IMPACT Sacrifice 2022 Live Results & Updates: Moose vs Heath
Welcome to the live results blog from IMPACT Sacrifice 2022 event. The promotion will make a quick turnaround between their two major events with just two weeks gap from the No Surrender event.
We have a stacked card with 11 matches in total this week. IMPACT World Champion Moose will defend the title against Heath(Slater) in the likely main event. Jay White will face his long-time friend and mentor Alex Shelley, who returns for this special match only.
Jonah will face the giant from ROH in PCO while Rhyno gets to take revenge on Eddie Edwards, who betrayed Team IMPACT at No Surrender. The Good Brothers will defend Tag Team titles against Violent By Design. Trey Miguel will defend Jake Something the X-Division title.
Mickie James and Tasha Steelz will meet in a rematch for Knockouts World title. The IInspiration and The Influence will finally clash over Knockouts Tag Team titles. Deonna Purrazo has issued another open challenge for either of her AAA or ROH Women’s titles.
Two matches are announced for the Countdown pre-show. Rich Swann & Willie Mack will take on Honor No More’s Mike Bennett & Matt Taven. Gisele Shaw vs Lady Frost is the other match.
Join us for the live results and updates from IMPACT Sacrifice 2022 event with winners and highlights.
You can also watch the live streaming on the embedded video at the top of this page or at this link.
Show – IMPACT Sacrifice 2022
Date – March 5, 2022
Location – Paristown Hall, Louisville, KY, US
Time – 8 PM EST(Pre-show- 7:30 PM EST)
IMPACT Sacrifice 2022 Results
- Lady Frost defeated Gisele Shaw in a singles match via pinfall.(pre-show)
- Rich Swann & Willie Mack defeated Honor No More(Mike Bennett & Matt Taven) in a tag team match via pinfall.(pre-show)
- Trey Miguel(c) defeated Jake Something via pinfall to retain IMPACT X-Division Championship.
- Eddie Edwards defeated Rhyno in a singles match via pinfall.
- The Influence (Tenille Dashwood & Madison Rayne) defeated The IInspiration (Cassie Lee & Jessie McKay)(c) via pinfall to win Impact Knockouts World Tag Team Championship
- Jay White vs Alex Shelley
- Jonah vs PCO
- Deonna Purrazzo vs TBA – Champ Champ Open Challenge
- Mickie James(c) vs Tasha Steelz – IMPACT Knockouts Championship
- Moose(c) vs Heath – IMPACT World Championship
- The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson)(c) vs Violent By Design (Deaner & Joe Doering) – Impact World Tag Team Championship
IMPACT Sacrifice 2022 Live Updates
You can catch the pre-show in above video.
Lady Frost defeated Gisele Shaw with a pinfall after Frost Bite Moonsault.
Mickie James is interviewed backstage when Chelsea Green walks in. Green wants to be in James’ corner, but James says that she should do this on her own to not give Steelz another excuse.
Rich Swann & Willie Mack defeated Honor No More’s OGK(Mike Bennett & Matt Taven) via pinfall. OGK were going for their double team finisher but Mack tackled Taven and Swann hit a sunset flip and used sitout pin for three count.
Trey Miguel(c) vs Jake Something – IMPACT X-Division Championship
Jake starts by sending Trey crashing down to the mat. Miguel hits back with forearms before some quick moves. Jake drops him with a clothesline. Miguel uses his speed for some attack on Jake. Jake counters and hits a Powerbomb for a two-count. Jakes hits big blows Miguel tries to fight back, but Jake takes him out in mid-air. The referee check on him, and he is ok to continue.
Jake hits a big spear in the corner after Miguel gets up. Miguel hits a neck breaker/Russian leg sweep. Miguel hits a couple of running forearms and a springboard crossbody. Jake ducks a couple of roundhouse kick before Miguel connects one. Miguel hits chops before Jake slams his face into the mat. Jake hits a backbreaker for a near fall.
Jake hits a clothesline. Miguel hits an enziguiri to send him to the floor. A sunset flip from Miguel from the apron and onto the ramp. Jake hits a powerbomb for a near fall. He goes for another powerbomb bur Miguel counters with a Meteora. More back and forth action before Miguel hits a Meteora from the top to get the pin.
