AEW Fyter Fest Results from Week 1, Dynamite July 13, 2022

Welcome to live coverage for AEW Fyter Fest Results from 2022 week 1 which will be AEW Dynamite special episode on July 13, 2022.
The show will feature AEW Interim World Title Eliminator match between Jon Moxley and Konosuke Takeshita. Takeshita could get a World title shot with a win here. A three-way tag team match will see The Young Bucks defending tag team titles against Swerve in Our Glory and Team Taz.
Christian Cage will be appearing live for a promo while Luchasaurus will be in action in a singles match. We will also hear from Chris Jericho ahead of the Barbed Wire match against Eddie Kingston. Anna Jay will face Serena Deeb in another match. Claudio Castagnoli will take on Jake Hager and Wardlow will defend the TNT Championship against Orange Cassidy.
Tune in to get the complete results from AEW Fyter Fest 2022 Week 1 Dynamite special with live updates, winners, highlights and videos.
Live Updates
Wardlow(c) vs Orange Cassidy – AEW TNT Championship
Some shenanigans to start the match as Wardlow pulls Cassidy’s hands from his pocket and Cassidy put Wardlow’s sling back to his shoulders. Some running around and Wardlow lands on the floor. Wardlow catches Cassidy’s dive. Orange avoids a powerbomb on the floor but fails to slam Wardlow into the post. Wardlow chases Cassidy around the ring. He pulls Danhausen from under the ring and sends him packing. Cassidy catches Wardlow with an Orange Punch on the floor. Wardlow gets back to the ring and hits Cassidy with a belly-to-belly suplex. We cut to a break.
Cassidy is slamming Wardlow’s face into the turnbuckle. Wardlow catches his diving crossbody but Cassidy slips out and hits a chop block. Cassidy hits a DDT and then hits a satellite DDT to get just one-count. Wardlow ends up hitting F-10 to get a near fall. Cassidy counters a powerbomb with a Frankensteiner. Wardlow lands on the floor and Cassidy hits him with a suicide dive.
Cassidy slams Wardlow in the ring post a few times. Wardlow blocks a DDT but Cassidy hits him with Stundog Millionaire. Cassidy nails him with Orange punch now. He goes for the beach break but has to block Wardlow’s powerbomb. Wardlow catches him as he goes for the Orange Punch and hits a powerbomb to get the pin. More details of the match to follow.
Winner – Wardlow
Chris Jericho comes out to the ring. Jericho says he is here as the wrestling legend and Eddie Kingston superior. He calls Eddie a liar when he said that the barbed wire everywhere match is to take every drop of blood for his friends. Jericho lists Eddie’s friends – Ortiz, Santana, Bryan Danielson, Ruby Soho – who are all injured. He then asks Eddie how many barbed wire matches had he won because Jericho won the first ever barbed wire match in Canadian History when he was only 22. Jericho reveals that it will be the Painmaker that will come out next week to face him.
After the break, Eddie Kingston is replying to Jericho’s promo backstage and tells him to bring out the painmaker. He says he will enjoy every moment of it.
Jon Moxley vs Konosuke Takeshita – AEW Interim World Title Eliminator
They both push each other to the ropes. Moxley puts on a side headlock takedown. Takeshita replies with a leg lariat and a chop to the chest. Mox replies with a big chop himself. They trade more chops before Moxley drops Takeshita with a clothesline. Mox hits a piledriver to get a close two-count. He puts on a crossface. Takeshita reaches the ropes. Mox tries a piledriver on the apron but Takeshita blocks it and starts to trade punches there. Takeshita hits a German suplex on Mox on the apron. Takeshita hits more punches and sends Mox to the ring. Moxley knocks him off the apron with a big kick. We cut to a break.
Mox drops Takeshita in the ring as we return. Takeshita is bleeding. Takeshita fights back with forearms and punches. Takeshita runs the ropes and hits a flying headbutt. He hits more punches and hits a running boot. Moxley counters with an elbow strike. Takeshita hits a sheer drop brainbuster to get a near fall. Takeshita goes to the top and Mox gets his knees up on the frog splash. Moxley puts on sleeper hold and transitions into cross-arm breaker.
Takeshita rolls in and gets his legs on the ropes. Takeshita hits a hurrincanrana to send Mox to the floor and then hits a tope suicide. He hits a frog splash but Mox kicks out. They trade more shots. Mox goes for a sleeper but Takeshita counters with a blue thunderbomb. Mox hits a spiked DDT and softens him up. Takeshita hits back with an elbow and a bridging German suplex to get a two-count. Moxley hits a elbows to the neck and Death Rider. Mox puts on the bulldog choke to force Takeshita to submit.
Winner – Jon Moxley
Luchasaurus vs Griff Garrison
Christian Cage comes out with Luchasaurus. He insults Brian Pillman Sr. for a while before insulting Pillman Jr. also. He brings up how Griff Garrison looks like Jungle Boy and he does not like it. He is sending in Luchasaurus to do a job.
Luchasaurus throws Garrison into the corner and then hits him with a German suplex. Garrison lands on the floor. Luchasaurus follows him and Garrison fails to fight back. Luchasaurus beats him up on the floor for a while before taking him back to the ring. Luchasaurus hits a chokeslam. Christian tells him to hit another chokeslam and Luchasaurus follows the instruction. Luchasaurus puts on the sneer trap to get the submission.
Winner – Luchasaurus
Brian Pillman Jr. argues with Christian on the floor. Luchasaurus drops him with a headbutt. He sets up Pillman on the announce table and chokeslams Garrison on top of him to break the table.
