NJPW Dominion 6.4 2023 Live Results, Updates & Highlights

NJPW presented Dominion 6.4 2023 event, its second biggest event of the year, on June 4, 2023, and we were here live with all results and updates from the show.
The event was headlined by IWGP World Heavyweight Championship match as usual. Sanada made his second defense of the title as he took on Young Lions Graduate Yota Tsuji. Tsuji had been on overseas excursions in CMLL and Rev Pro since 2021 and returned just last month to attack Sanada after he defeated Hiromu Takahashi at Wrestling Dontaku. Not only this, but Tsuji also joined Los Ingobernables de Japon, Sanada’s previous stable, in the press conference last night. Did it give Sanada another incentive to beat him?
NEVER 6-Man Tag Team title match was bumped up to a co-main event bout due to Claudio Castagnoli facing travelling issues. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kazuchika Okada and Tomohiro Ishii defended their title against Shota Umino and Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley and Claudio. Junior Heavyweight title match saw Best of Super Junior 30 Winner Master Wato taking on the reigning champion Hiromu Takahashi, who was coming off an awful Best of Super Junior tournament.
The night opened with a match between two former IWGP US Heavyweight Champions Will Ospreay and Lance Archer, who battled to earn the right to challenge the current US champ Kenny Omega. El Phantasmo had revenge on his mind after ouster from Bullet Club as he challenged the leader David Finlay for NEVER Openweight title. Catch 2/2 got a rematch against Intergalactic Jet Setters to attempt to win back Junior Heavyweight Tag Team titles. Zack Sabre Jr. defended NJPW TV title against Jeff Cobb.
New IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions and NJPW Strong Tag Team Champions were set to be crowned in a three-way match between Bishamon, House of Torture and United Empire. Check below for all the results from NJPW Dominion 6.4 2023 event with live updates, highlights and complete action.
- Will Ospreay defeated Lance Archer in a singles match via pinfall to become #1 Contender Match for IWGP United States Championship.
- Los Ingobernables De Japon (Titan, BUSHI, Shingo Takagi & Tetsuya Naito) defeated Just 5 Guys (Taichi, DOUKI, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & TAKA Michinoku) in a tag team match via submission.
- Catch 2/2 (TJP & Francesco Akira) defeated Intergalactic Jet Setters (KUSHIDA & Kevin Knight) (c) in a tag team match via pinfall to retain IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships.
- Zack Sabre Jr.(c) defeated Jeff Cobb in a singles match via pinfall NJPW World TV Championship.
- Bishamon(Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi) defeated House of Torture(Evil & Yujiro Takahashi) & United Empire(Aaron Henare & Great-o-Khan) in a three-way tag team match via pinfall to win IWGP World Tag Team Championship & NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championship.
- David Finlay(c) defeated El Phantsmo in a singles match via pinfall to retain NEVER Openweight Championship.
- Hiromu Takahashi(c) defeated Master Wato in a singles match via pinfall to retain IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship.
- Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii & Hiroshi Tanahashi(c) defeated Shota Umino, Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli in a tag team match via pinfall to retain NEVER 6-Man Tag Team Championship.
- Sanada(c) defeated Yota Tsuji in a singles match via pinfall to retain IWGP World Heavyweight Championship.
Lance Archer vs Will Ospreay – #1 Contender Match for IWGP United States Championship
Archer attacks Ospreay on the floor during his entrance. Ospreay fights back and nails a jumping forearm from the barricade and a moonsault from the top rope. All this takes place before the bell. An enzuigiri and a springboard cutter from Ospreay as they get innto the ring. Archer hits a big lariat to come back into the match, and follows up with 3 corner splashes. They trade forearms but Archer’s shots are much more stiff and Ospreay has to resort to kicks. Archer hits him with a Thesz press to counter. Kicks sends Ospreay to the floor and Archer hits him with tope con hilo.
