WWE NXT Results July 26, 2022, Live Updates

Welcome to WWE NXT Results live blog for July 26, 2022, which will be airing from its usual location of Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, FL.
Three matches are announced for the show beforehand. D’Angelo Family will face Diamond Mine in a huge 8-man tag team match. Apollo Crews will be in action against Xyon Quinn while Wes Lee will face Grayson Waller.
Zoey Stark’s rivalry will continue against NXT Women’s Champion Mandy Rose and Toxic Attraction. We will bring you the results from WWE NXT episode on July 26, 2022, with winners, live updates, highlights and more details.
Live Updates
Zoey Starks’ Promo!
Zoey Stark comes out to the ring to open the show. She talks about her injury last year and how she was given 12 months timeline to return. But, she worked and has returned 4 months ahead of schedule. She talks about her passion to return and working night and day until Cora Jade interrupts her. Cora goes on to mock Zoey for her promo. Zoey talks about eliminating her. Cora replies that 19 other women team up against her in the Battle Royal. Cora says she is already sick of her in one week. The bickering between them continues until Mandy Rose comes out with Toxic Attraction. Rose brings up becoming 4th longest reigning NXT Women’s Champion. Stark asks her to put the title on the line later tonight. Gigi Dolin says she will face Stark tonight and put her on the shelf again.
Grayson Waller cuts a promo backstage mocking the viewers. We cut to a break.
Tony D’Angelo is addressing his crew backstage and saying that he is happy with the direction of team currently.
Grayson Waller vs Wes Lee
Lee starts with a takedown. Waller hits a hip toss using some momentum. Lee counters a powerslam and gets a two-count. Lee hits a couple of armdrags. Waller avoids a kick. He goes on to drop Lee with a kick to midsection. Lee sends him to the floor with a dropkick. Waller avoids his dive and nails him with a punch to drop him. Lee hits back with a kick to take us to break.
Lee is trying to fight back as we return. Waller nails him with knee strikes to the face and hits an STFU to get a two-count. Waller talks trash, which prompts Lee to hit him with some quick shots in anger. Waller has to slip to the apron to avoid it. Lee hits him with a dive on the floor. Waller pushes him off the top turnbuckle. Waller is arguing with the referee and Trick Williams nails Lee with a big shot to the back with boxing gloves on. Lee is down and out on the floor, but manage to beat the referee’s count. Waller hits a stunner to get the pin.
Winner – Grayson Waller
After the match, Waller leaves to the stage to celebrate. Trick Williams comes into the ring to stand tall on top of Lee.
Xyon Quinn vs Apollo Crews
Crews starts with a dropkick. He avoids a scoop from Quinn and hits a body slam on Quinn. A springboard splash gets him a two-count. Quinn smacks him on the back of his head. Quinn brings down Crews once again to get a two-count. Quinn hits a suplex. He puts on a lock on shoulder and chin. Crews hits him with an elbow. Quinn tackles him to the mat. Crews gets his boot up in the corner. He nails Quinn with a kick and some clotheslines. A corner splash and a clothesline gets him a two-count. Quinn rolls through when Crews hits a crossbody from the top. He hits a Death Valley Driver to get a two-count. Crews hits an enzuigiri and double knees to the back. Crews finishes it off with a one-handed spinebuster to get the pin.
Winner – Apollo Crews
McKenzie Mitchell is interviewing Toxic Attraction. It is revealed that Zoey Stark will get her title shot at NXT Heatwave three weeks later. Rose says Gigi Dolin will take out Stark tonight. Sarray comes in and says she was not in the Battle Royal and wants her shot. Rose says she could go back and forth to NXT UK to get her shot, but it will be in vain.
Zoey Stark vs Gigi Dolin
Stark starts with elbow strikes. Soon enough, Rose and Jayne distract Zoey. Dolin hits back forearm shots. Gigi hits a pump kick and then hits a back suplex to get a two-count. Dolin puts on a bow-and-arrow stretch. Stark hits a couple of clotheslines and a big running kick to get a two-count. Stark drops Dolin on her knees to get the pin.
Winner – Zoey Stark
Stark cuts off her attacks from Jacy Jayne and Mandy Rose. Cora Jade runs in and nails her with kendo stick. Roxanne Perez runs out and Cora runs away.
We get a video package for Wendy Choo where she is dreaming about her lose to Tiffany Stratton a few weeks back. She wakes up in a fould mood and says it will be lights out for Stratton next time they meet in the ring.
