WWE NXT Results & Live Updates November 22, 2022

Welcome to the live results blog for WWE NXT episode of November 22, 2022, which will continue to build-up for NXT Deadline 2022 event.
NXT Women’s Champion Mandy Rose is set to open the show with Toxic Attraction. Wes Lee will defend NXT North American Championship against Carmelo Hayes. Two more matches are announced in Ivy Nile vs Tatum Paxley and Cora Jade vs Wendy Choo.
We might also get to know the participants for Iron Survivor Challenge match at NXT Deadline. Apollo Crews defeated JD McDonagh last week to become a possible contender for NXT Championship. Will his match against Bron Breakker be announced?
Tune in below for results from WWE NXT November 22, 2022 episode with live updates, winners, highlights and complete action.
- Cora Jade defeated Wendy Choo in a singles match via pinfall.
- Ivy Nile defeated Tatum Paxley in a singles match via pinfall.
- Scyrpts defeated Guru Raaj in a singles match via pinfall.
- Zoey Starks defeated Sol Ruca in a singles match via pinfall.
- Pretty Deadly(Kit Wilson & Elton Prince)(c) defeated Chase U(Andre Chase & Duke Hudson) in a tag team match via pinfall to retain NXT Tag Team Championship.
- Wes Lee(c) defeated Carmelo Hayes in a singles match via pinfall to retain NXT North American Championship.
Live Updates
Mandy is Still The Champion!
Mandy says there is one only queen in NXT after how she won the Last Woman Standing match last week. She points out she has passed 400 days as champion, and NXT has to create a whole new match to identify her next challenger. She will be watching Deadline closely, but the winner will still have no chance to win the title from her. Jacy Jayne says she and Gigi can start to focus on winning back the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship. Gigi Dolin says they are an actual team unlike Nikkita Lyons and Zoey Stark who were a train wreck waiting to happen.
Kayden Carter and Katana Chance come out and take offence on Toxic Attraction asking for another title shot. They call Mandy a phoney to act like she remains a champion with her talent, when in reality, she retained the title due to Isla Dawn. Jayne and Dolin are actual train wreck waiting to happen as they would lose any equity to Mandy when she loses the title. The two sides continue to argue until Carter enters the ring to start a brawl. Toxic Attraction’s numbers prove too much for them and Rose drops them both with running knees as Dolin and Jayne hold them down.
Wes Lee was entering the arena earlier today when he was interrupted by Tony D’Angelo who accuses Lee of injuring him. Lee says he is done explaining that he was not responsible for and Tony can find him after he beats Carmelo Hayes tonight.
Grayson Waller comes to Duke Hudson and asks what is up with this flag waving and being a Chase U student. Hudson replies that his real self is coming out now and he is a dedicated student of Chase U.
Wendy Choo vs Cora Jade
Choo starts with a side headlock. She hits a tackle after being thrown to the ropes. She unloads with chops after taking Cora to the corner. She hits a running forearm next before using arm wrenches. She puts on a hammerlock. Cora hits a back elbow to break free. Choo hits an arm drag before Cora trips her to the ropes and hits a big running elbow. Cora hits more blows. Choo rolls her up for a two-count. Choo hits her with an up kick. Choo hits a running forearm in the corner but misses a senton. They go to the floor and Choo hits an overhead suplex to take us to a break.
Choo hits an arm drag as we return. Cora trips her on the ropes but Choo avoids a running shot before dropping her with a clothesline. A belly-to-belly suplex and a crossbody from the top from Choo. Cora counters a suplex and gets a two-count with a roll-up. Choo hits a brainbuster and goes to the top. Cora gets up and brings in a cane. Choo ducks the cane shot and picks it up. The referee takes away the cane and Cora throws Choo’s milkshake in her own face. Cora hits a double underhook DDT to get the pin.
Winner – Cora Jade
Choo is crying after the match as Cora laughs at her.
We get a video package from Apollo Crews where he talks about finally getting a shot at NXT Championship against Bron Breakker.
Kiana James gets interviewed backstage before her match and says she is not intimidated by Ivy Nile.
“Big Body Javi” Javier Bernel hands a list of over 1000 names which has names like Elon Musk, Drake, among others.
Kiana James vs Ivy Nile
Nile pushes James to the ropes until the referee calls for a break. James puts on a side headlock. Nile breaks it and hits an arm drag. James counters an arm wrench. James puts on Full Nelson but Nile breaks free to get roll her over for a two-count. James hits a backbreaker on her knees. She picks up Nile on her shoulder to hit an inverted backbreaker to get another two-count. James keeps control with another backbreaker on her knees before she puts a vice grip on the shoulder briefly.
James goes for a Calf Crusher, but Nile counters it with a crossface. James picks her up for a back suplex to get another two-count. Nile locks in submission to work on James’ arm. Nile hits combination kicks before hitting a headscissors takedown, a forearm and a gut wrench suplex. She sends James to the floor with a running forearm. Fallon Henley comes down to the floor when James tries to run away. James returns to the ring and Nile puts on neck crank to get the submission.
