WWE RAW Live Results and Updates- 18 February 2019

RAW will be live from Cajundome Lafayette, LA as it will deal with the fallout from the events from Elimination Chamber last night. Catch our preview here as we will bring Live updates on the proceedings.
Triple H’s Announcements!
Triple H is in the ring to open the show asking if they are already feeling excitement for Wrestle Mania. He mentioned the victories of Sasha Banks and Bayley and Finn Balor. The crowd started chanting for Kofi. He praised Kofi and finally addressed the elephant in the room by mentioning Becky’s assault. He says, corporately if Becky does it again, she will be arrested and prosecuted, but personally, he thinks that was pretty damn cool. He has now announced the WWE Hall of Fame inductee DX- himself, Shawn Michaels, Road Dogg, X-Pac, Billy Gunn and the ninth wonder of the world- Chyna.
He is also announcing the NXT wrestlers who will debut on RAW tonight. Ricochet, Aleister Black, Johhny Gargano, Tommaso Ciampa are introduced via video highlights. All this excitement goes down the drain when he announced a tables match between Baron Corbin and Braun Strowman.
Baron Corbin and Braun Strowman – Tables Match
Strowman makes his way to the ring first. Corbin comes out, circles the ring and mocks Strowman by picking up steel steps. Strowman is selling his injured ribs. He throws Corbin outside and rams him in the barricade. He was taking out tables when Corbin hit from behind and followed with thrashing Strowman’s ribs into the barricade. Strowman counters an arm drag to send Corbin into the barricade and has now taken out a table. Corbin unloads punches on him when he reaches the rings and throws the table outside the ring again. Corbin is targetting Braun’s injured ribs. He tries to go for a suplex but Strowman counters to hit a suplex of his own on the ramp. They have reached the entrance point and Strowman clears the announce table. But it is Corbin who has pushed Strowman into the table as we head to commercials.
They are back in the ring where Strowman hits a clothesline but misses a shoulder thrust in the corner. Strowman tries to throw Corbin into the table in the corner but Corbin moves out. He comes back in the ring and again targets the ribs. During the commercial, Corbin has hit a steel chair into Strowman’s ribs. Corbin goes for a jump from the apron but Braun hits him with the steel steps instead and has sent into the barricade again before bringing him into the ring again. Corbin hits a big boot and a punch before Strauman finally picks him up and hits a running body slam through the table to win the match.
Winner- Braun Strawman
Tommaso Ciampa and Johhny Gargano will take on RAW Tag Team champs the Revival. Ruby Riott gets her rematch against Ronda Rousey for RAW Women’s Championship.
Paul Heyman comes out at the stage when Strowman was leaving and tells him that it was a good match. Strowman is still pissed with him and wanted to assault him but decides against it.
Paul Heyman hypes Lesnar
Paul Heyman in the ring. He says he is not surprised by the action of Strowman as everyone should be jealous of his client Brock Lesnar. He is now presenting a video hyping Brock Lesnar. He says that this Wrestle Mania is different as Seth Rollins has no hope at this time. He list Lesnar’s achievements and tells us how he has slaughtered any competition in front of him. He mentions how he broke the Undertaker’s streak at WM. He surveys with the crowd whether they think Rollins can win at WM even if he is in fun glory when Balor comes out with his new Intercontinental Championship.
Lashley Attacks Balor; Ricochet debuts
Balor tells the crowd that it’s been a while that he has one of the championship belts and he is pumped. He lists all the legends who have held the IC title and that he plans to defend it at WM when Lio Rush interrupted by saying he doesn’t deserve to be IC Champ but Lashley deserves to be it. Lashley attacks Balor from behind and he and Rush assault Balor. Ricochet runs out to make the save on Balor.