JD McDonagh is sitting in the crowd as we cut back to arena. He wants to formally introduce himself to NXT universe. He warns a fan about eating popcorn before introducing himself to the timekeeper. He then talks to the announcer Alicia Taylor and then with Wade Barrett on the commentary. JD then goes on to intimidate Vic Joseph on the commentary. He then says he has to introduce himself to NXT Champion Bron Breakker also. Bron makes his entrance and tells JD that they will face-off at Heatwave in three weeks. Before that, they will make the match official next week. JD goes for a headbutt but Bron drops him with his own headbutt.
We get a recap of Axiom’s debut last week in a comic book style graphics.
Roxanne Perez is interviewed backstage. She says Cora Jade can twist her words all she wants, but she also disrespected the tag team titles. She brings in Alundra Blayze who gets the dustbin and asks Perez to pull out the title from the trash. Blayze then announces that new Women’s Tag Team Champion will be crowned next week in a fatal 4-way match.
Andre Chase vs Giovanni Vinci
They start with a lock up and Chase takes him down with an armdrag into a side headlock. Vinci gets out of it for some back and forth until Chase puts on another side headlock. Vinci kicks at him after getting back to his feet. Chase gets a couple of pin fall attempts.
Vinci hits kicks to midsection and a big uppercut. Chase gets a pin attempt with a crucifix. Vinci hits another kick before Chase hits a couple of armdrags. Vince hits a dropkick. Chase hits back with his own dropkick. Vinci gets frustrated at Bodhi Hayward waving the Chase U flag and breaks it. Chase sends him into the ring post to take us to a break.
Both men are down as we return from the break. Chase goes for a double underhook but Vinci blocks it. Chase hits him with elbows to the back. Vinci catches his dive and hits a suplex to get a two-count. Chase counters with another pin attempt and then hits a double underhook powerbomb. More back and forth before Vinci takes down Chase with a clothesline. He hits a powerbomb to get the pin.
Winner – Giovanni Vinci
After the match, Nathan Frazer runs into the ring when Vinci tries to attack Chase again.
Diamond Mine stable is backstage getting ready for their match. Roderick Strong says that this Tony D stuff has brought them on the same page. They get in a huddle.
Yulisa Leon is talking to Valentina Feroz on a video call about women’s tag title match. Sanga is also there and is happy for them and their friendship. He tells them that other women will follow the standard they set.
Kayden Carter and Katana Chance gets interviewed now and say that the women’s tag team titles belong on them as they are true friends. Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley come in and claim to win the titles next week. Elektra Lopez also come in and say that Diamond Mine will lose tonight. Paxley hits Lopez to start a brawl and crew members run in to break it up.
Indi Hartwell vs Arianna Grace
Indi starts with a takedown and side headlock. Grace shows off as he rolls out of it. Grace then rolls out of an arm wrench. A shoulder tackle from Indi is followed by a back suplex. Grace brings her down in the corner, slamming her head into the turnbuckle a few times. Grace puts on crossface lock. Indi gets to her feet but Grace puts her down again to put on crossface again. Grace whips her to the corner when Indi tries to fight back. Indi explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Indi hits more clotheslines and a side slam. Indi misses a big boot. The referee catches Grace’s attempt to use the ropes for the pin. Grace argues with the referee. Indi runs her over with a big boot to get the pin.
Winner – Indi Hartwell
Von Wagner is with Robert Stone backstage. Stone declines Solo Sikoa’s challenge for a match, but Wagner says he is ready for it next week.
Diamond Mine(Roderick Strong, Damon Kamp, Brutus Creed & Julius Creed) vs D’Angleo Family(Tony D’Angelo, Cruz Del Toro, Joaquin Wilde & Channing Lorenzo)
Strong and Tony start the match with armwrenches on each other. Lorenzo tags in and Strong takes him down into an armbar. Julius comes in and hits a suplex on Lorenzo. Julius runs him over with a clotheslime. Toy tags back and unloads on the Julius on the mat. Julius comes out of the corner with a clothesline. Tony slips out of the ring for a breather. Both teams face-off in the ring breifly. Julius puts on an ankle lock on Tony. Tony scrambles to the floor as we cut to a break.
Brutus is in control against Joaquin. Kamp tags in and hits some quick moves. Joaquin hits a chop block on Kamp to take control. Kamp is cut off in the corner as D’Angelo Family use quick tags. Lorenzo puts on a single-leg crab on Kamp. Kamp fights off it and hits a slingshot spear. He sends Lorenzo to the floor with a back body drop. Julius gets the tags and takes down the opposite team one by one with big moves. Julius hits a suplex on Tony.
Tony hits a low kick to trip Julius. Julius puts him in an ankle lock. Wilde and Del Toro double team on Julius and then on Brutus as the match breaks down. The Creeds also double team now. Strong ends up taking out Julius with a knee strike by mistake. Tony hits him with a suplex to get the pin.
Winners – Tony D’Angelo Family