WWE NXT 2.0 May 24, 2022 Results & Live Updates(w/ Preview)

WWE NXT 2.0 episode of May 24, 2022, will continue to build up towards NXT In Your House event. The show will see Bron Breakker taking on Duke Hudson in a non-title match.
Additionally, Indi Hartwell will take on Women’s Champion Mandy Rose. Wes Lee will try to break the big man myth as he takes on Sanga. NXT Tag Team Champions Pretty Deadly will take on Roderick Strong and Damon Kemp. We might hear more from Tony D’Angelo and Santos Escobar after their match last week. Elektra Lopez and Alba Fyre will also be in action on this show.
Keep tuned in to get the results from WWE NXT 2.0 May 24, 2022 episode with live updates, winners, highlights, and more details.
Live Updates
Edris Enofe & Malik Blade vs 2 Dime & Stacks
A big swing from 2 Dime and he takes Enofe to his corner for some double team. Stacks hits a powerslam and keeps Enofe under control. 2 Dime comes in. Enofe hits a dropkick and an armdrag to come back. Blade comes in for a double team backdrop. Blade hits a dropkick before some double team attack. Enofe comes in and Tony distracts him on the apron and 2 dime hits an uppercut to take back control. Stacks comes in and whips Blade hard into the corner. Stacks puts on an arm lock. Legado Del Fantasma is coming out.
Enofe starts to brawl with Stacks. He tags out. Blade slips from the top as he comes in. He hits quick moves on both opponents. A leg lariat from Blade on Stacks. 2 Dime trips Enofe from the apron. Legado Del Fantasma are out on the ramp now. 2 Dime and Stacks hit double team move on Enofe to get the pin.
Winners – 2 Dime & Stacks
Tony gets into the ring to join his stable and asks Legado to come. A brawl starts between the two factions. Some referees come out to try and get things under control.
Sanga vs Wes Lee
Lee tries to jump on Sanga. Sanga just tosses him across the ring. He hits a couple of blows before putting his weight on Lee. He puts on a bear hug on the injured ribs of Lee. Lee hits back elbows to break free. Lee hits punches and kicks to build some momentum. A running overhead kick sends Sanga to the floor. Lee hits a diving stomp on Sanga on the apron. A dropkick follows before Sanga drops Lee with a big punch. Back to the ring, Lee hits a double boot. Sanga avoids a stomp and hits a big clothesline. Sanga hits a chokeslam and gets the pin.
Winners – Sanga
Xyon Quinn is waiting for the match to end and he gets into the ring. Sanga stops Quinn from doing anything. He helps out Lee to stand up. The crowd is chanting for Sanga.
Roxanne Perez is preparing for her Breakout tournament semifinal match tonight and Cora Jade is giving her a pep talk. Jade will also be in the crowd during the match between Elektra Lopez and Alba Fyre.
Bron Breakker is backstage when a couple of guys tell him that they saw Joe Gacy’s goons walking around. Breakker barges into the locker room. His title is hanging on his locker room, and he finds a photograph pinned to a door. Breakker says it is from 20 years ago.
Elektra Lopez vs Alba Fyre
They lock up and roll to the floor. Lopez hits a chop before bringing it back. Fyre hits a dropkick. More kicks and chops follow. Lopez takes her down by snapping her arm. Lopez starts to work on the arm by smashing it against the ringpost. Fyre hits a back elbow and chest slap. Fyre hits a thrust kick before Lopez attacks the injured arm again. Fyre hits a superkick and a headbutt. She goes to the top and hits a senton to get the pin.
Winner – Alba Fyre
After the match, Lopez goes and throws away Cora Jade’s popcorn. They argue for a bit.
We cut to backstage where Demon Kemp informs rest of the Diamond Mine that Roderick Strong has injured his ankle and the match against Pretty Deadly is off.
Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen and Fallon Henley are interviewed backstage. They talk about Brooks Jensen’s injury when Tiffany Stratton rolls up to complain that Fallon didn’t earn her spot in the finals as the semifinalist Nikkita Lyons was injured. Henley says she earned her spot fair and square. She agrees to fight Stratton tonight for the spot in the final.
Lash Legends vs Roxanne Perez – NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament Semifinal
Legends starts on the front foot. She puts Perez in a torture rack. Perez slips out but Legends hits her with a backbreaker. Perez starts to make a comeback after a minute. Perez hits a dropkick at the legs and more kicks to sweep Legends off her feet. A running knee in the corner from Perez. Legends cuts off her attacks. She goes to her up but Perez hits Code Red and holds on the rana pin to get three count.
Winner – Roxanne Perez
Backstage, Mandy Rose is with Toxic Attraction. She cuts a promo against Indi Hartwell when Katana and Kayden Carter attack Jayne and Dolin. The crew tells Mandy to go on and have the match against Indi.
Mandy Rose vs Indi Hartwell
Hartwell hits a tackle to drop Rose. She works on Rose’s arm. Rose strikes back and slams her to the mat. Rose puts on arm wringer before whipping Indi to the corner and hits a dropkick. Rose hits a few kicks in the corner. She hits shoulder blocks in the corner. Indi comes back and drops Rose on the turnbuckle. She hits short arm clotheslines and a side slam to get a two-count. Rose slips to the floor to take us to the break.