Back to the ring, Ospreay comes back with a Spanish fly after some more punishment. Archer nails a big uppercut as he went to the top and hits Razor’s Edge to get a near fall. Archer goes to the top but Ospreay sets him up to hit a superkick against the turnbuckle. Archer stops Stormbreaker and hits a chokeslam for another near fall. Ospreay comes back with a series of Hidden Blade to get the pinfall.
Winner – Will Ospreay
Ospreay takes the mic and says Kenny Omega should have killed him when he had the chance because he is coming for revenge. He will come to Omega’s own territory in Canada to take IWGP US title back.
Just 5 Guys (Taichi, DOUKI, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & TAKA Michinoku) vs Los Ingobernables De Japon (Titan, BUSHI, Shingo Takagi & Tetsuya Naito)
LIJ starts action by instigating a brawl. Taichi and Douki are the ones left in the ring. Just 5 Guys take over control against Taichi. Kanemaru flicks at Taichi’s eyes to kee control. He even tries to unmask him him but the referee stops him. Michinoku hits a low dropkick before Taichi counters and LIJ takes over. All the opponents are knocked off the apron and Kanemaru is cornered. Taichi hits big chops before Titan hits a stomp on the arm. Takagi claps on his Kanemaru’s face. Kanemaru blocks a suplex and hits a big boot. Takagi hits quick tackles and a standing splash to keep control.
Kanemaru hits uppercuts before Takagi drops him with a big chop. Kanemaru hits a low dropkick and a tornado DDT to come back. Taichi and Naito get the tags. Taichi also fights Titan and BUSHI with clotheslines. He hits boots on Naito before Naito hits a back elbow and drops Taichi. Kanemaru get a sneak tag but Taichi continues to fight for his team until he drops Titan. Kanemaru and DOUKI double team with high low combo on Titan. Kanemaru puts on crossface on Titan. LIJ members come in to break the submission.
Titan hits a single leg dropkick on Kanemaru before other LIJ members batter him with moves in quick succession. Taichi hits a suicide dive on Douki. Titan hits a diving double stomp on Kanemaru before putting him in a submission to get a tapout.
Winner – Los Ingoberables de Japon
Intergalactic Jet Setters (KUSHIDA & Kevin Knight) (c) vs Catch 2/2 (TJP & Francesco Akira) – IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships
Akira and Knight start the action. Kushida comes in and so does TJP. TJP and Akira seem to be getting control but it is the champions who double team to send their opponents to the floor. Knight hits a springboard dive which also takes out Dan Moloney on the outside. Kushida and Knight keep control with quick moves in the corner. TJP comes and Akira avoids a double stomp in the corner from Knight and pushes him to the floor. TJP sends Kushida to the floor and Akira hits a crossbody on the champions now.
TJP drops Akira on Knight when he tags in. TJPW works in the corner with leg flicks before running strike. He repeats the sequence once again. Knight blocks an enzuigiri from Akira and sends it into TJP. He hits another enzuigiri on Akira before tagging in Kushida. Kushida runs riot with quick moves. He finishes off with a missile dropkick on Akira. He puts on armbars on both opponents. Knight comes in and helps him fight off the challengers. Kushida puts Akira in a cross armbreaker. Akira gets to the ropes to break the submission.
TJP and Akira double team against Kushida for rapid action which ends with a high low combo. Knight breaks the pinfall. He hits a double dropkick and all 4 men are down in the ring now. Kushida hits a hip toss on TJP into cross armbreaker. TJP counters while Akira engages Knight. Kushida gets to the ropes. More back and forth action. Akira hits a double stomp on Knight as TJP holds him in a headlock. Knight ducks their double team finisher.
Kushida throws TJP to the floor. Knight hits a dropkick on Akira as he is held on the top by Kushida. Akira kicks out of the pin. Akira fights back with dropkick off the top. TJP throws Kushida to the floor. Catch 2/2 hit their finisher double fireball knee strikes to get the pinfall on Knight.
