferes
Baron Corbin won against Braun Strowman at Elimination Chamber 2019 with the help of Drew McIntyre and Bobby Lashley
It looks like Corbin/McIntyre/Lashley and Braun Strowman storyline is here to stay for some more weeks as Baron Corbin defeated Braun Strowman in the no disqualification match with help of Drew McIntyre and Bobby Lashley.
Braun dominated the match, broke the kendo stick Corbin was using, shoulder tackled Corbin at the ringside before hitting him with a body slam through the table. But soon Drew McIntyre distracted Strowman as made his entrance with the steel chair while Lashley sneaked out at his back and hit Strowman with the steel chair. McIntyre, Corbin and Lashley then combined to thrash Strowman with chairs and their finishers. Strowman tried to fight out of it to no avail. Finally, they set up double tables in the ring and Lashley powerbomb Strowman through them allowing Corbin to pin him.
For a full live update of Elimination Chamber 2019
This storyline started after Survivor Series in November when Baron Corbin as the general manager attacked Strowman along with Drew McIntyre and Bobby Lashley. Kurt Angle and other stars helped an injured Strowman to get the win over Corbin and later these stars were involved in n=multiple Tag Team Matches. There is still no indication that for how long this storyline is going to continue though.