Finn Balor and Ricochet vs Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush – Tag Team Match
Ricochet and Rush start. Rush stars with side lock but Ricochet counters with side lock of his own. The do some rope work only for a stalemate before finally, Ricochet hits a scissor takedown. Rush tags Lashley. Ricochet goes for side lock but Lashley hits a side slam before working on his arm. Ricochet comes out of the lock and hit punches and sends Lashley out of the rings with a dropkick. He teases a suicide dive but ends up with a pose instead. Lashley tags in Rush while Balor comes in from the other end.
Rush tags in Lashley again who takes down Balor with a huge punch and hits a huge suplex next. Lashley puts Balor in a side lock. Balor fights out of it only to be slammed face first into the ring floor. Rush tags in. He goes for the sunset flip but Balor counters and is now keeping him isolated again. Balor hits a huge chop on Rush’s chest after an arm drag. He follows with another chop, swing blade and a dropkick. Lashley distracts Balor and Rush trips Balor. Lashley sends Balor into the barricade before bringing him back in. Lashley has now applied a headlock. Balor fights only to be hit with a body slam.
Lashley still keeps Balor in the shoulder stretch/armlock. Balor tries to tag Ricochet but Lashley hits him with a shoulder block after an arm drag. Rush is tagged in and Balor counters his lock but Rush manages to stop his tag. Lashley is tagged in again but Balor avoids a powerbomb and hits a stomp instead. Ricochet is tagged in to hit some high flying moves. He hits a spinning suicide dive on Rush. Lashley chases him but he avoids him near the barricade where Balor hits Lashley with a dropkick. Ricochet comes back in the ring and hits 630 on Rush to get the pin and the win.
Winner- Ricochet and Finn Balor with the
McIntyre asks Triple H to take on Seth Rollins and go to Wrestle Mania but Ambrose comes up and tells them he is free before punching McIntyre. Trips ask McIntyre if he still wants Rollins or should he change it to Ambrose. Ambrose, it is!!
Lucha House Party is out but they are cut off by last week’s Becky suspension and Charlotte’s entry into WM35 followed by the action from Elimination Chamber last night where Becky assaulted both Ronda and Charlotte. Commentators remind us that Becky is still suspended as the next match starts.
Lucha House Party vs Zack Ryder and Kurt Hawkins
Hawkins and Metalik start the match. Hawkins brings in Ryder for a double team action and gets a two-count. Dorado comes in from the other side and takes down Ryder with a dropkick to get a two-count. The Golden Lynx keeps The Broski down in a chinlock for a bit. LHP double-team Ryder for another two counts. Hawkins gets the tag and takes out both opponents with dropkicks. Hawkins hits Dorado with a Michinoku Driver, but Metalik breaks up the pin. Dorado hits a
Winner- Lucha House Party with th
NXT Guys Gets Spotlight!
Heavy Machinery duo is being interviewed at the entrance. They say that they are the blue-collar guys and love getting it done inside the ring and training. They are ready to take on anyone when Lacey Evans comes out and does her ramp walk again like she did last night at Elimination Chamber. Otis and Tucker want to do the same and they also do the ramp walk as their music hits. After the break, Chad Gable and Booby Roode confront Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano. Revival also joins them before heading out to the ring.
The Revival vs Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano
Commentators remind us that these two teams were awarded with the rivalry of the year and the match of the year awards in the NXT Awards. Wilder and Gargano start with some grappling. Gargano puts Wilder in wristlock and tags in Ciampa. Ciampa hits some blows before bringing in Gargano. Wilder hits a running body slam to Gargano thrashing him in the turnbuckle. Johnny hits a hurricanrana to take over the control. He hits a suicide dive on Wilder before he and Ciampa take out Wilder together.
The Revival was double-teaming on Gargano but he counters with a kick and makes the tag to Ciampa. He comes in hit some blows and hits 3 continuous german suplexes. He goes for the cover after a knee to Wilder’s face. Dawson and Wilder again double team and gets a near fall. They were going for the Shatter Machine but Gargano intervenes with a superkick. Ciampa sends Wilder into the turnbuckle with a hip toss and tags in Gargano who DDTs Wilder for a two count. Scott Dawson sends Ciampa into the barricade and Gargano uses different ways of escaping The Revival’s onslaught. Dawson counters Gargano’s slingshot spear and Ciampa has to break up the pin. Gargano hits the spear to the charging Dawson. Gargano tags Ciampa and they hit the DIY on Dawson to get the win.
