Dean Ambrose bids Goodbye at The Shield’s Final Chapter

The Shield performed in a match together for the last time last night at
The Shield’s Final Chapter Event in Moline, Illinois. They faced off against their opponents from Fastlane, Drew McIntyre, Bobby Lashley and Baron Corbin and were able to get a victory in their final match.
The Shield dominated the early exchanges of the match with each of Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns dominated their opponents with quick moves and quick tagging. McIntyre capitalized with a running elbow strike when Ambrose was coming back to the ring to send him crashing into the barricade. This started a spell where Dean Ambrose was kept under control with quick tags between McIntyre, Corbin and Lashley.

Ambrose finally ducked a lariat from McIntyre and hit a neckbreaker on him. Ambrose tagged in Rollins after which chaos ensued where the Shield hits their finishers on the heels. Reigns took out Lashley with a spear, Rollins hit the curb stomp on McIntyre and then Ambrose hit the Dirty Deeds on Corbin. Corbin was then hit by the triple powerbomb and Rollins was allowed to pin him in his hometown.
In his parting speech, Ambrose told the crowd that if you work hard and follow your dreams, you can be Universal Champion just like the hometown boy Seth Rollins. He also commended Reigns for fighting for his life and that the power of the Shield is proof that anything is possible if you put your heart and soul to it.
Before this, the WWE Network special show started with Elias doing his usual heel gimmick where he again started to bash the crowd. He also told that he is happy to see the back of the Shield after the night. He was interrupted by his opponent of the night Finn Balor, who then got engaged with Elias in his musical performance only to change the lyrics of the song to Elias sucks. Elias attacked him after this to start their match. Balor was able to fend off Elias to retain the Intercontinental Championship.
After the match, Elias started to perform once again but this time he was interrupted by the Riott Squad. They also jammed with Elias to give a very awkward performance before Ruby Riott and Sarah Logan faced Bayley and Naomi in a tag team match. This was also the last time the Riott Squad worked together as Liv Morgan is now drafted to SmackDown while the other two members are still on RAW.