AEW Dynamite March 30, 2022: Results, Preview, Card, Tickets

AEW Dynamite episode of March 30, 2022, is set to feature Darby Allin colliding against Andrade El Idolo for the very first time. The event will air from the Colonial Life Arena, Columbia, SC.
Along with a singles match between Andrade and Darby Allin, the event will also feature a tag-team showdown between Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler of the FTR and Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn of the Gun Club. The Bunny will face a mystery new signing in Owen’s Hart Tournament Qualifier.
Keep reading to check all the details on the March 30, 2022 episode of AEW Dynamite.
Event Info
- Show – AEW Dynamite
- Date – March 30, 2022
- Location – Colonial Life Arena, Columbia, SC
- Time – 8 PM EST
Match Card & Results
- CM Punk defeated Max Caster in a singles match via submission.
- Jon Moxley defeated Jay Lethal in a singles match via pinfall.
- FTR(Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) defeated The Gunn Club(Austin Gunn & Colton Gunn) in a tag team match via pinfall.
- Bryan Danielson defeated Wheeler Yuta in a singles match via submission.
- Toni Storm defeated The Bunny in Women’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Qualifier via pinfall.
- Andrade El Idolo defeated Darby Allin in a singles match via pinfall.
Live Updates
CM Punk vs Max Caster
Punk starts with a wristlock. He hits shoulder blocks and then an elbow drop. CM works on the shoulder. He goes for the Anaconda Vise but Caster moves out. Caster outs on a shoulder lock before hitting a shoulder block. Punk ducks a lariat. Caster catches a crossbody and hits a ribbreaker. He follows it up with repeated knees to the kidney. Caster goes to whip Punk a few times. Punk hits back with the Flair Flip and a diving double axe handle from the top.
Caster with Manhattan Drop and suplex. Both men could not hit fisherman suplex. Max hits fisherman suplex on the second try for a two-count. Punk takes down Caster on the top with chops. Max drops him in the ropes to hit a springboard dropkick. Max goes to the top again but misses the Mic Drop. CM could not complete a piledriver but locks the Anaconda Vise for the submission.
Winner – CM Punk
Punk gets interviewed in the ring and says he will become a World Champion in AEW, may be not in a week, but before his time is over.
Backstage, MJF and FTR are interviewed backstage. Mark Sterling is posting photos of Wardlow on the wall. MJF says he doesn’t want to even say Wardlow’s name. He says the Pinnacle is moving up and FTR are gonna beat the Gunn Club. Dax Harwood says Wardlow is their friend and he’s not getting into it. MJF says Wardlow tried to throw them under the bus and talked shot about them when they weren’t around. FTR does not look like buying it.
Jay Lethal vs Jon Moxley
Lethal offers a handshake but Moxley ignores it. Arm twists and hammerlocks to start before Mox throws Jay out of the ring. Mox puts on a side headlock. Lethal hits a double leg stomp and spinning toeholds. Mox kicks him away and sends him to the floor. Moxley slaps him as he goes to the floor. They trade forearms shots. Moxley goes on a roll with chops, shoulder block, German suplex, and corner lariat. Lethal sends him out and hits a suicide dive to take us to the break.
Lethal is hitting chops as we return. He duck a lariat before both men collide clash in double crossbody. Mox connects a lariat in the second try. Lethal hits the Lethal Combination for a two-count. Mox goes for Paradigm shift but his knee gives out. Lethal hits a handspring kick but gets caught into a sleeper hold. More back and forth. Lethal hits a superkick and an enzuigiri. Lethal hits a brainbuster and an elbow drop for a near fall. More action after a figure four from Lethal. Mox hits Paradigm Shift for the pin and the win.
Winner – Jon Moxley
After the match, Moxley offers a handshake. Lethal hesitates a bit due to the frustration of losing, before shaking hands.
FTR vs Gunn Club
MJF is on the commentary for this match. Colten and Harwood start. Dax puts on a wristlock. Colten rolls through and tags in Austin. Dax puts on hammerlock and before hitting a drop toehold. Wheeler tags in and Austin takes him into the corner for quick shots. Wheeler hits arm drags and a dropkick. He hits a drop toehold and tags in Harwood for some double team. Colten trips Cash on the floor and Billy Gunn drops him behind the referee’s back. Austin unloads on Wheeler as we cut to a break.
Gunn Club still in control as we return. Austin hits a back suplex. Wheeler hits a back suplex of his own. A bit of back and forth before Dax gets a hot tag. He unloads with right hands and uppercuts. A dropkick and a lariat gets Harwood a two-count. Harwood hits a suplex before Colten takes his leg out. A crossbody gets Colten a two-count.
Wardlow walks into the arena through the crowd and takes on security guards. He even hits a powerbomb on one of them as he hunts down MJF down. But, he gets overwhelmed by the numbers and is escorted out. Billy Gunn interferes again and gets them a nearfall. Wheeler counters and tags in Harwood to hit Big Rig and get the win.
Winner – FTR
After the match, FTR shows MJF that they are not happy with what is happening with Wardlow.
Powerhouse Hobbs and Keith Lee get a promo package for their match at Rampage this week.
The Jericho Appreciation Society are cutting a promo backstage. Chris Jericho says they have had everybody talking about wanting to be part of the JAS, but if you want to join, you can go F**k yourself. Daniel Garcia says they have future endeavored Ortiz, Santana, and Eddie Kingston. They appear from behind the curtain as Jake Hager goes to take a peak.