Winners – Catch 2/2
After the match, Clark Connors comes out and says he has tag team partner to challenge Catch 2/2. Dan Moloney, who is behind Catch 2/2, attacks them. Connors and Moloney beat up Catch 2/2. Moloney hits Piledriver on TJP before they exit.
Zack Sabre Jr.(c) vs Jeff Cobb – NJPW World TV Championship
Cobb catches Sabre and tackles him to the corner. Sabre hits back with some kicks before Cobb tackles him again. Sabre counters with La Mistica and then with an armbar but Cobb counters with a pin attempt. Sabre hits a moonsault and an armtwist for a two-count. They resort to trading strikes where Cobb drops Sabre with a big shot. Sabre hits uppercuts but Cobb does not show much effect. Cobb runs him over with a clothesline. Cobb hits another uppercut before a side walk slam to get a two-count. Cobb hits a running powerslam before Sabre goes for a submission.
Cobb tries to overpower him but Sabre puts on Guillotine. Sabre puts on the armbar before transitioning to grab the leg and then opposite arm and leg. Cobb overpowers to break the submission. Cobb hits chops before whipping Sabre into the corer a couple of times. Sabre counters a spin cycle with a sleeper choke. Cobb drops on him on his back. Sabre’s German suplex are blocked a couple of times. Sabre hits a pele kick on his arm. A penalty kick follows for a two-count. Sabre hits uppercuts. Cobb blocks a DDT and throws Sabre over. Cobb misses a dropkick before he quickly counters with pin attempt. Cobb hits spin cycle. Sabre tries to get to the floor but Cobb pulls him back and slam him. Cobb goes for another spin cycle but Sabre counters with crucifix takedown and gets the pinfall.
Winner – Zack Sabre Jr.
Bishamon(Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi) vs United Empire(Aaron Henare & Great-o-Khan) vs House of Torture(Evil & Yujiro Takahashi) – IWGP World Tag Team Championship & NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championship
Dick Togo joins Takahashi to attack United Empire. Bishamon and United Empire fight them off. Bishamon takes over control and takes House of Torture into the ring. Takahashi. House of Torture take control of the match eventually against United Empire. Evil distracts the referee and Dick Togo hits a chair on midsection to Yoshi-Hashi to allow House of Torture to lay out more punishment. Yoshi-Hashi ducks a clothesline and hits a low dropkick on Takahashi. Goto tags in and drops them with a double bulldog. Evil takes his face but Yoshi-Hashi comes in to double team with Goto. United Empire come in but are sent to the floor quickly. Corner splashes on Evil from Bishamon. House of Torture come back into the match and sends Goto into the barricade.
United Empire get into the ring and hit a jumping knee into a powerbomb to get a near fall on Evil. Evil fights back when Dick Togo gets on the apron. Bishamon also get in to start a three-way tussle. United Empire hit a double team elbow drop on Takahashi but the referee is pulled out to the floor by Goto. Kenta attacks United Empire from behind. Bullet Club beats up both opponent teams. Evil and Togo hit magic killer on Goto who kicks out after the referee is thrown into the ring. A kid from skateboard gang comes in and attacks Bullet Club.
Goto and Yoshi-Hashi are in the ring against Takahashi now. They hit a superkick into a Ushi Garoshi. The referee returns to the ring. Takahashi fights out of their finisher and Togo hits Goto with a steel chair. Henare gets into the ring and runs over Bishamon. Yoshi-Hashi hits a superkick on Henare. Takahashi gets into the ring quickly and throws Henare out of the ring. Another attempt from House of Torture is thwarted by Bishamon. Everyone hits one big move until Bishamon clears the deck and hits their finisher on Takahashi to get the pinfall.
Winners – Bishamon
A new team joins Bullet Club as Alex Coughlin and Gabriel Kidd are now Bullet Club Wardogs. They attack the new champions.
G1 Climax 33 participants are revealed. They include AEW’s Eddie Kingston and NOAH’s Kaito Kiyomiya.