Winner – Trey Miguel
Tasha Steelz is interviewed backstage about James’ decision to not have Chelsea Green in her corner. Steelz says this is a bold move from James as Green was the reason she was able to defeat her at No Surrender. Steelz adds that they are listening to the same song as last time, but with a new tune.
Rhyno vs Eddie Edwards
Honor No More is alongside Edwards in this match, while Rhyno is accompanied by Team IMPACT. Rhyno unloads with punches to start. He hits a chop on the ropes. Edwards slips to the floor. He returns to the ring and takes a shot from behind the referee but Rhyno takes him to the corner and hits chops. Edwards hits back with some of his chops before Rhyno hits more of his own. Ewards is thrown to the floor as Rhyno avoids his shoulder tackle. Rhyno misses in the corner after Edwards returns to the ring.
The referee boots Maria Kanellis from the ringside after he catches her slipping a kendo stick to the ring. Edwards in control with punches and elbows. Rhyno takes a shot to put down Edwards. He gets sweeped by Taven on the floor while the referee was checking on Edwards. Edwards unloads on Rhyno on the floor. He once again distracts the referee to allow Taven to rake Rhyno’s face in the ropes. Edwards with a snapmare takedown. Rhyno fights off a side headlock. Edwards hits a corner splash. Rhyno cuts his charge with Thesz press. He hits a shoulder tackle in the corner.
Rhyno gets ready for a spear but A fight breaks out on the floor between two factions. Edwards takes out Rhyno’s knees. Rich Swann takes out everyone with a suicide dive. Willie Mack does the same from the top. Steve Maclin stops Edwards from using kendo stick on Rhyno before turning on him. F**k you Maclin chants from the crowd as he leaves. Edwards hits shining wizard to get the pin and the win.
Winner – Eddie Edwards
Backstage, The Influence tells Kaleb to stay backstage for their match against The IInspiration. Kaleb asks who will takes pics, and gets screamed at to get his priorties straight.
The IInspiration (Cassie Lee & Jessie McKay)(c) vs The Influence (Tenille Dashwood & Madison Rayne) – Impact Knockouts World Tag Team Championship
Tenille and Jessie start. Jessie hits a shoulder tackle. She hits a forearm in the corner and suplex. Rayne tags in and Jessie brings her partner for some double team attack. Rayne hits punches before Cassie hits her with an armdrag. They trade pin attempts. Cassie hits another armdrag and holds onto the arm stretch. Jessie comes in and Tenille comes in without the tag to save Rayne. The Influence is sent through the ropes and dropped off the apron with clotheslines.
Rayne drops Cassie face-first on the apron. Jessie is also dropped by the Influence on the floor. Rayne works on Jessie in the ring. Some double team up in the corner from the Influence in their corner after putting Jessie in a tree of woe. She kicks out of the pin. Jessie kicks away Tenille before she clotheslines Rayne on the apron. Double knees to Tenille from Jessie and she tags out to Cassie.
Cassie with quick moves on Rayne. She drops Rayne to the corner and hits Meteora. Tenille is cut off with a back kick. A suplex on Rayne gets her a near fall. Rayne fights back before The IInspiration double team on slam her face on the knees. Jessie goes for the cover but she kicks out. Cassie kicks out pf the pin after Rayne takes a cheap shot from the apron and Tenille tackles her down to the mat.
Kaleb comes out and the distraction allows Cassie to drop Tenille. All four women are in the ring to cause some chaos. Kaleb throws the title in the ring, which I guess is meant for Cassie, but it gets rolled to Tenille. Tenille knocks Cassie with the title and throws it away. Tenille covers Cassie to get the pin.
Winner – The Influence(new Knockouts Tag Team Champions)
Backstage, Heath is concerned about everything that is happening with Rhyno and Team IMPACT. He doesn’t feel that he is ready for the World title match tonight. Rhyno is trying to inspire him. Anthony Carelli then appears and gives Heath a pep talk and tells him he’s born and ready for this opportunity tonight. Heath then talks to Moose in the camera to be ready for a wake-up call.
Brian Myers brings his own table as he wants to join the commentary. He shows off his action figure before Morrissey comes out. He goes to attack Myers but Myers slips through his legs. Some secuirty guards comes out and Morrissey sends one of them through Myers’ table.
Jonah vs PCO
Winner – Jonah