WWE SmackDown Live Results and Updates- 11 June 2019
Welcome to the live Results and Updates Blog for WWE SmackDown Episode of 11 June 2019.
- Location- Golden Center, Sacramento, CA, US
- Time- 8 PM EST(12 June 2019 12 AM GMT/5:30 AM IST)
Commentary team welcomes us to the show and mentions the 6-man tag team match for the main event.
Miz TV with Drew McIntyre and Shane McMahon
Miz makes his way to the ring for Miz TV segment. He says that he is pissed right now because he is being asked to follow the script. He starts to announce the guest for the show, Roman Reigns’ opponent Drew McIntyre and Best in the…. That does not sound right… Pest of the World Shane McMahon.
Elias also enters with them. Shane asks Greg Hamilton to do his Best in the World introduction. And since every good talk show needs a musical act needs a musical segment, he has brought Elias with him. Shane gloats over his win at Super Showdown and tells Roman should not be ashamed because he lost to the best in the World. Miz gets pissed off and tells him that he only won one match at World Cup tournament and he has beaten the hell out of him at WrestleMania and then at Money in the Bank.
Drew McIntyre cuts the usual promo that he will kick Roman’s head off at Stomping Grounds. Miz warns McIntyre that Shane would just use him like he used Miz to become the Tag Team Champion. Miz tells Shane that there is nothing special about him. Shane replies that Miz was born in the genetic cesspool of a baked potato. Miz gets up but McIntyre gets in his face. Shane announces a gauntlet match for Miz vs McIntyre and Elias. If Miz wins, he will get a match against Shane.
The Miz defeated Elias
The match is already started when we return from the break. Elias has the upper hand and hits a neckbreaker after the old school walk. Miz headbutts him and corners him for some It kicks. A couple of running knee follows but Elias intercepts him with the knee the third time. Elias hits the powerbomb and goes to the top. Nobody is home when he hits the leg drop. Miz nails the Skull Crushing Finale to get the pin.
Drew McIntyre defeated the Miz
McIntyre comes into the ring as soon as Elias is pinned. He gets ready for Claymore but Miz does not get up. Back from the break, McIntyre hits a chop before Miz starts a fight back. He hits a big boot in the corner before sending him into the ring post. Shane pulls McIntyre outside and and Miz hits a suicide dive. He drives McIntyre into the crowd. the Back in the ring, Miz manages to connect a DDT for two count. McIntyre also connects Glasgow kiss and then a Claymore Kick to get the pin.
Shane McMahon defeated the Miz
As Miz is down, Shane tells him that their match should happen right away. Miz starts to unload on him but Shane takes him down and put him in a triangle choke. Miz taps out.
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