David Finlay(c) vs El Phantsmo – NEVER Openweight Championship
Finlay jumps in and immediately attacks Phantasmo, taking him to the floor. Phantasmo hits back with a crossbody that takes Finlay over the barricade. Phantasmo hits a couple of springboard crossbody to get a two-count. Finlay hits back with chops but Phantasmo hits back with hurricarana. Phantasmo looks for a dive but he is blocked by a wall of Bullet Club members. Finlay runs him over from behind. Finlay beats up Phantasmo on the floor before throwing him into ringpost. A table is brought out. Phantasmo blocks a powerbomb and looks for CR2 through the table but Finlay blocks it. Finlay runs him over with a double ax handle and hits a senton to get a two-count.
Finlay keeps control for a while and shuts down multiple attempts of comebacks. Finlay outs on a chinlock and hits knee strikes to back when Phantasmo tries to get up. He slams him head first into the mat once again when Phantasmo gets up again. Phantasmo ducks a move and takes down Finlay. Phantasmo hits an inverted atomic drop and a body slam. He hits a diving headbutt from the second rope. Bullet Club members distract him again and Finlay attacks him in the corner. Finlay hits an exploder suplex.
Phantasmo puts Finlay into a tree of woe and stomps on the groin a few times. A low dropkick brings Finlay down. Phantasmo hits a springboard tornado DDT to get a close two-count. Finlay blocks CR2 but Phantasmo drops Finlay with a big forearm. Finlay tries to rake his eyes but Phantasmo blocks it. Finlay spits on him and hits an exploder. Phantasmo lands on his feet and gets up quickly. Phantasmo slaps at his chest before some stomps in the corner. Finlay sends Phantasmo into the turnbuckles head first with a back body drop. Finlay hits a backbreaker to get a two-count.
Phantasmo hits some quick kicks before a big lariat for a close two-count. Finlay drops him on the ropes and hits Trash Panda. Phantasmo hits a superkick for a near fall. Phantasmo goes to the top and Bullet Club members interrupt him once again. He takes them out with dives and superkicks one by one. Finlay pushes him to the floor when he gets to the top again. Finlay sends him through the table with a powerbomb. He hits another powerbomb in the ring. He hits Oblivion to get the pinfall.
Winner – David Finlay
Hiromu Takahashi(c) vs Master Wato – IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship
They start with arm wringers before Wato takes down Hiromu with legscissors. He hits a shoulder tackle, an armdrag and dropkick. Takahashi takes him to the floor and drives him into the barricade before whipping him into the barricade a few times. A dropkick into the barricade before Takahashi takes Wato back in quickly for a two-count. Some chops, a corner clothesline and a low clothesline from Takahashi to get a two-count. Wato ducks a running kick on the floor but Takahashi takes him to the ramp to hits a suplex.
Takahashi gets into the ring when asked by the referee who starts a countdown for Wato. Wato crawls back into the ring well before the 20-count. Takahashi hits more chops before a big boot and a leg lariat from Wato drops him to the floor. Wato hits a top con hilo on the floor. Back to the ring, Wato hits a boot and a bulldog, ducks a shot and hits another bulldog. He goes for a pin but Takahashi gets to the ropes quickly. Takahashi tackles him into turnbuckle pad. Wato counters by putting on Vendaval and Takahashi has to get to the ropes to block it. Takahashi hits back elbows to block German suplex.
Wato knocks him off to the floor with an enzuigiri. Wato hits another top cone hilo. Quickly back to the ring, Takahashi counters with a German suplex after picking up Wato midair. Takahashi hits a shotgun dropkick before Wato blocks Time Bomb. Takahashi blocks a piledriver. Takahashi hits Dynamite plunger for a two-count. More counters from both sides before Wato hits a piledriver. Takahashi gets his legs on the ropes to break the pin. Wato gets to the top. Hiromu meets him there. Wato slips back and hits Recientemente for a near fall. Wato hits a bridging German suplex despite Hiromu’s attempts to block it.