Winner- Johnny Gargano and Tomasso Ciampa
Kevin Owens again teases his return via video from outside a movie theater it seems.
No stronger connection than the Boss n hug connection
Sasha and Bayley are out to the ring now. Crowd chants, “You deserve it!”. Bayley thanks the crowd and tells them that she is still a total loss for words after their victory. Sasha says that they are making history from NXT and they are making history together. Bayley mentions that they went to war with each other to realize they belong together. They say that there is no stronger connection than the Boss n hug connection and we can bank on that.
Nia and Tamina interrupts and tells Sasha that she is the women’s tag team champion; that is women with an ‘e’. She continues that Sasha only cares about herself and that she has always lost her title in her first defense.
Dean Ambrose vs Drew McIntyre
Dean starts with punches but McIntyre takes control soon with some punches of his own and followed with some chops. Dean hits
Winner- Drew McIntyre with a Pinfall
Another video from Paul Heyman hyping Lesnar
Next is Seth Rollins talking to Charlie backstage. He says it does not matter whether he will be leaving from WM on his legs but he will leave with the Universal title. Ambrose comes and stands alongside him, still feeling the effect of those Claymore kicks. Rollins asks if he needs anything. Ambrose asks Rollins where he was when he was beaten up out there just now. Rollins asks if Ambrose has lost his mind. Ambrose shrugs him off and leaves.
Aleister Black walks with Elias!
Elias is in the ring. He says that he is fed up of being treated indifferently and that we should be thankful to hear to the best musical talent. He disses the crowd and tells them to shut their mouth as he wants to sing a song for himself. Before he could start, Aleister Black makes his entry. He tells Elias if he seeks utter silence and deep sleep, he would help him.
Elias starts with a chop and but get thrown out by Black. Black does a backflip from the ropes. Elias unloads on Black as we come back from break. He hits an elbow after a lariat. He has locked him in a side lock. Black tries to fight out of it but Elias keeps him to the ground. Black fights out with a punch and continues with some more blows before tripping Elias and hitting a backflip. Elias hits a knee to the face as Black jumps from the top turnbuckle. Black connects the Black Mass kick and gets the pin.
Winner- Aleister Black with a pinfall
Ronda Rousey(c) vs Ruby Riott – RAW Women’s Championship Match
Ronda starts on the offense and takes Ruby down with the Judo throw. He unloads some punches in the corner when Riott Squad pulls Ruby out for a breather. Ruby takes Ronda down followed by hard right hands. Ruby sends her across the ring with a monkey flip. Rousey quickly counters with a submission attempt.
Sarah Logan attacked Ronda during the commercials. Ruby is in control with a side lock. Ronda hits a side suplex to come out of it. She brings Ruby back inside but eats a spear. Ruby puts her inside lock again but Ronda slams her and hits some more punches and judo takedown. Ronda corners Ruby with some punches where Ronda counters to send Ronda face first to the turnbuckle. Ruby gets a near fall after a jump from the middle turnbuckle.
Ronda goes for Piper’s pit but Ruby counters with a Riot Kick. Ronda hits a gut wrench suplex and head to the top turnbuckle where she fights off Sarah and Liv. Ruby capitalizes on distraction to bring Ronda down and gets another near fall. Ruby goes for the splash from the top but Ronda counters with putting her in the armbar. Liv and Sarah pull Ruby out and Ronda takes them out with a splash outside the ring. Ronda then counters Ruby by sending her face first into the turnbuckle and locks her in the armbar again to get the submission win.
Winner- Ronda Rousey with submission
Sarah and Liv attack Ronda after the match but Ronda hits Piper’s pit on them to stand tall as the show ends.