Big Time Wrestling Results- Mar 12, 2022: Hardy Boys in Action

Big Time Wrestling will present an event on March 12, 2022. The main feature of the show will be The Hardy Boyz teaming together for the first time in 3 years.
The Hardy Boyz will face the winner between Briscoe Brothers and SAT. Jay Lethal will take on Danny Miles while Richard Holliday will defend BTW Heavyweight Championship against Teddy Goodz. A dog collar match will take place between Flex Armstrong and Mr. TA.
The first-ever Mitrano Cup winner will be crowned in a fatal five-way match between Alex Price, Dan Maff, Jora Johl, Trigga “The OG” and Todo Loco.
We will bring all the results from March 12, 2022 event of Big Time Wrestling.
Event Info
Big Time Wrestling Results & Updates
- The S.A.T.(Jose Maximo and Joel Maximo) defeated The Briscoes(Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe)
- Jay Lethal vs Danny Miles (no contest)
- Flex Armstrong defeated Mr. TA in a Dog Collar Match.
- Tina San Antonio defeated Ashley D’Amboise
- Alex Price defeated Jora Johl & Todo Loco & Dan Maff & Trigga The OG – AJ Mitrione Cup
- The Hardy Boyz (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy) defeated The SAT (Jose Maximo & Joel Maximo)
- Richard Holliday (c) defeated Teddy Goodz – BTW Heavyweight Championship