A brawl breaks out all backstage before they get to the ringside. Kingston beats up Jericho at the ringside. They get into the ring and Eddie drops him with a backfist. Kingston holds up Garcia for a pump king from Santana. Jake Hager gets into the ring and gets control in JAS’s favor. He hits a big spinning spinebuster on Kingston. JAS beat up all three opponents. Jericho whips Kingston with his belt. JAS celebrate as the segment ends.
Tony Schiavone interviews Jade Cargill and Mark Sterling backstage. Sterling tells Cargill that there are two options for her 30th opponent and he has picked the librarian, Leva Bates. Jade snaps at him and says her 30th is not a joke win. Sterling tells her says option two is Marina Shafir. Cargill says she will fight her.
Bryan Danielson vs Wheeler Yuta
Bryan hits body shots. Yuta puts on a hammerlock. Bryan rolls over and hits a back body drop. Bryan gets his hands pinned to the ground. Danielson has to work to put his back to the mat. Yuta kicks him over. Bryan puts on an armbar and Yuta reaches bottom rope with his legs. Bryan hits a paint brush and shoulder tackle. Yuta cuts him off with a dropkick and unloads with elbows.
Bryan hits in his ribs before putting a submission move on the legs. Yuta reverses and forces him to grab the ropes. Yuta goes to the top but Bryan hits a kick to his ribs to take us to the break.
Yuta gets a two-count as we return. Bryan comes back with a dragon suplex. Bryan hits elbow shots at his collar and face. Yuta reverses it and does the same to Bryan for a near fall. Bryan coutners an armdrag and hits a running knee. Bryan gets in the referee’s face to tell him to check on Yuta. He hits his signature stomps on Yuta’s face before hitting a Gotch Piledriver. He puts on the Labell lock to get the submission win.
Winner – Bryan Danielson
The Bunny vs Toni Storm – Women’s Owen Hart Tournament Qualifier
Bunny is supposed to face a new signing. It turns out to be Toni Storm. Toni gets in the ring and the bells rings. Bunny shoves her. Toni nails her with a forearm. An elbow strike off the ropes from Toni. A suplex follows. Toni misses in the corner. They trade back and forth strikes. Toni drops her with a punch for a two-count. Toni starts to work on her shoulder. Bunny turns it around on the ropes and hits a knee to the midsection. Bunny runs over Toni on the floor. We cut to a break.
They trade more strikes as we return. Toni nails an elbow as Bunny comes off the ropes. Toni hits a lariat, stops thrust kick and hits a headbutt. Toni charges with a hip attack in the corner. Toni hits a fisherman suplex for a two-count. Bunny fights back and hits a Death Valley Driver for a two-count. Bunny hits a couple of superkicks for another two-count. Toni comes back with a German suplex and then hits Storm Zero for the pin and the win.
Winner – Toni Storm
Andrade El Idolo vs Darby Allin
Andrade cuts off Darby’s entrance with a tornado dive. He beats up Darby on the floor for a while. Darby sends him into the steel steps. Andrade counters and hits a suplex on the floor. He drops Darby on the steel steps now. The referee asks Darby if he can take part in the match. Darby agrees and gets into the ring.
Andrade stomps on him in the corner. He continues to beat up Darby. He charges in with double knees in the corner. Darby comes back with a jawbreaker. Andrade hits a back body drop to take back control. We cut to a break.
Darby counters Razor’s Edge with a Code Red for a two-count as we return from the break. Both men are down. Andrade charges but gets cut off with boots in the corner. Andrade hits a big boot himself. Andrade toys around with more kicks. Darby hypes up and they start trading slaps ferociously. Andrade hits the last slap and both men are down again.
Andrade takes off his belt. The referee takes it away. Darby takes down Andrade on the turnbuckle. He hits a stunner for a near fall. Andrade counters with a Urinage backbreaker on his knees. Andrade has Darby on his shoulder on the second rope. Darby counters with crucifix bomb. He puts on Fujiwara armbar. Jose the Assistant comes out and Sting follows him to beat him up. The Butcher and the Blade attack Sting.
Darby hits Coffin Drop on everyone outside the ring to save Sting. He returns to the ring and Andrade hits a bucklebomb. He follows with hammerlock DDT for the pin and the win.
Winner – Andrade El Idolo
After the match, AFO beats up Darby and Sting as Private Party also comes out. The Hardys come out to make the save. Others run away while Mark Quen is hit with Twist of Fate from Matt and a Swanton bomb by Jeff. The show goes off the air.
Andrade El Idolo vs Darby Allin: Andrade has been trying to get Darby Allin on his side for the past few weeks. Now, he will face Darby Allin for the very first time next week, and try to prove why Allin should work as his second assistant.
Gunn Club vs FTR: The Gunn Club taunted Dax Harwood when he lost a singles match against CM Punk. FTR thinks the Gunn Club wants respect, but they are not trying to earn it. As a result, FTR will face the Gunn Club next week in a tag-team match and try to teach them a lesson.
Owen Hart Tournament Qualifier: AEW has announced a new signing to be revealed at this week’s Dynamite, who will face The Bunny in the qualifying match for the women’s Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament.
CM Punk vs Max Caster: CM Punk will start his climb towards #1 contender status with a singles match against Max Caster. Will it be an easy win for Punk or will Caster give him some competition?
The tickets for AEW episode of March 30, 2022, from $50 onwards at the below link. The show will air from Colonial Life Arena in Columbia, SC.
One of the most consistent and entertaining eps of Dynamite ever, especially being one without any marquee (aside from maybe the main) matches or “big” angles.
Wheeler Yuta kicked so much ass, and Danielson did everything to make him a genuine star. That match was pure fu***** wrestling