WWE NXT Results For July 12, 2022, Live Coverage

Welcome to our live coverage for WWE NXT Results from July 12, 2022 edition. The show will feature NXT Women’s Championship match as Mandy Rose defends against Roxanne Perez.
Perez is cashing in her Breakout Tournament contract which mandates her a title shot. She could become a double champion as she won the Women’s Tag Team Championship last week.
Additionally, two singles matches are also announced – Solo Sikoa vs Von Wagner, and Apollo Crews vs Giovanni Vinci. Lot more matches are expected to take place, as it has been a norm for NXT 2.0.
Join us as we bring in results from WWE NXT July 12, 2022 episode along with live updates, winners, video highlights, and more details.
Live Updates
We get a recap of Great American Bash from last week.
Roxanne Perez is laid out in the parking lot and Cora Jade is crying for help. Medical team runs in.
Apollo Crews vs Giovanni Vinci
Some mat wrestling and grappling starts the contest. Crews hits some shots in the corner. He hits a big boot and a blockbuster next. Vinci throws him out of the ring and drops him on the barricade.
Apollo throws Vinci away as he starts to fight back. Vinci hits a couple of chops. Crews catches him mid-air with a dropkick as he was coming down from a springboard move. Crews hits an enzuigiri, clotheslines, corner splash, a trio of German suplexes. Vinci catches his leg and hits a big lariat. Crews hits a back elbow but Vinci catches his dive and overpowers him to hit a suplex.
Crews nails an enzuigiri and a one-handed powerbomb. Vinci rolls to the floor to avoid the pin. Vinci snatches the camera from a fan from the front row. Crews pulls him and sends him into the ring. The referee clears the camera and Xyon Quinn runs in to nail Crews with a stiff forearm shot. Vinci hits a powerbomb to get the pin.
Winner – Giovanni Vinci
We go to replays to find out that Quinn was standing in the crowd all along. Crews is staring him down as he watches from the ramp. Vinci is posing as celebrates his win.
Cora Jade is backstage and is asked if there is any update on Roxanne Perez. Jade says she knew Toxic Attraction would try to pull out something like this. There is no update on Perez’s status though.
After the break, we see Tiffany Stratton bitching about Wendy Choo while she gets her nails done. She says she has her eyes on the main event Women’s title match also tonight.
Cameron Grimes out to the ring and pours out his heart about losing to Bron Breakker last week. He says he had a plan and was even able to hit Cave in on Breakker but the pin fall never came. He wonders if he just a loser. JD McDonagh interrupts him and berates him a bit. JD says Grimes is already old news as soon as he arrived to NXT last week. Grimes calls him an Irish A****le and JD hits him with a headbutt. Grimes recovers and tries to attack but JD gets out of the ring.
Grayson Waller gets interviewed backstage and rants on Wes Lee.
After the break, we see Cora Jade still with medics to get an update on Roxanne Perez.
Tatum Paxley vs Kayden Carter
We see a replay of last week’s argument between these two and how Ivy Nile offers to coach her. The match starts and Carter shoves Paxley away. Paxley answers with a takedown. Some grappling on the mat before Carter hits a springboard dropkick. Another dropkick sends Paxley to the floor. Ivy Nile comes down and tells her something in her ears.
Paxley gets back to the ring and Carter hits a kick. Paxley fights back with some quick moves. A modified neckbreaker gets Paxley a two-count. Paxley hits some headbutts in the corner. Carter comes up with some innovative offense and puts on a modified Indian death lock. Paxley drags herself to the ropes. Carter pulls her and Paxley counters with cradle to get the pin out of nowhere.
Winner – Tatum Paxley
Paxley immediately exits to the floor and celebrates with Ivy Nile.
Joe Gacy interrupts the commentators. He is calling his stable “Schism” now. He tells us that the Druids are ready to reveal their faces to the world.
Sanga is backstage with some girls. Duke Hudson interrupts them and throws his tablet away. Sanga tells Hudson that they can take care of the business tonight if he wants. Hudson is up for it.
Pretty Deadly enters a bar where Josh Briggs and Brook Jensen were already celebrating with NXT UK Tag Team titles. Some argument between the two teams until Fallon Henley calls for no action in the bar. They will settle it in the ring next week.
Duke Hudson vs Sanga
Hudson starts with some big shots on Sanga. Sanga puts him in the corner but Hudson hits more body shots. Sanga whips him to the corner again and hits a splash. He drops Hudson on the turnbuckle and tackles him to the floor. Hudson rakes his face and hits a chop block and a DDT. Sanga throws him away after a one-count only. Hudson pulls out Sanga’s chest hair. Sanga hits a big punch to midsection and hits a sidewalk slam, followed by an elbow drop. Hudson counters but Sanga hits him with a chokeslam to get the pin.
Winner – Sanga
Toxic Attraction are interviewed backstage and asked about if they attacked Roxanne Perez. They refute the claims and ask not to put accusations on them. Rose says when you are a champion, everything falls into place.
Solo Sikoa vs Von Wagner
Sikoa meets Wagner on the ramp to start the brawl. Sikoa slams Wagner’s face on the apron before throwing him into the ring to start the match. They lock up and come to a stalemate. They lock up again, but come to no conclusion. Sikoa goes for a waistlock. Wagner turns it into a side headlock. Wagner hits a shoulder tackle. Sikoa puts on a side headlock now and holds onto it for a long time. Sikoa goes for a tackle but Wagner stands his ground. Sikoa drops him with a second tackle. A third tackle is followed by a body slam and a standing splash. Sikoa hits a big kick and a senton. Wagner rolls to the floor to take us to a break.
