AEW Dynamite June 1, 2022 Results & Live Updates(w/ Preview)

AEW Dynamite episode of June 1, 2022, will be the fallout edition of AEW Double or Nothing 2022. The new champion CM Punk will be in action as he teams up with FTR to take on The Gunn Club and Max Caster. Dynamite will make its Los Angeles debut at The Kia Forum with this show.
AEW has also revealed that huge matches are to be announced for upcoming events like Forbidden Door. An 8-man tag team match is announced for the show with the Young Bucks and ReDragon taking on Christian Cage, Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus & Matt Hardy. Jon Moxley will take on Daniel Garcia. We will also hear from MJF after his devastating loss to Wardlow.
Read below to check the details of the June 1, 2022 episode of AEW Dynamite.
Live Updates
CM Punk, Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler vs Max Caster, Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn
AEW World Champion CM Punk comes out to open the show. He jumps into the first row to celebrate with fans. FTR come out as Punk waits for them on the stage. Max Caster comes out with the Gunn Club and Anthony Bowens. Caster says in his rap that FTR has ride Punk’s coat to get on the show. He also calls Bret Hart trash.
Austin Gunn and Dax Harwood start the match. They lock and come to a stalemate in the corner. Austin arrogantly pushes Dax in the corner. They lock up again and Austin hits a shoulder tackle. Dax hits a back elbow and a clothesline. Cash tags in and Austin runs away from him to tag in Colten. A dropkick, back body drop and a clothesline from Cash on Colten. Caster tags in and teases outnumbering Cash. Cash tags in Punk while the referee removes others from the ring.
Punk hits some shots on Caster before Caster sends him to the corner and tries some cheap shots. Punk tags in Dax who hits a powerslam from the second rope. The Gunn Club work in tandem to corner Dax. The double team continues with clotheslines. Billy Gunn takes a cheap shot when Max was working on him on the ropes. Dax decks Caster, sends Austin over the ropes and counters Colten with a back drop. He goes to tag out but his tag team partners are swept from the apron. We cut to a break.
Caster is trying to go for a sharpshooter on Dax as we return. Dax kicks him away. Colten tags in to stop the tag but Dax slips out and tags in Punk. Punk hits rights on both Gunn brothers. He hits a neckbreaker on one, a dropkick on another. Caster is knocked off the apron. Cash comes in for tandem corner splashes on the Gunns. A back body drop sends Colten to outside on Caster. Punk hits an elbow drop on Austin. Billy Gunn gets on the apron to distract Punk. Austin roll up Punk but could only get a two-count. Punk hits him GTS and FTR hit the Big Rig to get the pin.
Winner – CM Punk, Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler
Punk says he has never done drugs in his life but he imagines that this is how if might feel like. He adds that his journey is riddled with mistakes and he is here to learn and grow. Punk brings up the Forbidden Door PPV and calls out anyone from New Japan to come out as they have a PPV to sell. Hiroshi Tanahashi comes out to the stage. Punk raises his title and so does FTR.
MJF Unleashed!
MJF comes out to the ring, looking pi**ed off. He says he is in a lot of pain right now after what happened on Sunday, but all of us only want to hear him talk. MJF calls out Tony Khan and says he has been trying to hush up things with him. He says he created moment after moment, but he still has got no respect. Everything he has touched has turned gold and he is expected to Slam Dunk everytime. He has a large mircoscope on him always.
He asks the fans who are clapping for him where they were when he was called unprofessional jerks. He calls the fans uneducated marks and tells them that they do not know shit. He gets hyped on being called a bad wrestler in the ring and calls himself a Generational talent. MJF says these opinions are not just from the fans, but from the management also. He says he is the best minute-to-minute draw and if we don’t believe him, we should ask Tony Khan about it.
One thing we should ask him though is to reach into his pockets and pay him more. He takes shots at Tony for bringing in ex-WWE guys and says Tony might have paid him more if he was an ex-WWE guy. MJF makes it clear that he does not want to be here until 2024 and tells Tony to fire him. Just as MJF calls him a mark and hurls some explecites towards him, MJF’s mic cuts off and the screen turns to black.
Johnny Elite vs Miro
Johnny Elite makes his way out for a match. Miro appears on the screen for a promo against God. He says he is coming back to AEW to redeem his fellow men. He says more things daring God and says he does not wish any longer to come home, he wants to come and take his place back. Miro comes out now. He gets a good reception from the crowd.
Johnny hits a low kick as the bell rings. Miro hits a clothesline to drop him. He unloads with rights, lefts and stomps. Johnny hits some body shots. Miro hits him with a backdrop suplex before we cut to a break.