Jericho Appreciation Society are backstage and are wondering why only they are put in Shark Cage. They argue that Claudio, Santana, Ortiz and Moxley should also be put in a cage. Daniel Garcia briefly talks about winning the ROH Pure title from Wheeler Yuta at Death Before Dishonor.
AEW All Out 2022 is announced for Sept 4.
Claudio Castagnoli vs Jake Hager
Claudio starts with a European Uppercut. Claudio goes for the swing but Hager gets to the ropes immediately. Hager lands on the floor and runs down Claudio with a clothesline. He goes for the Hager bomb but Claudio gets his boot up. Claudio hits a 619 to get a two-count. Hager sends him into the corner and hits a corner splash. Hager hits clotheslines. Claudio replies with uppercuts. Hager hits more corner clotheslines.
Claudio counters with more uppercuts. He hits a bulldog to drop Hager before going to slam his head into the turnbuckle a few times. Hager trips him on the top turnbuckle. Hager hits a spinebuster and then unloads with body shots. He throws Claudio across the ring and hits a Hager bomb to get a near fall. Hager unloads with more punches to take us to a break.
Hager hits a short clothesline as we return. Claudio hits a springboard uppercut after ducking another clothesline. They trade strikes before Claudio hits more running uppercuts and a dropkick. Hager goes to the floor and Claudio hits him with another uppercut. He hits a diving crossbody on Hager in the ring to get a two-count. Claudio puts Hager in the swing and then puts on the sharpshooter.
Hager tries to get to the ropes but Claudio brings him back to the center. Hager calls for the help. Angelo Parker and Matt Menard run out. Claudio goes to deal with them and Hager catches Claudio with an Urinage to get a near fall. Claudio hits upkicks and then hits a back suplex. Claudio nails Parker with a forearm. He catches Haer with a pop-up uppercut and finishes him off with a powerbomb to get the pin.
Winner – Claudio Castagnoli
Lexi Nair once again attempts to get Hook to say something in an interview. Hook just walks away.
Anna Jay vs Serena Deeb
Serena is quick to bring Anna down. Anna counters headlock with headscissors. More back and forth before Anna hits a flatliner and a running uppercut. Deeb puts on shoulder lock and Anna counters with a pin attempt. Anna goes for the Queenslayer. Deeb reaches the ropes and drops her neck on the ropes. Deeb hits a twisting neckbreaker to get a two-count. Anna rolls to the floor to take us to a break.
Deeb is fighting back with punches, uppercut, back elbow and a corner splash. She hits a Northern Light suplex and puts on the Queenslayer again. Deeb slips out and gets a two-count. Deeb turns Anna around a few times to disorient her. Anna still counters a move with a back body drop. Deeb puts on another innovative submission move. Anna rolls out of it. She nails a kick flush to the face. Anna misses a kick in the corner and Deeb hits her with a dragon screw. Anna catches her with the queenslayer. Deeb gets back to her feet and puts on the Serenity lock to get the submission.
Winner – Serena Deeb
Deeb keeps the lock on even after the match. Mercedes Martinez runs out to save Anna.
The Young Bucks(Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)(c) vs Swerve in the Glory(Shane “Swerve” Strickland & Keith Lee) vs Team Taz(Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs)- AEW World Tag Team Championship
Keith Lee and Matt Jackson start. Matt goes for a headlock but Lee pushes him away. Matt ducks a spinning kick. Nick and Swerve come in. Nick avoids the stomp. Swerve cartwheels out of a throw. They land on the floor and go for a dropkick at the same time. Back to the ring, Nick hits an armdrag. Ricky tags in from Swerve and both Starks and Nick end up on the ropes for Old School. They both get dropped on the ropes on their groin.
Nick hits a Northern Light suplexes on Starks. Swerve comes in for another Northern Light suplex from Nick. Lee gets into the ring and so does Hobbs. They hit a double suplex on Nick. All others attack Hobbs and Lee. Matt and Lee are the legal men. Matt sends Lee to the corner and hits a dropkick. Matt goes for a superkick but Ricky tags in. Starks and Hobbs batter Matt and Swerve to take us to a break.
Swerve hits a double dropkick on Young Bucks. Lee tags in and runs riot against all the opponents. He clears the ring by throwing others around the ring. Hobbs and Starks pull him out. Lee powerbombs The Young Bucks duo on the ropes. Hobbs tags in as Lee gets back to the ring. They face-off and trade tackles. They collide as they both g for crossbody at the same time. Hobbs hits a Frog Splash on Lee, but Lee kicks out of the pin.
Matt tags in from Lee. Starks comes in and Matt hits back elbows on both men from Team Taz. Hobbs gets Matt on his shoulder and Starks hits him with a cutter from the top on Matt. Everyone starts to get involved again. Lee hulks up after eating a superkick party from The Young Bucks. He gets hit with a triple superkick with Starks joining the Bucks. Bucks hit Starks with a double superkick.
Hobbs ends up splashing the referee in the corner. The Young Bucks hit everyone with the title belt. Starks drops them and teases using the title belt. The Young Bucks hit him with BTE Trigger. Starks breaks up the pin. Lee catches Nick and Swerve drops him. Nick is hit with powerbomb and stomp combo from the top. Starks and Hobbs break up the pin.
Hobbs takes down Lee and hits spinebuster on Swerve, Nick and Matt on top of him. Starks goes for Roshambo on Swerve but he has to change it into a spear when Swerve counters. Nick breaks up the pin this time. Lee sends Matt, Nick, and Hobbs to the floor. He hits Swerve with a headbutt. Swerve hits him with a moonsault. Lee hit a suicide dive on the other three opponents on the floor. Swerve hits the swerve stomp on Starks to get the pin.
Winners- Swerve In Our Glory
Lee and Swerve get the title belts and celebrate to close the show.