Winner – Ivy Nile
Henley attacks James after the match and takes her to the floor. The Creed Brothers get into the ring to celebrate with Nile. They appreciated Nile and says she is under appreciated but she would never jump on anyone like Indus Sher. They say Indus Sher will never get any respect as they attacked them from behind.
Scrypts vs Guru Rajj
Scrypts makes his entrance and has a mask on. It is still clear that it is Reggie being repacked. Scrypts ducks under and hits an up-kick. He hits a dropkick next. He continues to duck Guru Rajj’s attacks. He hits a knee strike and spinning heel kick before some ground and pound. He hits a senton mid-air and get the rana pin to get the three-count.
Winner – Scrypts
All four members of Schism are in the ring. They have a seat empty between them. All four of them have masks on. They talk one by one after removing their masks. Eva Raine brings an audience member and he takes the empty seats. Joe Gacy says this person will start a new tradition tonight. Eva hugs him and her expressions change from a smile to vicious one. Gacy also hugs this guy before putting him through the table.
Sol Ruva vs Zoey Stark
Zoey starts with a waistlock takedown. Ruca comes out of a headlock with a handstand. Zoey hits an armdrag before slamming Ruca to the corner. Ruca lands on her feet a couple of times on throws. Ruca nails a superkick. Stark is thrown to the floor. She traps Ruca in the apron cloth and unloads on her. Stark puts on a headlock to keep Ruca under control. Ruca get back to her feet and avoids a corner tackle. She hits a flying shoulder tackle, dropkick and a back body drop. Stark hits her with gamengiri on the top rope. Ruca rolls through with a sunset flip for a two-count. Ruca hits a running powerslam to get a near fall. She misses a missile dropkick and Stark hits a running knee to get the pin.
Winner – Zoey Stark
Pretty Deadly(Kit Wilson & Elton Prince)(c) vs Chase U(Andre Chase & Duke Hudson) – NXT Tag Team Championship Match
Hudson hits a big shot to Wilson to stop Wilson from blindsiding Chase. Hudson hits more moves in quick succession. He hits an elbow drop and a leg drop before Chase tags in. Prince gets a blind tag to jump on Chase’s shoulder. Pretty Deadly double team against Chase. Chase fires back with punches before Prince hits a dropkick. Double team work continues. Chase counters in the corner against Wilson to start a back-and-forth sequence. Chase puts on a headlock on Wilson and hits a back body drop on Prince when he comes in. Hudson tags in to join Chase in attack. Chase hits a Northern Lights suplex on Wilson before starting CHASE-U stomps. We cut to a break.
Prince is in control against Hudson as we return. Chase drops Prince but Wilson distracts Hail and Hudson. Prince drags Chase back to his corner. Pretty Deadly work on Chase with quick tags. Chase throws Prince out of the ring who knocks over Hail. Hudson goes to the floor to check on Hail, and Chase once again misses the tag. Chase fights back one more time and tags in Hudson finally. Hudson tackles Wilson and before hitting body slams on both opponents. Chase also comes in for a big tackle. Chase is out of breath when Hudson tags him in. Wilson fights out off Hudson’s back and ducks Hudson’s boot. Hudson ends up knocking out Chase with his big boot. Pretty Deadly hit their double team finisher to get the pin.
Winner – Pretty Deadly
Wes Lee(c) vs Carmelo Hayes – NXT North American Championship
They trade shots to start. Lee takes down Hayes and unloads with punches. Hayes rolls to the floor and hits a drop toe hold to drop Lee on the barricade. More back and forth on the floor. Hayes hits a pump kick when they return to the ring. Lee comes back with a dropkick. They drop each other with double pump kick. Both men kick out of the pin as we cut to a break.
Hayes has a shoulder lock on as we return. Hayes hits a knee to midsection before hitting a springboard clothesline. Hayes whips Lee hard to the corner a couple of times. Lee counters in the corner and hits a German suplex. They trade punches in the middle. Lee comes out in top with flurry of strikes. He hits a dropkick and a running uppercut. Lee hits a frankestiener to get a two-count. Hayes avoids a 450 splash and hits a bulldog to get a near fall.
Lee hangs onto the ropes to avoid double knees. He gets caught on the second attempt. Lee avoids a leg drop and hits Meteora for a near fall. Lee hits a dropkick to send Hayes to the floor. Trick Williams is out to the floor to check on Hayes. Lee hits him with a tope suicida. Hayes hits an uppercut on the floor. He brings back Lee who brings him down form the top. Lee hits a handspring kick and then hits a Falcon Arrow to get the pin.
Winner – Wes Lee
After the match, Dominik Dijakovic attacks and drops Wes Lee to close the show.