AEW Fight For The Fallen 2022 Results, Dynamite July 27 Live Updates

AEW Fight For the Fallen Dynamite special returns on July 27, 2022, and we will be here with live results from the show. Several matches are already revealed for the show including three title matches.
Jon Moxley defends Interim World title against Rush while Thunder Rosa defends Women’s title against Miyu Yamashita. Danhausen challenges Ricky Stark for FTW Championship. Bryan Danielson vs Daniel Garcia and Dante Martin vs Sammy Guevara are the singles matches announced for the Fight for the Fallen 2022 card.
A handicap match will see Shane Strickland take on Tony Nese and Mark Sterling. Jungle Boy will speak to fans about Christian Cage. Tune in as we will be here to post all the results from AEW Fight For The Fallen 2022 Dynamite special on July 27, 2022, with live updates, winners, highlights and complete coverage.
Live Updates
Jon Moxley(c) vs Rush – Interim AEW World Championship Match
The interim World title match is opening the show. Rush enters first. Rush attacks Moxley on the apron and sends him into the barricade. Back to the ring, he hits chops, whips Mox from corner to corner and hits a clothesline in the corner. Rush bites Moxley’s head. Mox goes to the floor and Rush slams his head on a chair. He sends Mox into the barricade a couple of times.
Jose distracts the referee, but Moxley avoids getting hit with a steel chair. Moxley hits a suicide dive to take back control. He hits chops and a snap suplex. Mox hits headbutts before slamming Rush’s head into the steel steps. Back to the ring, they trade chops. Rush hits a pump kick and a body slam to get a two-count. They are back to the floor and Rush chokes Moxley with a cable. We cut to a break.
Moxley hits a superplex as we return from the break. They trade forearms and chops in the middle. They trade snap German suplex before Moxley hits a big lariat. Rush hits another German suplex in reply. Rush puts on crossface. Moxley slips out of it. He goes on to stomp on Rush’ face. Rush pushes him to the corner. He hits a belly-to-belly suplex to send Mox into the turnbuckles. Rush goes for a superplex but Mox bites him and drops him back to the mat.
Andrade pushes Moxley into the ropes when the referee was distracted by Jose. Lucha Bros comes out to make Andrade run away. Moxley gets a two-count after a roll-up. Rush hits a straight jacket piledriver to get a two-count. He misses a dropkick in the corner. Moxley puts on a sleeper. Rush breaks it with a backward headbutt. Moxley hits Death Rider to get a near fall. Moxley puts on the bulldog choke to get a submission win.
Winner – Jon Moxley
Jericho Appreciation Society comes out after the match. Angelo Parker cuts off the music as he wants AEW Galaxy to appreciate them. Jericho congratulates Mox for an amazing match and being on a roll, but nobody is more in roll as JAS. Jericho hypes Daniel Garcia and Sammy Guevara’s matches later tonight. Jericho talks about giving Anna Jay an opportunity. Anna takes the mic and says she is a new Anna, Anna JAS. She goes on to scream that she will take out others.
Jericho recalls the brutal barbed wire match last week, but coming out of it with a win. Jericho demands a rematch for AEW World Champion after 2 and half years. Moxley takes the mic now and says he actually use to look up to Jericho, who has done everything, but he has been pathetic lately. Moxley agrees to the title match, but he wants Lionheart version of Chris Jericho in Mineapollis in two weeks.
Tony Schiavone interviews Dante Martin. Martin takes shot on Sammy Guevara for bringing Tay Conti out with him in his corner. He informs that he will also have someone in his corner, Skye Blue.
Ricky Starks(c) vs Danhausen – FTW Championship
Danhausen goes to curse Starks but Starks kicks him in the face. Danhausen hits a pump kick himself when Starks was mocking him. Danhausen hits a German suplex. He sends Starks to the corner and then gets a two-count with a roll-up. Starks hits a spear to get the pin.
Winner – Ricky Starks
After the match, Starks takes the mic and calls for another open challenge. Hook answers the challenge. He circles the ring once before getting in. The bell rings and the match is official.