Wato gets him in a pin attempt out of nowhere before putting on Vendaval. Takahashi has faded. The referee is checking on him. He somehow gets his legs to the ropes after a while. Takahashi blocks Recientemente II with back elbow shots. Wato blocks his punch and hits sidekicks. Hiromu nails him with a superkick and a lariat. Wato hits Kaiten Enzuigiri and a bridging German suplex but Takahashi somehow kicks out. Takahashi escapes Recientemente II and rolls him up for a near fall. Takahashi nails a couple of superkicks. Wato blocks the third one but Takahashi goes for Time Bomb II. Takahashi hits Time Bomb for a near fall. Takahashi hits a clothesline and Time Bomb II to get the pinfall.
Winner – Hiromu Takahashi
Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii & Hiroshi Tanahashi(c) vs Shota Umino, Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli – NEVER 6-Man Tag Team Championship
Claudio starts against Tanahashi with a lock up. Tanahashi pushes him to the ropes for the break. Claudio hits a shoulder tackle before an European uppercut. Tanahashi hits a crossbody off the top. Moxley comes in without a tag to run over Tanahashi which also brings in Ishii. Okada also comes in after Tanahashi and Ishii hits Moxley with low dropkicks. Shota also gets in but is overwhelmed 3 to 1. Claudio and Tanahashi get back to fighting. Claudio hits a backbreaker on Tanahashi and tags in Shota. Shota asks Okada to get into the ring and then takes a ccheat shot at him. Okada tags in, pulls Umino out of the ring and whips him into the barricade.
Umino blocks a DDT and drives Okada into the ring post. He whips Okada into the barricade before throwing a table at his face. Moxley tags in and hits several kicks before Claudio tags to hit a gutwrench suplex to get a two-count. Moxley puts on a single leg crab but Ishii comes in and breaks the submission. Umino knocks Ishii and Tanahashi off the apron. Claudio distracts Omega to allow Umino to work on him from behind. More quick tags from heels before a clothesline and boot from Moxley.
A double team bulldog from Umino and Moxley. Okada hits Umino with a boot and then avoids a corner splash. Okada hits a DDT. Tanahashi and Claudio get the tags. Tanahashi nails big shots on Claudio before hitting a low dropkick on Moxley and a big punch on Umino. Claudio hits an European uppercut before Tanahashi hits him with dragon screw leg. Ishii tags in and hits a suplex on Claudio. a big tackle on Moxley and knocks off Umino. Claudio hits an uppercut before a body slam on Ishii.
Moxley hits corner clotheslines after the tag. He goes on to bite Ishii’s ears. Moxley puts on figure four but it is quickly broken by Okada. Moxley hits a double clothesline to drop both Okada and Ishii. Moxley hits a piledriver on Ishii, and Tanahashi breaks the pin. Moxley hits hammer elbows on Ishii after throwing Tanahashi out once again. Ishii breaks free of a bulldog choke with back suplex. Moxley hits him with a DDT. Moxley hits curbstomp but Okada breaks the pin. Claudio and Umino clear the opponents. Claudio hits an uppercut before Moxley runs him over with a lariat for a near fall.
Moxley hits corner clotheslines after the tag. He goes on to bite Ishii’s ears. Moxley puts on figure four but it is quickly broken by Okada. Moxley hits a double clothesline to drop both Okada and Ishii. Moxley hits a piledriver on Ishii, and Tanahashi breaks the pin. Moxley hits hammer elbows on Ishii after throwing Tanahashi out once again. Ishii breaks free of a bulldog choke with back suplex. Moxley hits him with a DDT. Moxley hits curbstomp but Okada breaks the pin. Claudio and Umino clear the opponents. Claudio hits an uppercut before Moxley runs him over with a lariat for a near fall.