We return to see Wagner having Sikoa in a chinlock. Sikoa gets to his feet and hits back elbows. Wagner hits a big boot to stop Sikoa’s charge. Wagner unloads with some big punches. Robert Stone talks trash as Wagner puts on Sikoa against the ropes. Wagner hits some clotheslines in the corner. He misses a tackle and Sikoa hits him with a side suplex. Sikoa gets his breath back and hits some hooks followed by an uppercut. Wagner kicks at him and Sikoa replies with a Samoan drop. A corner splash and hip attack follows. Wagner rolls to the floor and Sikoa follows him. They brawl on the floor and the referee counts them out.
Result- Double Count-Out
We see NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams coming out of a pub and discussing their wins last week at Great American Bash. They take the ladies to their penthouse. They talk about being beside each other forever. They toast to Hayes’ successful title defense.
Lash Legends is playing with a basketball as she cuts a promo against Indi Hartwell. She goes out for her match and the basketball rolls out to be stopped by a baseball bat, which probably belongs to Alba Fyre.
Indi Hartwell vs Lash Legends
They lock up and Legends sends Hartwell into the turnbuckle face-first. Hartwell hits back with kicks. Lash blocks a suplex but Hartwell tackles her to the floor. Lash drives Indi into the apron before taking her back. Lash slams her face into the mat before dropping her on the ropes. Lash puts on a body stretch.
Indi goes for a sunset flip but has to contend by tripping her. Indi hits a sideslam to get a two-count. Lash sends her into the turnbuckle again. Lash goes for a superplex but Alba Fyre appears on the skybox. Indi takes advantage of the distraction by putting Lash to the mat. Indi misses a springboard move but was able to get Lash in an awkward position to get the pin.
Winner – Indi Hartwell
Indi leaves after celebrating her win. Fyre gets into the ring to attack but Lash avoids the baseball shot. Fyre follows her to ringside but Lash dodges more baseball swings and runs away.
We cut to backstage where Solo Sikoa and Von Wagner are still brawling.
Tony D’Angelo Family is interviewed backstage. Tony assures that nobody from his team attacked Roxanne Perez as he did not give orders. Tony then talks about Elektra Lopez showing her worth and loyalty to Family, and Joaquin Wilde and Toro Del Cruz should show the same tonight as they accompany him for his tag team match.
Back from another break and we see Solo Sikoa and Von Wagner still fighting backstage. The crew finally manages to stop the brawl. Robert Stone rants on Sikoa. Sikoa responds by throwing Stone in a dumpster.
Tony D’Angelo & Lorenzo Channing vs Malik Blade & Edris Enofe
A back and forth start to the match with Enofe and Channing. Enofe hits a dropkick and big tackle. Blade comes in for some double-team offense. Enofe comes back to hit some uppercuts. Channing catches him with a kick to midsection. Tony comes in and hits a clothesline. Some quick tags follow as they keep Enofe in the corner. Tony hits some punches in the midsection before hitting Enofe with a suplex. Channing hits a snapmare before Enofe starts to fight back. A sunset flip gets Enofe a two-count.
Channing hits a European uppercut to drop him. Channing puts on a shoulder lock. Enofe fights free. He ducks Channing and tags in Blade. Blade hits ax handles to drop Channing followed by a flying clothesline. Tony comes in and is sent out with a dropkick. Blade hits a spinebuster on Channing for a two-count. Enofe was stopping Tony from breaking the pin. Tony sends Enofe into the steel steps. Channing counters by dropping Blade on the turnbuckle. Tony tags in and hits a swinging neckbreaker.
Winners – Tony D’Angelo & Lorenzo Channing
After the match, Tony asks Wilde and Del Toro to attack Blade. They hesitate a bit, but ultimately follow Tony’s order.
Nikitta Lyons is backstage and she says she is not kind of a woman to sneak attack someone. She says she is ready to put on her ring gear if Roxanne Perez is not cleared to face Mandy Rose.
We get a new comic book superheros and Lucha inspired promo for Axiom. He debuts next week.
Toxic Attraction trio come out to the ring. Mandy Rose takes the mic amid heavy hooting from the crowd. Rose says Roxanne Perez is not woman enough to take on her tonight, and she could have never defeated her. More boos from the crowd until Rose cuts them by saying that she runs NXT. Cora Jade’s music hits and she comes out to say that the fans will get a Women’s Championship match tonight any way. Jade is ready to take Perez’s place. Rose takes offense on this but Perez’s music hits and she comes out. Jade tries to talk her out of competing but Perez wants it.
Mandy Rose(c) vs Roxanne Perez – NXT Women’s Championship
Perez starts with a Thesz press. Rose hits a punch to her injured ribs. Perez takes her down before Rose hits a fallaway slam. Rose hits a knee to injured ribs before working on it more. They roll onto the floor and Rose drives Perez into the apron a few times. We cut to a break.
Rose drives her elbow to the ribs. Perez comes out of the hold but Rose hits him with a spinebuster to get a two-count. Perez cuts off Rose with a knee strike. She hits a crossbody from the top. Perez hits forearm shots and a double ax handles. She follows up with European uppercuts and a Russian leg sweep to get a close two-count. Rose misses a tackle and crashes into the ringpost.
Perez hits a suicide dive on her. She drives Jayne and then Dolin into the ringpost. Perez hits Pop-Rox(code red) on the floor. The referee has started to count down to 10. Perez sends Rose back to the ring. Jayne distracts the referee by getting into the ring. Jade suddenly turns on Perez and hits her with her skateboard while she was getting into the ring. Rose hits a running knee to get the pin.
Winner – Mandy Rose
Rose celebrates her win on the ramp with Jayne and Dolin. Jade gets into the ring and tells Perez that she brought Perez here but Perez is selfish. Jade attacks Perez with her skateboard for a while to close the show.