Miro hits him with an Urinage as we return. Miro gets ready for Machka kick but Johnny ducks him and nails him with a roundhouse kick. Johnny hits more punches before Miro throws him to the corner. Johnny fights out of the corner and hits a springboard leg lariat. He hits a standing moonsault. Johnny misses a moonsault from the top. Miro nails him with a superkick. He puts on the Camel Clutch and gets the submission.
Winner – Miro
Blood & Guts!
Jericho Appreciation Society come out apart from Daniel Garcia. Parker says they dominate Anarchy in the Arena at Double or Nothing and asks AEW Galaxy to appreciate them. Menard calls themselves Princes of People because nobody does it better than them.
Jericho says winning that match was not without any damage and counts how he was beaten up during the match. And worst of all, Eddie Kingston tried to burn him down with a gas can. Jericho brings up Bryan Danielson saying that he will knock his head out but he and Hager choked him out to win the match. Jericho says Sports Entertainer always wins against pro-wrestlers.
Eddie Kingston comes out to the stage with William Regal. Eddie says he wants to fight them all and asks Regal to tell them where he wants to face them. Regal screams “Blood & Guts.” Regal goes back and Eddie walks down the ramp. Hager, Menard and Parker go to attack Eddie on the ramp. Ortiz comes from behind and drops Jericho with something in his handkerchief. Ortiz cuts some of Jericho’s hair before Hager and others force him to run off. Jericho gets mad at his hair being cut. He agrees to Blood and Gut but he wants Ortiz in a Hair vs Hair match first.
We cut to footage after Double or Nothing where Samoa Joe was attacked by Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt. They drop him on the steel chair. Dustin Rhodes came in to force them to back off.
Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, Christian Cage, Matt Hardy & Darby Allin vs Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson, Bobby Fish, Kyle O’Reilly & Hikaleo
KOR and Jungle Boy start the match. JB hits an armdrag and a dropkick. Fish tags in and JB hits him with armdrag also. Christian tags in and combines with JB to hit double hip tosses to Fish and Nick. Hardy tags in and hits an elbow drop on Fish. Fish hits a kick to the gut. Matt and Christian tag in from both sides. Christian hits a thrust kick and unloads in the corner. A swinging DDT from Christian. Fish tries to interfere but Darby unloads on him on the apron. JB hits Fish with a hurricanrana. Everyone gets in the ring to start brawling. When the dust settles, The Bucks hit Christian with superkicks. Matt Jackson hits a suicide on Matt Hardy.
Christian counters to drop the Young Bucks as we return. Luchasaurus tags in and start unloading of the Bucks. He hits corner back-splashes as KOR and Fish also try to get invovled. He drops Matt Jackson and Fish with a double clothesline. Luchasaurus slams Matt’s head to the mat. JB hits a Canadian Destroyer on Nick. Luchasaurus hits a chokeslam and a standing moonsault on Matt. Hikaleo breaks the pin and drags Matt to the corner to tag in.
Hikaleo hits some punches before they take out each other with clotheslines. Allin and KOR tag in. Allin takes KOR to the corner and unloads. Fish comes in and is sent to the other corner. Darby runs from corner to corner with back splashes on Fish and KOR. Hikaleo comes in and Allin low bridges him to the floor. Hikaleo catches Darby as he goes for the Coffin Drop on the floor. Hardy slams KOR and Fish’s faces into the turnbuckles.
The Undisputed Elites take control of the match with interruptions. The Bucks go wild with Superkick party. ReDragon hits Luchasaurus with High-Low and The Bucks hit Meltzer Driver on Jungle Boy to get the pin and the win.
Winners – Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson, Bobby Fish, Kyle O’Reilly & Hikaleo
Keith Lee and Shane Strickland are interviewed backstage. Swerve introduces us to some people part of MCU Creative who have come to support him.
Tony Schiavone brings out Athena to the stage for an interview. Athena says she is finally All Elite and goes to talk about the competition in the women’s division in AEW, namedropping TBS Champion Jade Cargill. She claims that she is the one to break Cargill’s streak as she is the Fallen Goddess. Jade Cargill comes out with Stokely Hathaway and her Baddies. She lets Stokeley Hathaway speak for her. Hathaway says it is his job as Cargill’s publicist to let everyone know that she is a queen, a goddess and TBS Champion. He tells Athena that she will not get title shot tonight. Kiera Hogan gets in Athena’s face. Anna Jay and Kris Statlander come out to support Athena. Stokely separates everyone before it could turn out into a brawl.
Wardlow vs JD Drake
Drake starts with big chops and takes Wardlow to the corner. Wardlow fights out of the corner and starts his powerbomb symphony to get the pin.
