AEW Rampage Results, August 12, 2022(Quake By The Lake)

AEW Rampage episode of August 12, 2022, will be a pre-taped show and we will be posting results and live updates from the show here.
Spoilers from the show are available here. Orange Cassidy vs Ari Daivari match will headline the show. Bryan Danielson and Hook will be speaking live to the fans. We will also hear from Swerve in our Glory.
Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo will defend AAA Mixed Tag Team Championship against Dante Martin and Skye Blue. Austin and Colten Gunn will be in a tag team match against Erick Redbeard and Danhausen. Parker Boudreaux will make his AEW TV debut against Sonny Kiss.
Tune in as we post results from AEW Rampage August 12, 2022 episode with all live action, updates, videos and highlights.
Live Updates
Bryan Danielson and Daniel Garcia!
Bryan Danielson comes out to the ring. Tony Schiavone is already in the ring to interview him. Tony asks him about upcoming back against Daniel Garcia and how Garcia has promised to retire him. Bryan says he has wrestled for 23 years and he can say that he is not 100%, and he will never be 100%, but he will never willfully stop wrestling. Bryan says somebody will have to end his career, but his career will not end next Wednesday.
Danny Garcia comes out to interrupt him. Garcia says Bryan is his hero, but it sounds to him like his hero is prepared to lose. He wonders how many times Bryan has retired and come back, and it has hurt him so many times. And when it hurts him, he wants to hurt Bryan also. It hurts him so bad that he wants to end Bryan’s career alltogether. Garcia tells Bryan that he need not be called a Dragonslayer, but the best sports entertainer.
Bryan then rants on Sports Entertainer term that Chris Jericho is shoving down Garcia’s throat. Bryan brings up watching Garcia going full 60 minutes when he was just 21. Bryan asks him whether he wants to be the best technical Sports Entertainer or best technical wrestler when he faces Bryan next week. Bryan drops the mic and leaves the ring.
Sammy Guevara & Tay Melo(c) vs Skye Blue & Dante Martin – AAA Mixed Tag Team Championship
Both team face off and start brawling. Melo and Blue go to the floor. Sammy and Dante fight on the mat in the middle. Sammy hits a knee stop the brawl. Sammy hits a chop and Dante replies with a couple of his own. Melo catches Sammy on the ropes and tags in. Blue comes in from the other side with a crossbody. Melo hits back with a Judo throw. Blue drops her with a lariat.
Melo puts on an inverted neck crank. This transitions into a crucifix to get a two-count. Blue hits step up knee strikes and follows with an enzuigiri. Sammy trips Blue and Melo catches her with a big boot. We cut to a break.
Blue hits an enzuigiri as we return. Dante and Sammy tag in. Dante takes Sammy down with a double leg takedown. He hits quick kicks to send Sammy to the floor and hits a tope suicida. Melo grabs Dante’s leg as he was returning to the ring. She gets into the ring and Dante launches off her back to hit a senton to get a near fall. Sammy hits back with a leaping knee. Blue gets a blind tag. Melo hits a DDT on Dante. Blue hits Sammy with an enzuigiri. Melo hits Tay-KO to get the pin.
Winners – Sammy Guevara & Tay Melo
Lucha Brothers cut a pre-recorded for their match in the AEW Trios tournament.
Parker Boudreaux vs Sonny Kiss
Boudreaux hits a Thesz press to start the match. He hits shots in the corner. Sonny ducks him in the corner and hits a springhand uppercut. Parker drops him to the mat. He hits a back drop suplex to get the pin.
Winner- Parker Boudreaux
Andrade Family Office meeting is going on. Private Party are not happy over being overlooked for trios tournament team. Andrade tells them that they got embrassed by Keith Lee. Isiah Kassidy says he show him next week on Dynamite.
Gunn Club(Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) vs Beardhausen(Danhausen & Erick Redbeard)
Erick start against Colten and pushes him away. Austin tags in and gets tackled. Austin moves to the floor to regroup. Billy sends him back to the ring. Danhausen tags in from the other side and tries to curse Austin. Austin nails him with a big shot to take us to a break.
Austin is in control against Danhausen. Danhausen escapes the grip and tags in Erick. Erick hits big boots and then a dropkick on Colten. Austin is also thrown to the floor. Erick goes to the floor and hits a running crossbody on them. Erick hits a senton and roundhouse kick. Colten breaks the pin. Gunn Club beat him down. Erick hits a double suplex. Danhausen asks and gets the tag. Danhausen sets up for double team Leg Sweep but Billy pulls the ropes to bring Erick out of the ring. Colten hits Famouser on Danhausen to get the pin.
Winners – The Gunn Club
Colten and Austin hug in the corner. Billy gets upset at them of celebrating. He says they need to toughen up and they have another match next week to prove themselves. Billy leaves. Stokeley Hathaway is in the front row and offers Austin and Colten their card.
Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland are backstage. Lee says he dismantled Isiah Kassidy single handedly when he came to AEW, and Private Party do not have any chance of coping with Swerve in Our Glory. They still agree to put their titles on the line agianst Private Party.
Hook walks out with FTW Championship. Tony Schiavone is in the ring to interview him. Tony asks him if he is putting out an open challenge for FTW title. Hook just replies, “Yup.” Ryan Cleyton comes out and introduces himself. He challenges Hook for the FTW title. Hook tells him to get into the ring. Cleyton replies that he has a new pair of boots and wants to do things on his own terms. He calls for the match to take place next week on Rampage.
Orange Cassidy vs Ari Daivari
Cassidy goes to put his hands in his pocket. Ari takes the mic and tells Cassidy that he has a last chance to join the Trustbusters, and all he needs to do is lay down for a pin. Cassidy lays flat in the ring. Ari goes to pin him but he rolls away and out of the ring. Ari follows him to the floor and Cassidy then gets into the ring only to get out of the other side. Best Friends hug Cassidy on the Floor.
They get into the ring to finally start the action. Cassidy hits a shot. Ari takes him down from the waist lock. Cassidy breaks the grip by putting his hands in his pocket and then hits a dropkick. Daivari hits a neckbreaker off the ropes. We cut to a break.
Daivari puts on sleeper choke as we return. Cassidy gets to the ropes. Daivari brings him back to the center and puts on the choke again. Cassidy’s hands drops twice but he puts it in his pocket the third time. They drops each other at the same time with a clothesline. Daivari misses in the corner. Cassidy slams his face into the turnbuckle. Daivari hits a chop as Cassidy gets on the top. Daivari gets on the top but is sent back to the floor. Back and forth action. Daivari hits a kick to midsection and neckbreaker. Cassidy counters with a suplex.
Cassidy hits lazy kicks before nailing a superkick. Daivari counters Orange punch with a side effect. Cassidy counters with an armdrag and then hits a DDT. Cassidy hits a diving DDT to get a two-count. Cassidy removes his elbow pad. Slim J gets on the apron and is brought down by Chuck Taylor. Parker Boudreaux catches both Taylor and Baretta on the floor. Cassidy dives on him to save them.
Daivari brings Cassidy down from the top to get a two-count. Cassidy avoids the hammerlock lariat and nails Daivari with Orange punch to get the pin.
Winner – Orange Cassidy
After the match, Slim J attacks Cassidy. Best Friends get into the ring to make the save. Boudreaux gets into the ring and beats them up. Cassidy gets into the ring to face off with Boudreaux. Sonny Kiss runs into the ring. He stands beside Cassidy but then hits him with a low blow. Boudreaux drops Cassidy with a back drop suplex. The Trustbusters and Sonny Kiss stand tall to close the show.