AEW Rampage Results & Live Updates December 9, 2022

Welcome to the live results blog for AEW Rampage episode on December 9, 2022, which was pre-taped earlier this week with Dynamite.
Jon Moxley opens the show as he takes on Konosuke Takeshita in a singles match. We will hear from Athena, Ruby Soho and Tay Melo apart from The Firm’s Big Bill and Lee Moriarty in action in tag team match.
Orange Cassidy will take on an unannounced opponent of Kip Sabian’s choosing to defend All Atlantic Championship. Tune in below for live results from an action-packed episode of WWE SmackDown on December 9, 2022.
- Jon Moxley defeated Konosuke Takeshita in a singles match via submission.
- Hikaru Shida(c) defeated The Bunny in a singles match via pinfall to retain Regina Da Wave Championship.
- Big Bill & Lee Moriarty defeated Clayton Bloodstone & Izzy James in a tag team match via pinfall.
- Orange Cassidy(c) defeated Trent Seven in a singles match via pinfall to retain AEW All Atlantic Championship.
Jon Moxley vs Konosuke Takeshita
They start with some grappling work on each other. Moxley hits a couple of tackles but Takeshita refuses to go down. They start trading chops now. They trade forearms next. Moxley hits a kick to the knee. Takeshita hits a dropkick but Moxley quickly gets him down for a pinfall attempt. Moxley invites him for a handshake but slaps him instead. Takeshita fires back with a punch. Moxley takes him to the corner and unloads from the second rope.
Takeshita counters in the corner. After some back-and-forth chops, Takeshita hits a dropkick. Moxley is sent to the floor before Takeshita hits him with Tope Con Hilo. They go into the crowd while brawling and we cut to a break.
Moxley hits Takeshita with a piledriver as we return. Moxley goes for another piledriver but Takeshita counters with a back body drop. Takeshita hits a flying clothesline to bring down Moxley. Takeshita hits a DDT on the apron before hitting a slingshot DDT in the ring. Moxley counters a Blue Thunder Bomb with a side headlock. Takeshita fights out of an arm lock. They trade more strikes. Moxley hits a King Kong lariat. Takeshita counters Paradigm shift with a sheer drop brainbuster to get a near fall.
Takeshita takes Moxley to the top. Moxley counters on the top and drops him to the floor. Takeshita blocks Paradigm shift again and hits a rolling elbow. Takeshita hits a Blue Thunder bomb to get a near fall. Takeshita hits a German suplex next for another pinfall. Moxley gets his knees up on top rope splash. Moxley hits him with hammer elbows before he hits Death Rider. Takeshita kicks out of the pin though. Moxley hits a jumping knee for another near fall.
Moxley puts on juji gatame but Takeshita break the submission. Takeshita then stomps on Moxley’s face. Moxley counters with hammer shots on the back of his neck. Moxley puts on bulldog choke but Takeshita remains on his feet. Takeshita starts to fade after a few seconds and the referee calls the match.
Winner – Jon Moxley
Adam Page comes out to the ring after the match. Page says doctors have not cleared him to wrestle, so, he has a good excuse for not thinking straight. Page nails Moxley with a big punch. They brawl to the floor and Moxley sends Page into the barricade. Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta come down and try to get things under control. Moxley throws Page into the ring post.
We get a video package for Powerhouse Hobbs about hardships in his life.
Stokeley Hathaway shows that Hook’s foot was not under the ropes when the referee called for the break during his match against Lee Moriarty at Full Gear pre-show.
Hikaru Shida(c) vs The Bunny – Regina Da Wave Championship
A back-and-forth start to the match. Ford runs a distraction and Bunny take the upperhand to take us to a break.
Shida fires an elbow but Bunny hits a superkick. Shida hits a spinning back elbow drop. Ford throws a kendo stick into the ring to break the count. Shida goes to the floor to deal with Ford. Bunny goes for a superkick on Shida but catches Ford with it. Shida hits a Meteora on Bunny on the floor. Shida returns to the ring and hits a Michinoku driver for a near fall. Shida hits a roundhouse kick to get the pin.
Winner – Hikaru Shida
Jamie Hayter comes to the ramp and shows off her title. Shida shows off her title from the ring.
Big Bill & Lee Moriarty vs Clayton Bloodstone & Izzy James
Moriarty starts with good work on both opponents. He locks up both opponents in a submission. The referee calls for a break. Moriarty kicks at James’ knee. James kicks Moriarty away. Bill gets the tag and knocks off Clayton. He slams James to the mat before throwing him to the floor. Moriarty hits a suicide dive on James before Bill hits a chokeslam on Clayton to get the pin.
Winner – Lee Moriarty & Big Bill
FTR are interviewed backstage and say they are not backing down from any challenge. They say they will end Briscoes rivalry at Final Battle.
Ortiz and Eddie Kingston cut a promo to accept House of Black’s challenge for Dynamite next week.
Orange Cassidy(c) vs Trent Seven – AEW All Atlantic Championship
Seven grabs Cassidy’s hands and tells him to do moustache twirl. Cassidy puts his hands in his pocket regardless. Seven hits him with a couple of chops. Cassidy ducks an overhead chop. Seven sends Cassidy to the floor. Seven misses a chop and his hand slams on the ring post. Cassidy drops Kip Sabian on the floor. Seven trips Cassidy in the ring. The Butcher and the Blade come out. Best Friends start to brawl with them to take us to a break.
Seven hits a superplex as we return from the break. Cassidy counters in the corner and slams Seven’s face into the turnbuckle. Seven counters to hit a big shot on Cassidy to send him to the floor. Cassidy catches Sabian and puts him in Seven suicide dive. Back to the ring, Cassidy hits Stun Dog Millionaire for a near fall. Seven hits an STO to get a near fall.
Seven feints a punch and hits a short arm lariat to get a pin. Cassidy blocks a double underhook but fails to hit Beach Break. Cassidy blocks the feint punch this time and hits a tornado DDT. Seven nails him with an uppercut and a twisting piledriver to get a near fall. Cassidy counters Burning hammer and hits Orange Punch and Beach Break to get the pin.
Winner – Orange Cassidy
Kip Sabian attacks Trent Seven after the bell. Seven joins him in the attack. Dustin Rhodes comes out to make the save, He drops Rhodes on the ramp with a powerslam. Rhodes hits some his signature moves on Seven in the ring. Cassidy and Rhodes stand tall to close the show.