Winner – Wardlow
Mark Sterling cuts off the post-match interview to reveal that he is filing a class action lawsuit on behalf of the American Arena Security Professionals who have beaten up Wardlow in the feud with MJF. Wardlow reacts to this by hitting more powerbombs on the security guard who came to serve him papers of the case. He jams the papers in the guard’s mouth.
Scorpio Sky is with Dan Lambert and Ethan Page for an interviewed backstage. Lambert talks about Dante Martin’s potential and adds that Sky has already fulfilled his potential. Scorpio tells Martin to enjoy his California vacation until Friday when he is gonna get his ass handed to him. Martin comes out and says he is already better than Sky and will prove it on Rampage.
Toni Storm & Ruby Soho vs Britt Baker & Jamie Hayter
Toni and Baker start the match and Toni unloads on her in the corner. Baker shows off her Owen Hart belt. Baker gets back and was busy in talking to Hayter when Storm rolls her up. Storm hits a dropkick on Baker. Ruby comes in and hits a running kick. Baker tags out and Hayter runs over Ruby with a big boot. Baker sweeps Ruby’s leg and hits neckbreaker on the floor to take us to the break.
Ruby counters a suplex attempt with a backslide. Hayter sweeps off Storm off the apron. Ruby hits a butterfly suplex on Baker. Storm returns to the corner and tags in. Hayter comes in and Storm drops him with a shoulder tackle. Storm with more quick attacks in the corner. Hayter goes to the floor and counters to hit a DDT on Storm on the floor. Ruby hits a crossbody on Hayter. Baker hits Ruby with a slingblade. Baker throws Hayter and Storm into the ring.
Ruby runs into a superkick from Baker. Storm drops her in return. Hayter hits a big boot and Ruby takes out Hayter with a leg sweep. Britt hits a butterfly suplex on Ruby. Britt hits a swinging neckbreaker on Ruby. Toni gets on the apron. Hayter also gets on the apron and there was a bit of miscommunication between Hayter and Baker. Soho takes advantage and nails Baker with a kick. Ruby hits Destination Unknown to get the pin.
Winners – Toni Storm & Ruby Soho
Jon Moxley vs Daniel Garcia
They lock up and Garcia corners Moxley. Mox hits big chops. Garcia tries to fire back with his palm strikes. Mox hypes up and they trade more palm strikes. They come face to face and Mox slaps Garcia. Mox takes him down and hits kicks to his back. Garcia hits headbutts. Garcia pushes and takes Mox to the floor. Garcia sends Mox into the steel steps. He traps Mox’s legs in between the steel steps and the ringpost and hits dropkick on steel steps. We cut to a break.
Garcia hits an avalanche backdrop suplex as we return. Mox gauges his eyes as he goes for the sharpshooter. Mox goes to the floor and drops Garcia on the steel steps with suplex throw. Mox hits clothesline in the corner. He hits a suplex from the second rope. He softens up Garcia with elbow before putting on a choke. Garcia rolls over and nails elbows to Mox’s neck. He goes for a sleeper but Mox turns it around again. Mox puts on the cross armbreaker but Garcia counters it with inverted Indian Deathlock.
Back and forth action continues after Mox grabs the ropes. Garcia hits a piledriver to get a near fall. Garcia puts on the Sharpshooter. Mox counters with a bulldog choke. Garcia gets a two-count. They end up on the floor again. Mox drops Garcia into the table. Back to the ring, Mox hits a running kick. Jericho gets on the apron to distract Mox. Eddie Kingston comes down to deal with Jericho. Moxley hits Paradigm shift on Garcia while Eddie and Jericho brawl. Mox puts on a bulldog choke to get the submission.
Winner – Jon Moxley
After the match, Mox gets on the mic as Eddie Kingston joins him. Mox says he will there in Blood and Guts.
The Undisputed Elite vs Matt Hardy, Christian Cage, Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus: Matt Hardy will join forces with Christian Cage, Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus to take on The Young Bucks, Bobby Fish & Kyle O’Reilly in a ten-man tag-team match as the two sides continue to feud coming out of Double or Nothing.
Daniel vs Daniel: After a chaotic Anarchy in the Arena match, Jon Moxley is all ready to take on Daniel Garcia at Dynamite this week. How long will this feud continue?
CM Punk & FTR: CM Punk will team up with fellow Bret Hart die hard fans FTR to take on Max Caster and The Gunn Club. Are we setting up for a trio match for them at Forbidden Door event?
MJF’s Address: MJF will address the crowd after a weekend of wild speculations that he is hell-bent on leaving AEW and after a big loss to Wardlow at Double or Nothing. What does the Salt of the Earth has to say for himself?