Rose has put Indi in Octopus stretch as we return. Indi throws her over to break free. Rose nails a big forearm to drop her and gets a two-count. Rose talks some trash. They trade forearms. Indi hits clotheslines and blows to the back. Rose slips out of firemen’s carry. Indi hits more blows to her back. Rose hits a jawbreaker. Indi comes back with a spinebuster for another two-count. Carter, Katana, Dolin and Jayne continue to brawl to the ringside. Indi hits a big boot on Dolin. She turns back to a running knee from Rose who gets the pin.
Winner – Mandy Rose
After the match, Rose celebrates on the ramp while the rest continue to brawl. Wendy Choo drops her from behind. She picks up the women’s title and pose with it.
Bron Breakker is interviewed backstage and says Joe Gacy is just trying to play mind games but there is nothing he can do to break his focus. A footage plays behind him where Breakker is playing football in high school. Breakker says his dad promised to be at that game but couldn’t make it because he was in Japan.
Pretty Deadly are backstage now. They address another disappointment from Diamond Mine with Roderick Strong pulling out of the match. They claim that they will retain over Creed Brothers at In Your House.
Fallon Henley vs Tiffany Stratton- NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament Semifinal
Henley whips Stratton to the corner but she leap frogs from there. Henley nails her with punches and more quick shots. Stratton fires with her elbow. Henley nails more shots and a single leg dropkick. Stratton uses the ropes to hurt her leg. Stratton starts to work on the leg. She hits a senton from the ropes to get a two-count. Henley holds her ground as Stratton goes for a sunset flip. Stratton sends her to the corner and hits a handspring back elbow.
Stratton puts on a submission move on Henley’s injured leg. Henley punches to her midsection to come out of it. Henley slams her face to the mat. She nails some quick shots before hitting a bulldog. A big right hand follows. Her leg gives up. Stratton takes advantage with diving leg stomp. Stratton hits a twisted springboard dive to get the pin.
Winner – Tiffany Stratton
Von Wagner vs Ikemen Jiro
Jiro attacks as soon as he gets into the ring. The bell rings and Jiro continues to hit quick moves. Wagner slams him to the mat. He hits quick elbow drops. Wagner hits clotheslines in the corner. He hits a spin out side slam. Jiro gets back up and hits a back elbow in the corner. Wagner pulls him down from the top turnbuckle. Wagner puts on a bear hug. Jiro is slammed to the mat as he tries to break free.
Wagner holds onto the hug. Jiro hits back elbows and Wagner slams him to the mat. Jiro hits a gamengiri and more moves from the apron. An enzuigiri sends Wagner to the floor. Jiro follows with a basement slide dropkick and senton dive. A DDT from Jiro gets him a two-count. Wagner pulls him to the mat. He uses his jacket to cover his face and takes big shots. Wagner hits a Samoan drop to get the pin.
Winner – Von Wagner
After the match, Wagner tries to attack Jiro more more. Josh Briggs attacks Wagner and forces him to run away from the ring.
Bron Breakker vs Duke Hudson
Breakker starts strong with tackles and shots. Joe Gacy is in the crowd with two of his goons. Breakker gets distracted a bit and Hudson takes advantage. Breakker hits a body slam and a big tackle. He drops Hudson on his neck. Hudson fires back with double ax handles. Hudson keeps Breakker on the mat for a while. Breakker comes back and hits a delayed vertical suplex. Hudson slips to the floor. Breakker follows and Hudson hits him with a clothesline. Back to the ring, Hudson hits another clothesline. He kicks Breakker down. He corners Breakker and continues to beat hum up. Breakker hits a big boot. Breakker hits a clothesline to take us to the break.
Hudson is in control as we return. He drops Breakker to the floor and beats him up some more. Gacy’s goons are on the ramp now. Hudson sends Breakker into the steel steps. Back to the ring, Hudson nails Breakker with more shots. Hudson tries to put on the Camel Clutch but Breakker stops it. Hudson hits a shot at his throat. Hudson goes for powerbomb but Breakker counters with a back body drop. Breakker hits shoulder tackles and a powerslam. A clothesline takes them both to the floor.
Breakker sends Hudson back to the ring but he gets distracted as the goons attack him. Breakker fights them off. He gets to the ring and Hudson has a steel chair in his hands. Breakker snatches it from him. Breakker cuts off Goons’ attack. Gacy comes to the apron and Breakker swings at him. Gacy goes back to the floor. Breakker ends up hitting Hudson with the chair to cause a DQ.
Winner – Duke Hudson
After the match, Gacy is mocking Breakker saying that he can’t control it. The show goes off the air with Breakker looking frustrated in the ring.
- Hartwell Goes Solo: Indi Hartwell is alone for the first time in her career and she will try to prove herself against NXT Women’s Champion Mandy Rose. Will she be able to give an untimely scare to Rose?
- Hudson Wants Respect: Duke Hudson was giving an interview backstage when Bron Breakker barged in. Hudson did not take the disrespect lightly and has challenged the NXT Champion for a match. The non-title match will go down this week.
- Lee vs Sanga: After Von Wagner made a mockery of them, Nathan Frazer and Wes Lee were offered help from Sanga. However, Lee took it otherwise and ended up challenging Sanga for a match. Will he able to prove that he can take down big-sized men like Sanga and Wagner?
- Diamond Mine vs Pretty Deadly: NXT Tag Team Champions Pretty Deadly will face Roderick Strong and Damon Kemp as Strong wants to show how it is done.