Ricky Starks(c) vs Hook – FTW Championship
Hook ducks a punch and hits body shots. Hook hits a headbutt. He hits a pumphandle suplex. Starks fights back with a punch and a side suplex. Hook lands on his feet when Starks hits a hip toss. Hook goes for a German suplex but Ricky counters with a spear. Hook kicks out of the pin. Ricky goes for the Roshambo but Hook puts him in the ReDrum. Starks taps out after a few seconds.
Winner – Hook
Hook gets the title and Starks gives him a fist bump as he leaves.
After the break, Starks stands in the middle with Powerhouse Hobbs as Tony Schiavone interviews him. Starks goes on a rant about turning the belt into a prominent title. Powerhouse Hobbs suddenly drops him with a big shot from behind. Hobbs then hits a spinebuster and stands over Starks.
The Acclaimed are backstage and they inform The Gunn Club that they have a roast rap video for them for this week’s Rampage where they will also reveal the stipulation for their match.
Sammy Guevara vs Dante Martin
Sammy starts with a throw and a pin attempt. Sammy hits a dropkick. He poses in the middle. They run the ropes and Dante hits a dropkick before posing in the middle himself. Sammy throws him to the floor. Dante gets back to avoid a basement slide. He teases a dive but springboards back to the ring. Sammy suddenly decides to leave and goes up the ramp. Dante runs him over and throws him down the ramp. Dante hits a dive on Sammy and runs to the ring to break the count. We cut to a break.
Dante sends Sammy to the floor as we return. Sammy catches him with a knee strike as he springboards to the floor. Sammy hits a suicide dive next. Back to the ring, Sammy hits a standing Spanish Fly to get a near fall. Dante stops GTH. He hits a slam to get a two-count. Sammy cuts off nosedive but Dante tweaks his leg. Dante hits a standing Spanish fly to get a two-count. Sammy avoids the Nosedive and hits a double jump Stunner. Sammy hits GTH to get the pin.
Winner – Sammy Guevara
Sammy goes to attack Dante after the match. Skye Blue gets into the ring to block her. Tay Conti argues with her. Anna Jay runs out and attacks Blue. Conti and Jay are attacking Blue. Ruby Soho and Ortiz run out to make them run away.
Daniel Garcia is interviewed backstage. Garcia says he is getting sharper in the ring while Bryan was at home with his wife and family. Garcia says he will send Bryan back to his family after tonight.
Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh are backstage and start to talk about Best Friends. Orange Cassidy and Best Friends come in and challenge them for a tag team match without Sonjay Dutt. Dutt gets angry and says he will also be involved in the match.
Jungle Boy comes out with Luchasaurus. Tony Schiavone is in the ring and asks him about disparaging remarks from Christian Cage over the last few weeks. JB gets angry and says Christian is the biggest pussy he has ever seen. The crowd pops. JB says Christian has been most relevant in his career after turning on him. He goes on to wonder why Christian was angry at him for eliminating him from Battle Royal a year ago. But, it might be because Christian was cash-strapped after his divorce. Christian needed someone to protect him, but Luchasaurus is his best friend. JB reveals that Christian was getting protected only for him. JB goes emotional as he talks about his father’s death. Christian interrupts him from backstage. He takes a shot at Luchasaurus first. He claims that he did not run away from JB last week to protect himself, but to not do worse with JB.
Brandon Cutler is on camera backstage with The Young Bucks. They reveal new AEW Trios Championship and a tournament will crown the first champions. Cutler pitches himself to be the Bucks’ partner. Adam Page is standing in one corner. Matt and Nick goes to talk to him and wish him a Happy Birthday. Dark Order comes in and The Bucks leave before they could talk much.
Shane “Swerve” Strickland vs Tony Nese & Mark Sterling – Handicap Match
Nese jumps on Swerve as he goes to take a cheap shot on Sterling. Swerve uses his athleticism and hits a backbreaker. Nese goes to the floor for a breather. He catches Swerve with a chop to his throat. Swerve sends him to the floor. Sterling pulls Swerve’s hair from behind. Swerve gets distracted and Nese pulls him to the floor. We cut to a break.
