WWE 205 Live Results and Updates- 3 September 2019
Welcome to the Results and Updates Blog from WWE 205 Live episode of 3 September 2019 (9/3/2019).
- Location- Norfolk Scope Arena, Norfolk, VA, US
- Time- 10 PM EST(4 September 2 AM GMT/7:30 AM IST)

- The show opens up with Drake Maverick’s meeting with Humberto Carrillo and Lince Dorado. Dorado says he’s been in the division since the beginning and has never been given an opportunity to challenge for the cruiserweight championship. Maverick confirms that if Lince wins, he’ll be added to the title match.
- Mike Kanellis defeated Tony Nese by pinfall. Back and forth match which ended with a superkick from Kanellis and a follow up with Crossrhodes. Kanellis celebrates in the ring after the match while Nese is distraught.
- Backstage, Dorado is preparing for his match when Ariya Daivari strolls up. He tells Dorado that without him he never would have had the guts to stand up to Carrillo. Dorado goes on to state that Kalisto and Gran Metalik won’t even talk to him anymore, but tonight he plans on proving that he’s cruiserweight championship material.
- The Singh Brothers cut a promo. They call out Akira Tozawa and Brian Kendrick, jabbing that they’re not even award-winning superstars.
- Akira Tozawa & Brian Kendrick defeated Brandon Scott & Tyler Hastings by pinfall. Post-match, Kendrick cuts a promo challenging Jack Gallagher for a tag team match next week.
- Oney Lorcan goes to console Tony Nese, who is throwing things around. Lorcan tells him that he’s “been there.” This angers Nese, who attacks Lorcan and smashes his head off the wall. Nese screams that Lorcan knows nothing.
- Lince Dorado defeated Humberto Carrillo by pinfall to earn a spot in the Cruiserweight Championship match at Clash of Champions.
- Post-match, Drew Gulak attacks Dorado on the ramp. Carrillo goes to help Dorado but Tony Nese comes out of nowhere and nails Carrillo. Running Nese onto Dorado. Torture Rack neck breaker on Carrillo. Nese and Gulak stand tall to close the show.