Tanahashi hits a slingblade on Moxley before Ishii hits a low clothesline for a near fall. Moxley hits a cutter on Ishii. Ishii runs him over with a clothesline. Umino and Okada get the tags. Okada hits flapjack. Umino counters the whip but Okada hits a doprkick. Okada puts on the Money Clip while Tanahashi and Ishii engage BCC duo. Okada batters Umino before Umino comes back with a dropkick. Claudio puts Okada in the swing and swings him more than 20 times.
Umino, Moxley & Claudio hit Shield Triple Powerbomb on Okada but he kicks out. Moxley and Claudio fight Ishii. Umino hits a bulldog on Okada before the counter each other. Umino hits a Deathrider but Okada kicks out. Tanahashi gets in and knocks Claudio out. Tanahashi and Ishii send Moxley to the floor. Tanahashi and Ishii help Okada hit an elevated DDT for a near fall. Okada has to resort to a body slam and a rainmaker to get the pinfall.
Winners – Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii & Hiroshi Tanahashi
After the match, Jon Moxley says Okada might think he is the best wrestler in the world, but he is now since they train with the best every day. He sends us to a message from Bryan Danielson who claims to be the litmus test for best wrestler in the world. Okada takes the mic after Danielson’s message and says Forbidden Door is open now.
Sanada(c) vs Yota Tsuji – IWGP World Heavyweight Championship
Tsuji comes out first and has LIJ members in his corner. Shingo Takagi is on commentary. Sanada has Just 5 Guys members in his corner. Shingo gets up from the commentary as Tsuji asks for LIJ fist bump. The match starts after the fist bump. Many Yota chants from the crowd. Sanada looks to engage but Tsuji makes him wait. They circle the ring before finally locking up. Tsuji puts on a side headlock. Sanada hits blows to midsection but Tsuji hits him with a tackle. Sanada looks for a leap frog but Tsuji hits him with a spear. Sanada rolls to the floor clutching his legs. Tsuji hits a moonsault on the floor. Tsuji signals for his finisher but Sanada counters with a knee.
Sanada blocks the spear once again with a front headlock. Sanada puts on Skull End. Tsuji seems to be slipping out, so, Sanada gets up, swings him around and puts on the Skull End once again. Tsuji gets his knees up when Sanada hits a moonsault off the top. They take their time getting up. Tsuji has a grin on his face all along. They trade forearms. Sanada resorts to chest slaps and then to uppercuts. Tsuji hits him with a backbreaker. Tsuji puts on a Boston Crab now. Sanada tries to get to the ropes but Tsuji drags him back to the middle. Tsuji gets his arm under control and slams him to the mat. He hits a Gory special to get a two-count.
Sanada moves out of a moonsault from Tsuji. Sanada hits a low dropkick and a dropkick to send Tsuji to the floor before jumping on him. Sanada asks for the crowd support and he gets it. Back to the ring, Sanada hits a springboard dropkick but Tsuji nails him with a superkick just seconds later. The crowd gets behind Tsuji once again. Sanada blocks a suplex with a knee strike. Tsuji no-sells a chest slap but returns the favor quickly. More chest slaps traded(at least 10-12 from both sides). Sanada nails a rolling elbow before Tsuji knees his face and hits a curbstomp before hitting falcon arrow.
Tsuji puts Sanada on the top and nails him with elbows before hitting Spanish Fly to get a near fall. Tsuji signals for the spear but Sanada ducks down. Sanada hits a knee but Tsuji blocks the shining wizard. Tsuji lands on his feet when Sanada goes for his finisher and hits a curbstomp for a near fall. Tsuji creates momentum by running the ropes but Sanada blocks the spear with shinning wizard. Sanada hits some quick moves before hitting another shinning wizard and then hits Dead Fall to get the pinfall.
Winner – Yota Tsuji
LIJ does not help Tsuji up after the match. Tetsuya Naito asks Young Lions to help Tsuji instead while LIJ leave. Sanada takes the mic and gives some props to Tsuji, and asks him to meet him later again after getting some results. Sanada then claims that he will win the G1 Climax 33 when they will return to Osaka, and choose his challenger for Wrestle Kingdom.