After the break, Nese has put Swerve in bodyscissors. Swerve counters and unloads with punches. Sterling ends up getting a tag when Swerve was on a roll. Swerve chases him but Tony stops him. Swerve drops him on the apron and hits a Swerve stomp. Sterling runs away but gets caught when he returns to the ring. Swerve hits Sterling with a pump heel kick to get the pin.
Winner – Shane Strickland
Backstage, Josh Woods has taken out Keith Lee. Swerve’s attention shifts to the big screen with his partner laid out. Nese drops him with an attack from behind.
House of Black gets a video promo. Malakai Black addresses Miro and talk about God and Devil being same thing these days.
Thunder Rosa(c) vs Miyu Yamashita – AEW Women’s Championship
A back and forth start with some quick action. They come to a stand off after a minute. Miyu blocks a punch and they end up on the apron. Miyu struggles on the apron but manages to hold her ground. Rosa sends her to the floor and hits a dive. Miyu hits back as we cut to a break.
Rosa hits double knees in the corner. She follows with a couple of dropkicks against the ropes. A northern light suplex gets her a two-count. Rosa goes to the top. Miyu nails her with a roundhouse kick to bring her down. They trade strikes in the middle now. Miyu hits another roundhouse kick. Rosa replies with a leaping kick herself. Back and forth action continues until Miyu nails a skull kick to get a near fall. Rosa counters with a roll-up. Miyu turns it into a pin attempt for herself. Miyu catches her knee strikes. Rosa ends up hitting Fire Thunder Driver to get the pin.
Winner – Thunder Rosa
Bryan Danielson vs Daniel Garcia
Bryan starts with a dropkick right after the bell. He follows with some quick chest kicks. He whips Garcia to the other corner and hits another dropkick. The sequen repeats once more. Garcia htis back with a kick. Bryan hits him with a back body drop to send him to the floor and follows it up with a suicide dive. Bryan unloads with elbows on the mat. Garcia fires back with an uppercut. He hits more shots. Bryan blocks a neckbreaker but Garcia hits it in second attempt to get a two-count.
Garcia sends him Bryan to the floor and then into the barricade. Garcia removes the padding on the floor. Bryan hits him with a running forearm. Bryan hits Yes Kicks and a running dropkick as Garcia sits on a chair. Bryan hits a missile dropkick. He does not get up after that. Garcia gets up and unloads on Bryan. He hits big chops. Bryan is down again. He slips to the floor and Garcia sends him into the steel steps. Garcia hits a DDT on the exposed floor. We cut to a break.
Bryan hits back as we return from the break, but he is down on his knee again. Garcia hits a dropkick on him. He rakes Bryan’s wound. The referee intervenes. Bryan hits back with a punch but Garcia unloads with more punches and uppercuts. Garcia sets up Bryan on the top turnbuckle. He bites Bryan’s head. Bryan slips out to the mat and hits blows to the back. Bryan brings Garcia down with an avalanche back suplex.
They get up and trade chops. Bryan takes over with kicks and chops. Bryan hits Yes Kicks and nails the final roundhouse kick to drop Garcia. Garcia counters with a sleeper. Bryan gets on his feet but Garcia still has the choke on. Bryan rolls over and puts on Cattle Mutilation. He hits a Tiger suplex. Garcia hits him with elbows on his shoulder. Bryan returns the favor with blows of his own. Garcia blocks the running knee and gets a two-count with Thai cover.
They trade more shots before Bryan hits the Busaika Knee. He goes for the Labell lock but Garcia rolls to the floor. Bryan hits him with a diving knee. Bryan sends Garcia back to the ring. Someone catches Bryan’s leg from underneath the ring. Garcia takes advantage and hits a knee. Garcia puts on the sharpshooter on Bryan. Garcia puts more pressure but Bryan refuses to give up. Bryan is put to sleep and the referee calls for it.
Winner – Daniel Garcia
It turns out to be Jake Hager who pulled Bryan’s leg from underneath the ring. Hager comes into the ring to celebrate with Garcia. Jericho also runs to the ring from the commentary table to celebrate Garcia’s big win. The show went off the air.